Gordon Brown completely out of touch

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they drain everything that my family has paid for in the past generations.

they have paid nothing.

Of course! Because no British people are draining the system by having multiple kids and not doing a days work in their life, are they?
Better not mention housing benefit then...

When I worked at the DHSS (which was a long,long time ago) I had a case across my desk where a family of five were being housed in a b+b at a weekly cost of over £1200....

This is where the DHSS, and now the DWP and DCSF, are at fault and how they operate needs to be examined. You can't blame families, be them British or otherwise, if the various government departments put them in housing like you gave an example of. That's the government at fault.
I do love to come and look at these threads just to amuse myself with the ill-educated/ill-informed making wild statements.

Thanks for cheering me up guys n gals (y)
why do people have so much of this "foreign people taking our jobs" attitude. We live on a planet with lots and lots of humans on it. We are all the same, Britain is not for the british is a place on earth and that doesnt belong to any one person...
I do love to come and look at these threads just to amuse myself with the ill-educated/ill-informed making wild statements.

Thanks for cheering me up guys n gals (y)

why do people have so much of this "foreign people taking our jobs" attitude. We live on a planet with lots and lots of humans on it. We are all the same, Britain is not for the british is a place on earth and that doesnt belong to any one person...

two people talking sense :clap:
why do people have so much of this "foreign people taking our jobs" attitude. We live on a planet with lots and lots of humans on it. We are all the same, Britain is not for the british is a place on earth and that doesnt belong to any one person...

The concern is all these foreign workers coming to the UK and taking the jobs where there are still several million British unemployed. It'd be naive so say that this absolutely doesn't happen, however I'd argue that there are plenty of jobs out there, if someone is willing to do them.

I know I could get a job in a bar, cafe, restaurant, shop or whatever, today, should I wanted one (I already have a job, thank you very much). The problem is the benefits of staying unemployed can sometimes outweigh the salary of those kind of jobs.

I'm not convinced money earned from a full time job working in any of those kind of jobs would be less than the dole though, but there are other benefits to be had from being unemployed and I'm sure they're still available, to some extent, to people on low incomes. So then it comes down to sheer laziness, which we do very well, apparently.
The concern is all these foreign workers coming to the UK and taking the jobs where there are still several million British unemployed. It'd be naive so say that this absolutely doesn't happen, however I'd argue that there are plenty of jobs out there, if someone is willing to do them.

I completely understand what you are saying and there are many specialist jobs that britons could take that are being given to people from other countries. But the majority of cases its jobs like cleaning, bar work and so on. Now british people dont want these jobs but when there is high unemployment many complain because the people that come here for watever reason DO take them.

The last two years ive been trying to learn as much as possible about british politics and government and so far ive learnt that growing up in this country is good. But to stay here when i can speak 4 languages is stupid as there is nothing for anyone anymore.

Please dont grill me, these are personal opinions and i do understand what others are saying but we cant keep complaining about the lack of multi culturalism in the world and also complain about who's taking who's taking who's job.
I take umbrage at the amount of tax and NI I have to pay and it gets given to someone else who has done nothing to "earn" it.
My father in-law is disabled yet can't claim his full benefit entightlement, my Mother in-law who looks after him can't claim carers allowance. My Father in-law worked for 40 years before his disability prevented him from continuing. He's paid his dues so why can't he now claim his dues.
A workmate who is divorced had his daughter living with him in a council/housing association flat, he gets a new girlfriend and moves out, although "technically" still living in the flat with his daughter. Then his daughter, now 18 and can't be bothered to turn up for work has a place of her own paid for by the tax payer, he made her homeless and we have to foot the bill for her home. His girlfriends 18 yr old daughter, gets herself pregnant by some lowlife. She now has a council/housing association house of her own again paid for by tax payers.
My eldest son is finding it hard a part time job to fit in with the variation of times and days he attends college including some weekends. I'm supporting him to the best of my means. Why can't others do the same instead of passing their bill onto me and you as tax/NI payers.
"why cant they" aint that just a peach.

