Going Away

Me too.:wave:
Hi Kirk

Sorry to hear you are leaving TP, it was nice to see your images from across the pond :)

PS hope it wasn't anything I said :thinking:
I like the picture and also agree with the thoughts on perfection as some of my pictures that I really like now were almost deleted for one reason or another. Lovely pictures in that blog BTW :D

I've no idea if or why you've decided to leave TP Kirk and if you haven't just ignore the following as a misunderstanding... if your mind is made up then I'll wish you well but I will say that if leaving is because of something negative that's been posted perhaps you could try just ignoring, blocking or balancing the negative against the positives of seeing some lovely, thought provoking and even inspiring pictures and interacting with some interesting and genuinely nice people.

Whatever your choice, here's wishing you and yours well :D

View attachment 353746

It's been nice. :wave:

I think that`s a lovely shot Kirk, the angle is good showing off good detail of the majority of the subject, the fact the head is not obscured by the wing is a bonus as well. I have no idea what the leaving bit is all about unless I missed something.

With regards to the article I had a bit of a read and at the end of the day it`s one persons take on it. But digital certainly has given people far more options and with the abilty to edit stuff to your own liking it`s bound to be an advantage. Like any topic people will agree, disagree or have an opinon on it nobody else has mentioned. Social media is full of people claiming that someones shot is perfection, the word is used too lighly imo as well as most making that comment are pretty clueless anyhow. IMyself probably like a few others see more about bird photography than any other genre so I can only comment with regards to that. Funnily enough I was reading a post the other day on Farcebook and it was to do with just how many people are just posting images up of the latest camera and lens technology they have purchased, yet a few months down the road that person posts hardly anything if at all of what they have taken with it. And what they do post up which is mainly birds are what I would say were ok to average. Mind you in saying that i`sd be the first to admit mine ain`t much better. I have never bothered to strive for perfection but on the other hand like most I try to improve as much as I can.

So it seems to me that quite a few aim for perfection simply by throwing a s***e load of money at it hoping that will cure things, perhaps I am wrong with respect to that but at the moment I cannot see any reason for it other than bragging rights. I appreciate that people do upgrade after holding on to their last bit of kit for a few years and with regards to purchasing something that has a superior AF on it as an example they would be daft not to go down that route. Going back to the digital and editing thing though, again the amount of comments you see saying dont worry about it being oof etc, just go and throw some more money at the likes of Topaz and so on, again that`s just being pretty clueless as to where the fault is in the first place, and that is not having any idea of the basics to start with. Perhaps I have not completely understood this thread Kirk and you are referring to comments you have received, as like I say you have not said too much, or if you have it must of been elsewhere.
There are all sorts of ways to take a photo, generally here in the critique Bird Forum a photo get technical crit (if you are fortunate enough) but it's always possible to explain what you were aiming for if it was something specific.
There's even a Forum for Creative Photos if that's the way you wanted to present your photo.
I don't get the wave goodbye and leave someone else to make a statement in print. discuss ... it is TalkPhotography after all.
Wonderful shot, Kirk!