Gordon Brown completely out of touch

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and here. some businesses not allowing trees and decorations.

schools not doing a traditional nativity play, but a religious friendly one, and my sons school is a church of england school with every pupil [450] a white english person. Explain that lol

Oh yeah I had forgotten about the "nativity play"
( my kids left school some years ago) but Yep the local paper reports
this type of thing as well

I am going dig out the phoenix nights dvds tonight and have a laugh
and here. some businesses not allowing trees and decorations.

schools not doing a traditional nativity play, but a religious friendly one, and my sons school is a church of england school with every pupil [450] a white english person. Explain that lol

Then your school's head is an idiot. And the same with those businesses owners. What you do is complain. Kick up a fuss. Let them see how stupid they're being and tell everyone else how stupid these people are being, as opposed to, in true British style, whinging about it and doing nothing.
But anyone is free to choose what religion they follow. Of course prevalence (maybe the wrong word to use) can be associated with immigration but there are people here who were born and bred in Britain who choose to follow a religion other than Christianity.

I remember when I was at school singing hymns during service on Friday mornings. It was a right laugh. The entire school went to the lunch hall at the same time to do the service. We sat on the hard wooden floor standing only to sing and then sitting down again.

I farted once while sitting down and it echoed around the hall. The head teacher went ballistic and the other pupils pointed me out (times like those when you find out who your real friends are). I was made to stand outside the head teachers office at the end of service while the entire school funneled past me. The shame.

Then your school's head is an idiot. And the same with those businesses owners. What you do is complain. Kick up a fuss. Let them see how stupid they're being and tell everyone else how stupid these people are being, as opposed to, in true British style, whinging about it and doing nothing.

But anyone is free to choose what religion they follow. Of course prevalence (maybe the wrong word to use) can be associated with immigration but there are people here who were born and bred in Britain who choose to follow a religion other than Christianity.

I remember when I was at school singing hymns during service on Friday mornings. It was a right laugh. The entire school went to the lunch hall at the same time to do the service. We sat on the hard wooden floor standing only to sing and then sitting down again.

I farted once while sitting down and it echoed around the hall. The head teacher went ballistic and the other pupils pointed me out (times like those when you find out who your real friends are). I was made to stand outside the head teachers office at the end of service while the entire school funneled past me. The shame.


When it came to singing hymns at my school I just told them I was jewish :LOL:
They are working for less money than a firm would pay a UK citizen so paying LESS tax.

Well, that's a good thing for the local communitiy then? If they're cheaper then more profit for thier employer, or cheaper prices for goods and services? :shrug:

Well, that's a good thing for the local communitiy then? If they're cheaper then more profit for thier employer, or cheaper prices for goods and services? :shrug:


AFAIK they charge the same for the Big Issue as the native sellers....
.......... and my sons school is a church of england school with every pupil [450] a white english person. Explain that lol

I forgot to add, that is just friggin' ridiculous !

Then your school's head is an idiot. And the same with those businesses owners. What you do is complain. Kick up a fuss. Let them see how stupid they're being and tell everyone else how stupid these people are being, as opposed to, in true British style, whinging about it and doing nothing.

The problem with that is the bleeding hearts and "soft shoe" councils / authorities seem to have "everyone running scared" for fear of being branded a racist
I didn't think patriotism was so prevalent south of the border, compared to how it is in Scotland or Wales

While we're on the subject, Road signs in Welsh what's the point in that, is there anybody in Wales that only reads welsh and needs ARAF written on the road because they don't know what SLOW means

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While we're on the subject, Road signs in Welsh what's the point in that, is there anybody in Wales that only reads welsh and needs ARAF written on the road because they don't know what SLOW means


Dunno, but it took us about 4 hours to get out of Wales the first time we went there, even the signs in English didn't make sense :LOL:
whiteflyer said:
Who is complaining about the LACK of multiculturalism, there is far too much effort and money spent on try to attain something we don't want or need.
Since when did you speak for the country? I've never heard of you.

OK so you may not have heard of me , but how about this chap.

speech in 2004 said:
This week Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), denounced multiculturalism. He argued that multicultural policies risked segregating communities along ethnic lines and prevented second-generation minorities from integrating fully into British society. Most worryingly, he said, the creed of multiculturalism has turned away a generation of British Muslims and made them sympathetic to the cause of religious fundamentalists.

We have to define what is mean by multiculturalism, to have a society made up from different cultures and beliefs is fine, the problems arise when rules are challenged due to "cultural beliefs" A simple example would be the legal challenges to schools dress codes.

Oh and to whom ever said EVER town has a big Christmas tree, could you please let our council know this, as we have not had ANY town decorations for over a decade now, not since a bulb or two got smashed on the town tree. The council won't pay for anything any more :(
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this might sound rich coming from an atheist but the root to the problems is religion...
Dom, I reckon that intolerance is the bigger problem and not so much religion, although I guess both go hand in hand.
If it wasn't religion, it would be colour, or nationality, or being left handed.

Any left-handed, non-white, foreign, non-Christians here? :cautious:
ive had enough.
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