Going to Welney WWT to see the swans - accommodation and kit advice please.

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Having missed them last year, we have decided to go on a quick flit [between funerals, alas] over to Welney from Herefordshire. We are regular visitors to Slimbridge but it doesn't get the numbers that are reported at Welney. Do you have any tips for accommodation for two within say 10 miles or so? I understand there are feeds as often as three times a day plus there are also walks to look for hares. Ignoring the hares for the moment, what lenses would you take. I am on full frame and really like the birds in flight but have no idea what might be possible with the numbers there - perhaps some abstracts. Anyway, any tips would be very welcome. Thanks
Sorrow no advice...just jealous that you get to see all those Whoopers and Bewicks!! Enjoy, look forward to seeing the pics [emoji2]
I went in December and the swan numbers were very low. For swans in flight I use my 18-135 lens towards its long end. For use in the main hide, I fine my 50mm lens is fine. (I am using a crop camera).
Main building is indoors behind glass or at least one big section is, felt a bit unreal to me. There are other little hides about like air raid shelters half buried in the ground, right bugger to get in and out of

Big hide at the top of the main drag was busy with photographers armed with all sorts of gear, I took a 400mm, but it was a bit too long, 70-200 should do the job.

Best bit of the day for me was seeing a Water Vole close up, shame my photo only got the ripple as it went under the surface.

Downham Market is probably the nearest for somewhere to stay, beware if the road is flooded, often is and can mean a very long detour
Well, we just returned. We stayed in a B and B a mile down the road from the WWT. Very, very good indeed and fabulous breakfast: The School House. The upper level hides were better for my biggest lens. I thought the downstairs view was great but my 500mm could barely move so I didn't go in there this morning at dawn. The light was great for a short period but then we had to go. The light was still quite dull when many of the Whoopers ran to take off but absolutely terrific to watch. It more than made up for the weather if the previous two days.
Well, we just returned. We stayed in a B and B a mile down the road from the WWT. Very, very good indeed and fabulous breakfast: The School House. The upper level hides were better for my biggest lens. I thought the downstairs view was great but my 500mm could barely move so I didn't go in there this morning at dawn. The light was great for a short period but then we had to go. The light was still quite dull when many of the Whoopers ran to take off but absolutely terrific to watch. It more than made up for the weather if the previous two days.
When you say downstairs view do you mean the 'photography hide' beneath the main hide? How did you get in at dawn? I thought access was limited due to access to the bridge being from inside the main building? I haven't been for about 4 years as I went once and from no access at sunrise and limiting at sunset due to closing times.
Hi. I happened to find a sympathetic warden who was in very early for one day a month when doing the bird count across the wash in conjunction with the rspb who have other areas to do. We were really lucky, especially after the poor weather. We had to leave by 8.30 so light was still quite low. And yes, I was meaning the hide that you have to pay for downstairs which, for birds in flight wasn't great- I have a shoulder problem and can't heft a big lens around. Fortunately I took another body so that I could use a much lighter lens but flight after dawn was limited.

We have the same problems at Slimbridge with access. I have to say, I was really bowled over by the vista from the Welney observatory, when compared with the rushy pen at Slimbridge.
Hi. I happened to find a sympathetic warden who was in very early for one day a month when doing the bird count across the wash in conjunction with the rspb who have other areas to do. We were really lucky, especially after the poor weather. We had to leave by 8.30 so light was still quite low. And yes, I was meaning the hide that you have to pay for downstairs which, for birds in flight wasn't great- I have a shoulder problem and can't heft a big lens around. Fortunately I took another body so that I could use a much lighter lens but flight after dawn was limited.

We have the same problems at Slimbridge with access. I have to say, I was really bowled over by the vista from the Welney observatory, when compared with the rushy pen at Slimbridge.
sounds like the perfect trip, some times when things work out by chance its the best way.