My brother has a friend who grew up in the "benefits" environment. He finished school with my brother, and is now 19 hasnt had 1 job claims benefits and is waiting for his own flat... He broke is fibula and then got hit by a car and claimed for that , no problem...

I broke my leg in 2007 and again in 08, I worked when i was at college and worked at uni and worked after that ive always paid tax and NI and it took me 3 months to try and claim disability allowence to help my mother who had to take me in. By the time they got to the final stage i had started wheight bearing and got myself a temp job.

Its disgracefull how this country works
but we cant keep complaining about the lack of multi multiculturalism in the world and also complain about who's taking who's taking who's job.

Who is complaining about the LACK of multiculturalism, there is far too much effort and money spent on try to attain something we don't want or need.

Now don't get me wrong, everyone can worship to what ever religion they wish I have no problems at all with that.

It's all the daft things the PC brigade do to support multiculturalism, yet would be in uproar we we allowed true multiculturalism.

The culture in some countrys is to eat horse and dog meat, but what would happen if my local butcher sold these. He'd be closed down in a flash, but hey it's multiculturalism. Also we spend far far to much money in printing pamphlets in every language we can think of.

If we want to get everyone involved in society we have to stop the multiculturalism, as I believe this encourages the ghetto mentality. We need everyone who lives in this country to adopt the British culture (whatever this is).
Of course! Because no British people are draining the system by having multiple kids and not doing a days work in their life, are they?

I agree this is not perfect but they are british citizens as their parents before them and before them.

and the benefit system is a government rule so they use it.[who are the bright ones we who work and get paid or those that dont and get paid]

just for the record i have always worked .
Who is complaining about the LACK of multiculturalism, there is far too much effort and money spent on try to attain something we don't want or need.

Now don't get me wrong, everyone can worship to what ever religion they wish I have no problems at all with that.

It's all the daft things the PC brigade do to support multiculturalism, yet would be in uproar we we allowed true multiculturalism.

The culture in some countrys is to eat horse and dog meat, but what would happen if my local butcher sold these. He'd be closed down in a flash, but hey it's multiculturalism. Also we spend far far to much money in printing pamphlets in every language we can think of.

If we want to get everyone involved in society we have to stop the multiculturalism, as I believe this encourages the ghetto mentality. We need everyone who lives in this country to adopt the British culture (whatever this is).

You only have to go across the channel to France if you want to eat horse :)

The idea of everyone adopting the same "culture" sounds like my idea of hell. The only thing interesting about this country anymore is the multiculturalism it offers. I love the opportunity of trying different foods from different cultures, or to see films and listen to music that isn't British or European.

Besides which, who would decide what is "British"? Britain has had multicultural influences for hundreds and hundreds of years, since we started invading and taking over other countries and cultures. Multiculturalism IS British culture.
If we want to get everyone involved in society we have to stop the multiculturalism, as I believe this encourages the ghetto mentality. We need everyone who lives in this country to adopt the British culture (whatever this is).

I completely agree... But as you said, "What is British culture?"

We seem to have lost touch with this. I mean look at the news. A woman had to quit working at a school because she refused to have a second assembly for muslim students at school. I dont think thats right at all everyone should have one assembly just the same.

But what i was saying is that I support multicultural societies...As long as it is inkept within the rules of the country you live in. I would more than welcome anyone into this country, but if that person turned around and said we need to change this... he should have been told were to go from the beggining. Which were i think this goverment whent wrong. It said "ok we will change things to accomodate you" and now its a big snowball with more and more demands for change.

why do people have so much of this "foreign people taking our jobs" attitude. We live on a planet with lots and lots of humans on it. We are all the same, Britain is not for the british is a place on earth and that doesnt belong to any one person...

What a load of nonsense. When Bulgaria and Romania were allowed into the EU, the then Scottish First Minister, Jack McConnell, proclaimed that Scotland would welcome immigrants from these countries with open arms, as the ones who would come here would be the doctors, lawyers and other professionals.

But they didn't come. In their place came the gypsies and gangsters.

If you think the majority of those who come here as asylum seekers or economic migrants are doing so because they want to contribute to our society then you are sadly deluded.

It's this sort of ill-though-out,left-wing namby pamby, human-rights-for criminals-but-not-for-victims, don't-offend-terrorists, type of thinking that is ruining this country.
Everything is fine until they dictate what we can do,

eg dont put up a Christmas tree because it may offend.

cant get an appointment at my docs on Thur's afternoons cause its reserved for asylum seekers. [my uncle in swindon]

english is not the first language in some schools. [my cousin in bristol so they moved house]

ect ect ect

i could go on forever but i wont.
Who is complaining about the LACK of multiculturalism, there is far too much effort and money spent on try to attain something we don't want or need.

Since when did you speak for the country? I've never heard of you.

The culture in some countrys is to eat horse and dog meat, but what would happen if my local butcher sold these. He'd be closed down in a flash, but hey it's multiculturalism. Also we spend far far to much money in printing pamphlets in every language we can think of.

This is one of the most pathetic things I've ever read on the TP forums. I mean really. Do you honestly believe that? Is that really what you think? If so then I really really feel sorry for you. I really do. You can eat ostrich and crocodile meet in some restaurants in Britain. How is dog and horse meet any different apart from the obvious?

Honestly mate, you're arguments are getting worse and worse.
Everything is fine until they dictate what we can do,

eg dont put up a Christmas tree because it may offend.

cant get an appointment at my docs on Thur's afternoons cause its reserved for asylum seekers. [my uncle in swindon]

english is not the first language in some schools. [my cousin in bristol so they moved house]

ect ect ect

i could go on forever but i wont.

Most foreigners I've met in Glasgow speak better English than the locals. They also don't seem to have children at 13.

I'm Sikh, my wife is too and one of the highlights of the year is putting up a Christmas tree at Christmas time. We eat eat easter eggs, we send Christmas cards. Stop ****ing generalizing.

You seem to be so proud of being British yet you can't even put a capital 'E' in English.
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What a load of nonsense. When Bulgaria and Romania were allowed into the EU, the then Scottish First Minister, Jack McConnell, proclaimed that Scotland would welcome immigrants from these countries with open arms, as the ones who would come here would be the doctors, lawyers and other professionals.

But they didn't come. In their place came the gypsies and gangsters.

If you think the majority of those who come here as asylum seekers or economic migrants are doing so because they want to contribute to our society then you are sadly deluded.

It's this sort of ill-though-out,left-wing namby pamby, human-rights-for criminals-but-not-for-victims, don't-offend-terrorists, type of thinking that is ruining this country.

WHAT!!! You have just taken a tiny bit of what i have said and deconstructed it to suit your beleifs. When you open your doors to immigrant are you really foolish enough to think the only people that are going to turn up are upstanding people. No way your going to get the people that have nothing and think its all going to change if they leave their country.

If you are saying that people HAVE to conform to everything british or we wont let you in then its people like you that ruin this country
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Most foreigners I've met in Glasgow speak better English than the locals. They also don't seem to have children at 13.

I think you will find in some countries it is considered legal to marry at 13 and sometimes to men much older, and against there will and yes they are having children at 13.

We obviously disagree about foreign people living in this country so its no point in going around in circles.

My spelling is alaways bad. lol
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Most foreigners I've met in Glasgow speak better English than the locals.

That, sadly, is true :shake:

I'm Sikh, my wife is too and one of the highlights of the year is putting up a Christmas tree at Christmas time. We eat eat easter eggs, we send Christmas cards. Stop ****ing generalizing.

Get your own bloody festivals, you, you, you....sikh person, you :LOL:
Everything is fine until they dictate what we can do,

eg dont put up a Christmas tree because it may offend.

cant get an appointment at my docs on Thur's afternoons cause its reserved for asylum seekers. [my uncle in swindon]

english is not the first language in some schools. [my cousin in bristol so they moved house]

ect ect ect

i could go on forever but i wont.

The best ( worst) thing I heard
A friend lives in Bedford which has a very high multi-cultural population
and have the usual signs in the town hall and other government offices
" if you would like to speak to someone in your own language etc"

He went to the town hall on an "important business matter" and was greeted
by an Asian chap.
My friend was having trouble communicating with said fellow and asked to speak to "someone who's first language was English".
Eventaually a manager apeared and escorted him off the premisise for being racist. :shrug:
If you are saying that people HAVE to conform to everything british or we wont let you in then its people like you that ruin this country

No, you're quite right, what Scotland really needed was an influx of ugly wee troll women begging on our streets.

There's an old saying, Dom, "when in Rome".....why should the indigenous British population have to alter their actions to suit groups of immigrants. Surely, if one move to a new country one should be prepared to integrate into that society - not insist that the society changes to accommodate you and your beliefs.
Everything is fine until they dictate what we can do,

eg dont put up a Christmas tree because it may offend.

cant get an appointment at my docs on Thur's afternoons cause its reserved for asylum seekers. [my uncle in swindon]

english is not the first language in some schools. [my cousin in bristol so they moved house]

ect ect ect

i could go on forever but i wont.

Man, you talk some guff.
99.999% of non christians couldnt care less about people putting up christmas trees. All the non christians i know love christmas and most of them buy presents for each other.
its all about a few stupid councils and a few made up stories in the daily mail.

I'd be amazed if they close your doctors surgery for asylum seekers but i'll have to take your word for it.

I'm not sure if English is your first language.. What is ect ect ect?

The best ( worst) thing I heard
A friend lives in Bedford which has a very high multi-cultural population
and have the usual signs in the town hall and other government offices
" if you would like to speak to someone in your own language etc"

He went to the town hall on an "important business matter" and was greeted
by an Asian chap.
My friend was having trouble communicating with said fellow and asked to speak to "someone who's first language was English".
Eventaually a manager apeared and escorted him off the premisise for being racist. :shrug:

I rest my case.

and ringing up a company to speak to someone about something

i used to live at ORCHID VALE

and they sent the correspondance to HORSEs*** DALE.

It got there though
I'm Sikh, my wife is too and one of the highlights of the year is putting up a Christmas tree at Christmas time. We eat eat easter eggs, we send Christmas cards. Stop ****ing generalizing.

And I don't think anyone has a problem with that.
Its when the local councils tell "us" that we can't fly the George cross
on St Georges day " as it might offend"
or that, as previously said, we can't have Christmas lights as it denotes a Christian festival,
and might offend those of other religions.
Man, you talk some guff.
99.999% of non christians couldnt care less about people putting up christmas trees. All the non christians i know love christmas and most of them buy presents for each other.
its all about a few stupid councils and a few made up stories in the daily mail.

I'd be amazed if they close your doctors surgery for asylum seekers but i'll have to take your word for it.

I'm not sure if English is your first language.. What is ect ect ect?

yes a few stupid councils but its still true.
I rest my case.

and ringing up a company to speak to someone about something

i used to live at ORCHID VALE

and they sent the correspondance to HORSEs*** DALE.
It got there though

I'd move too if I lived there :D
joking aside I know what you are saying
99.999% of non christians couldnt care less about people putting up christmas trees. All the non christians i know love christmas and most of them buy presents for each other.
its all about a few stupid councils and a few made up stories in the daily mail.

And your probabley right, Gary though I would suggest that the percentages you quote are a tad on the high side, our council "does that"
so do others around here, Though its mostly as "suggestion" that we don't fly
the cross of St George for example but if we "insist" than we must get planning permission
And I don't think anyone has a problem with that.
Its when the local councils tell "us" that we can't fly the George cross
on St Georges day " as it might offend"
or that, as previously said, we can't have Christmas lights as it denotes a Christian festival,
and might offend those of other religions.

The councils are stupid, and believe me, local ethnic leaders are just as stupid. I've seen it first hand where I used to live. They think they are protecting the people they represent by ****ing off everyone else. Most people do not find flags offensive.

