Got any photography questions?

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While trying to learn all I could about photography, I was lucky enough to get talking to a Leeds-based photographer called Andy Smith. He is a great bloke and has always done his best to answer any questions I might have, and now he is offering to do the same for you.

Andy has just got a new blog up and running, designed to be a questions and answers page for anyone who needs a little camera orientated advice.

Have a look here: and ask away!!

Erm... isn't that what this place is for?
Which Pete, although the two that spring to mind are Tony the Tiger great ;)
After a photo shoot it burns a little when I pee, is that related to the Canon 24-70 or is it something else? Oh and he can't mean me, everyone keeps telling me I'm a complete cock.
With all due respect, Andy Smith is a stranger to me. The guys here, who I am sure combined will know 1000 more than Andy, are my friends. I know where Id rather be :)
Whenever a pro is willing to give time to help out it's worth a mention! and if they are still willing even when their willy smarts, all the more kudos! :)
just trying to help anyone with questions pxl8!!

Why not encourage him to sign up here then?

.... if they are still willing even when their willy smarts, all the more kudos! :)

Is the "kudos" level linearly proportional to the amount that your willy smarts or is the relationship exponential :thinking:
