graphic tablets

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would just like to know if anyone has got a Wacom graphics tablet. What's your thoughts? Which one would you recommend?
I have an Intuos3 4x6, and I use it for everything from actual design work and touching up to playing games. I rarely use the mouse provided any more, picking up the pen intuitively. How useful any person would find using a tablet depends on the individual, all I can really say is that it doesn't handle much like a pen and paper but you do have more control and more fluidity in movement. I find working with the small size difficult sometimes, so I'd recommend something larger than the 4x6. As for the brand, I'd definitely recommend Wacom but as to what model? Not sure.
thank you very much for your reply just needed little more convincing to get 1 of these thinking even more of taking plunge and getting one
I use them a lot, but then we do have a huge supply at work.
I used to use an A3 serial one, as I find larger the better. Now I use an Intuos 3, again the larger one. I couldn't imagine using photoshop without one as I find I can be really accurate with the pen.
They're a little bit of a marmite thing from what I've read. Most people, me included, would never go back to a mouse for image editing. However there are some simply that don't get along with them.

Try before you buy if possible would be my advice.
I've got the cheap Wacom one, Bamboo I think. I find the surface area to be too small to make adjustments but I'm sure there's a setting to zoom in but this may not practical. I know a couple of people who have the A3 Wacom and they rave about them.
For occasional use the small ones are brilliant, obviously that depends on how competent you are in Photoshop already.
Once I'm down to pixel level editing I rarely need to use menus, I have actions set up and the wacom bamboo is all I need for now. I might get a larger one in future but it's way down the priority list.
I would be interested to hear how you get on with it as a first time user, been interested in getting one of these myself but just not sure about them.
I've got a Wacom Bamboo and in spite of having it for a couple of years have just not been able to get on with it and have now removed it. I know people who'd just not use anything else for photo editing but I guess I'm one of those people who just can't get on with it unfortunately in spite of persevering. I really envy those who manage it but for me it just proved a reason to turn the PC off and mow the lawn.
That might be because it's the bamboo. It's a little small in my opinion. I much prefer the a4 and bigger tablets.
Hum got a couple of old ones spa I'll have to put in classifieds.
Ive got the Wacom Bamboo and love it, i use it on a daily basis for editing and its probably one of the best things ive ever purchased. Would defo recommend it to anyone
I've got an Intuos 4 small and wouldn't be without it, though the Intuos 5's look very nice.
+1 for a Bamboo touch, I've been using Wacom tablets for years but the addition of the 'touch' facility (like a Mac Trackpad or the pad on a laptop) is excellent, I hardly ever touch the mouse any more ... perfect control whatever I want to do ... in my opinion ! Roger
sorry folks just to update got it and use it for editing and love it would probably like to invest in th wacom 5 later but this is great
Mostly good reviews then which is good. I've got mine on order.

Does anyone use dual screens? I've heard that this reduces the operating area of the pad, I might have to get a patch to lock it to one screen if there is such a thing.
You can do this in the tablet properties. In windows 7 it's control panel, hardware, Wacom Tablet properties, set up your pen and tablet.

Click the mapping tab and you control which screen, how much of the screen is used, how much of the tablet area etc.
The Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch caught my eye a little while back & I'm still considering getting one! Note ➝ 'medium' is an ideal size for a variety of retouching.
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I've got the Wacom Bamboo tablet and find it works pretty well. If I was doing it for a living and using one everyday then it would probably be a little on the small side and I would invest in a larger one but it does make PS alot easier.
Need to keep an eye out for these on the classified ads here...I have a small cheap version...but as Ive just bought a bigger monitor to use with my laptop Ill maybe invest...

Helpful thread...

I use Wacom Intuos tablets at work and at home - I can't live without them. I find a tablet far more comfortable than a mouse and even use them for web surfing and whatnot.

I think people who don't like them just haven't really given themselves enough time to get used to them - I took about two years to feel completely comfortable with them, having used a mouse for about 15 years before making the switch.
I've been using the Apple Trackpad with my Macbook since last summer {which could do with being a little larger altho} I've found it gives me much more flexibility whilst working in Photoshop. It's not a bad subsitute whilst I save for my Wacom Bamboo Graphics Tablet :} There're just too many things on my photographic wishlist these days.