Lots of Asians (just using Asians as an example because I am one) go to watch the home nation teams in whatever sport wearing the jerseys bearing flags. Just because a council says a minority group might find something offensive doesn't mean that is the case. Most ethnic groups are led by first or second generation immigrants.

If you talk to anyone under the age of 30 from whatever group you'll find they are much much more integrated into society than their parents are.
And your probabley right, Gary though I would suggest that the percentages you quote are a tad on the high side, our council "does that"
so do others around here, Though its mostly as "suggestion" that we don't fly
the cross of St George for example but if we "insist" than we must get planning permission

I didn't think patriotism was so prevalent south of the border, compared to how it is in Scotland or Wales and when it is for some strange reason the Union Jack seems to be the flag of choice. :shrug:
No, you're quite right, what Scotland really needed was an influx of ugly wee troll women begging on our streets.

There's an old saying, Dom, "when in Rome".....why should the indigenous British population have to alter their actions to suit groups of immigrants. Surely, if one move to a new country one should be prepared to integrate into that society - not insist that the society changes to accommodate you and your beliefs.

Dude read my last posts that is exactly what im saying. I was explaining that we whent wrong when we started changing policies to accomodate foreigners in our country.

And i completely agree that if someone whant to intergrate in another country they should have to follow the values and laws the same as everyone else... I was just saying that because we have let people get away with making change to suit foreigners we are now in a place were they feel like they can complain to try and changes our laws to suit them
And I don't think anyone has a problem with that.
Its when the local councils tell "us" that we can't fly the George cross
on St Georges day " as it might offend"
or that, as previously said, we can't have Christmas lights as it denotes a Christian festival,
and might offend those of other religions.

When has that ever happened though? It simply hasn't. Which councils are telling people they can't stick up christmas lights and christmas trees? None that I've ever lived in.

Every town and city I went to around christmas has a great big sodding christmas tree plonked right in the middle. My town was full of christmas lights and decorations. Leeds was full of christmas lights and decorations and had a massive christmas tree. Bradford, which is full to bursting with muslims, sikhs and other religions, was full of christmas lights and decorations. Same with Sheffield and Manchester. These are all multicultural towns and cities with large muslim, sikh and hindu communities.

I lived in Easton, Bristol for a year and half. That had christmas festivals going on and it's about as ethnic and multicultural a community as you can find.

So, where are these places, exactly, that don't allow christmas lights and decorations?
The councils are stupid, and believe me, local ethnic leaders are just as stupid. I've seen it first hand where I used to live. They think they are protecting the people they represent by ****ing off everyone else. Most people do not find flags offensive.

Lots of Asians (just using Asians as an example because I am one) go to watch the home nation teams in whatever sport wearing the jerseys bearing flags. Just because a council says a minority group might find something offensive doesn't mean that is the case. Most ethnic groups are led by first or second generation immigrants.

If you talk to anyone under the age of 30 from whatever group you'll find they are much much more integrated into society than their parents are.

Exactly. MY best friend is an Asian Sikh and he understands were his roots are from and he follows his religion acording to what he beleives but fundamentaly he considers himself british and the same as you and me.
The councils are stupid, and believe me, local ethnic leaders are just as stupid.

I agree with that first statement
And I am sure you are right also about the second (y)

If you talk to anyone under the age of 30 from whatever group you'll find they are much much more integrated into society than their parents are.

Using Asians as an example as you did, I meet a lot of Asian's during my work
especially around Bedford and Luton, and I agree 100% with that
When has that ever happened though? It simply hasn't. Which councils are telling people they can't stick up christmas lights and christmas trees? None that I've ever lived in.

We get this every year "down Here"
flags banned on St Georges day and even the last England match "we were banned from flying flags
But of course many went ahead anyway :D

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and here. some businesses not allowing trees and decorations.

schools not doing a traditional nativity play, but a religious friendly one, and my sons school is a church of england school with every pupil [450] a white english person. Explain that lol
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