Google Chrome - Impressive

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I downloaded Google Chrome this week after being bombarded with adverts for it on the tube. I have to say, I'm very impressed. For those who don't know, it's a new web browser - free - from Google.

It's incredibly simple and amazingly fast. It seems to even leave Firefox in the dust, and Internet Explorer now just seems so clunky and unwieldy. It's especially noticeable when running "web applications". The application window also leaves a lot more room for the web page than IE or Firefox, which is making things a whole lot bigger and more pleasant.

If you haven't tried it, I recommend it - it's a very small download (around 1mb) and should work well, even on old computers. It takes a lot to impress me with technology, and even more so to bother to post about it on an internet forum!

And no, I don't work for Google, get paid by them, or have any friends or relatives in the organisation :LOL:
I have been using this for a few months now and love it. Fantastic browser.

My only crit is the lack of plugins, I'd like to have an exif viewer plug in so that I can right click for image exif data like I used to in FF. Thats the only thing I miss though.

I love the alternative to the homepage, genius!
I agree.
I DL it the day that it was released and have since ditched Firefox, Safari and Opera (IE was abandoned a long time ago).
It dies use a lot of system resource, but v impressive performance.
Well I've used Crazy Browser for years.

Like IE but has tabbed browsing and Groups where you can store all your regularly used Web Pages organised into groups and open them all with a single click.

For instance I have a group called "Photography" which opens 2 photographic forums, My Flickr, Jessops, Google and a lens preview site - all at once.

Makes browsing very easy.
chrome is great but I can't move over from FF until I can run Flashblock - there is no way I'm having all those stupid movies distracting me
I'm confused about the ad blocking..... I have never had any ads or movies and it blocks popups...
It does block some popups but I don't think it blocks the kind of ads you get on sites like facebook
Personally, I don't really miss plugins. I think they're one of the reasons why Firefox has become so bloated. Nevertheless, I generally preferred Firefox over IE. However, I only downloaded Chrome three days ago, and I've used nothing else since - it breezes along and is so simple. That's what I like about it.
I have been using this for a few months now and love it. Fantastic browser.

My only crit is the lack of plugins, I'd like to have an exif viewer plug in so that I can right click for image exif data like I used to in FF. Thats the only thing I miss though.

Hi Rob

I've been using Chrome for a while and have the version that supports extensions. There seems to be about 1600 of them and they are really easy to apply. I have got one that automatically translates pages and another, called Exponator, that displays EXIF information when you hover over an image.

It is configurable as to how much of the data is displayed and seems to work pretty well. I think there were one or two alternative EXIF tools too.

In general, Chrome seems to work well and if a tab becomes unresponsive it can be killed without closing the browser. It's pretty efficient on system resources too.
Personally, I don't really miss plugins. I think they're one of the reasons why Firefox has become so bloated. Nevertheless, I generally preferred Firefox over IE. However, I only downloaded Chrome three days ago, and I've used nothing else since - it breezes along and is so simple. That's what I like about it.

ive only got exif viewer plugin installed.. :(

the latest version seems to hog a lot of memory and cpu time.
It's only the beta version that supports extensions - how stable is the beta?
ive only got exif viewer plugin installed.. :(

the latest version seems to hog a lot of memory and cpu time.

Hmm. I'm clunking along on a fairly basic laptop and everything else seems to be whizzing along at the same time. :clap:

There are so many variables with PC's, it's probably impossible to have something that works universally well for everyone - it works superbly for me.
the beta version is very stable i have been using it since it originally came out and have had very few issues.

The advantage of chrome is that each tab and each extension has it own process. So if any single one of them crashes you only loose that tab or that extension and not the whole browsing session.
Tried it for a while, coudln't get on. The adblocker lack was a bugger, killer was it does not support Ebay properly, I use Ebay alot for buying and selling stuff and the html editor... well, it doesn't basically.

its ont bad, but my main issue with it is its password security,
under options, personal stuff, you can view you saved passwords in clear text !!!!!, not clever should your laptop/pc fall into the wrong hands.
its ont bad, but my main issue with it is its password security,
under options, personal stuff, you can view you saved passwords in clear text !!!!!, not clever should your laptop/pc fall into the wrong hands.

Crikey, I'd not noticed that before! (Apologies for sounding like someone from the 1950's).

I hope there's no way of hacking that information out. I don't know enough about the technical specifics - hopefully it would appear as encrypted information to someone hacking in from outside, but it's a godsend to anyone who steals your laptop.
Yeah i hadn't noticed that either, but it only stores your saved passwords. So any browser you use would have the same issue if you had your computer stolen.
Is your laptop not protected user-wise? And FF is the same... Tools/Options/Security/Saved Passwords/Show Passwords
They must have spent billions advertising this, it's everywhere even in the depths of Salford:

Crikey, I'd not noticed that before! (Apologies for sounding like someone from the 1950's).

I hope there's no way of hacking that information out. I don't know enough about the technical specifics - hopefully it would appear as encrypted information to someone hacking in from outside, but it's a godsend to anyone who steals your laptop.

True, but a best practice is not to save inmportant passwords, it defeats the object of them. If someone stole your laptop and got into its, even saved and hidden would still work if they went to the right website....

I only save passwords to forums etc, and should my laptop be stolen, I'd change the passwords ASAP.
another good point Ambermile they would also have to know your windows password.
I've been using it for 6 months or so now and absolutely love it. One issue is that some websites don't render properly - i.e. they look a bit weird as the developers have not taken Chrome into account. That said with all the advertising they're doing for it at the moment I'd imaging people will start to fix this! I ruin a website and get data on which browsers people are using and Chrome now accounts for 2% which is a hell of a lot higher than it was.
They must have spent billions advertising this, it's everywhere even in the depths of Salford:


You know I saw a poster in Salford too, must be near the train lines somewhere.

Just read the browser war is hotting up again with Chrome and Firefox 3.6 about to be release very soon, did read IE may even lose the top spot too.
I tried it sometime last year, got myself a virus after a month :|

I've always felt safest in Firefox. Internet Explorer is stupid at best and feature lacking (although it is catching up slowly).

I know Chrome has been developed a lot in the past 6+ months but my confidence is shot down knowing I got a virus last time. I'm happy the way I am at the moment, Firefox has never let me down.

Positives for Chrome, while it lasted, it was awesome, quickest browser I've had to load from the desktop and it was very clean and well thought out. (y)
i think it's bizarre that someone would expect a browser to be the part of cause of them getting a virus, granted they're trying to cover some ground but really the anti virus you use should stop it and i'd also say to a certain extent your browsing habits :)

"i'm not going to drive volkwagens because i test drove one the other day and i got a cold" :p

i think it's great, it's what firefox used to be, imho browsers should be released in editions for a variety of users because sometimes i do miss the plugins on firefox but not enough to skip chrome :)
Chrome seems good but on my machine it doesn't seem quite as fast as IE8. I ran Firefox for quite a while and found it getting slower and slower and I wasn't loading add ins. I went back to IE eventually and I'm finding the current version very good. Chrome seems very nearly as good to me but IE feels a bit quicker and easier on my eye.
I tried it months ago and wasn't very impressed. Yes, it's quicker than IE and FF but that's not difficult. Safari is just as quick and I still use this on both OS-X and XP.
Been using Google Chrome for over 6 months now, really amazed by its speed. Love the way you can search, enter url all on the address bar. Was on a friends laptop the other day and using firefox I kept on thinking it was chrome so ended up typing a search on the address bar! :D

Safari is quicker for me on my MBP so I'll stick with that for the time being. I'm sure Chrome will get better, I'll just wait till then...

From what I have been told by my housemate (he's a Mac and Windows user) is that Chrome is a lot more sluggish on Mac than Windows. Hopefully they will fix that in the near future as I'm moving onto Macs soon!
I tried Chrome a while back and was very impressed, but there are a few plugins in Firefox I'd miss. :(

Pleased to hear there is an EXIF plugin for Chrome, it justs needs; an ad blocker, a waiting screen skipper on download sites, Greasemonkey for the Allsizes plugin for Flickr, and one which lets me select a load of Rapidshare links and start downloading them in one click... :cautious:
I used this when 1st launched and had one of my cards frauded, the card was only used within chrome and had never left the house, cant remember which website I bought from but was one of the big ones. Card company paid up with no problems however.

I currently do most of my browsing in IE and only use FF for download helper so might go back to it now its had some time to mature, the adverts are getting to me too, they're everywhere.