Graphics Tablet

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I'm looking at getting a graphics tablet for use with LR/Photoshop. Has anyone used the Huion H610 Pro? Its a lot cheaper than the Wacom so Im a little hesitant to buy if the quality isnt good enough for use with Photo-editing software?
I don't know anything about this tablet, but I bought a Wacom intous 4 a while ago, I'm glad I did, if you look at most photoshop users it's always a Wacom. I would hate to buy a cheaper version and then regret it, but it's your decision at the end of the day. I got mine a while ago but on offer, keep an eye out its coming to sale time
I get what you say jango, the Huion H610 Pro has a lot of good reviews out there which is why I am interested. I just wondered if anyone on here has one and if so, how is it for editing.
From what I have read the Huion is good with windows but not a mac. A work colleague has a huion and he is happy with it. I have a intuos 4 small and so like that.
Yup!.... Got one sat by my side. Very quick & resposive well worth the money. BTW this replaced my Wacom (way over priced in my opinion) It has a large active area and programable buttons. Very happy with mine.
I have a Wacom and there is nothing magical about it. Get a Huion. And don't waste your money on a Wacom
Got the Huion H610 Pro here and it is a very good bit of kit. I have said on here before that the Huion drivers are much better than Wacom's, in fact they make Wacom look like a bunch of overpriced amature's.
Certainly overpriced anyway lol.
You defo will not be dissapointed, the tablet does exactly what it says on the tin...............................................and for a very reasonable price.
I had the Huion for a day but turned out to be awful on my Mac, the driver just didn't work properly at all. Bit the bullet and bought the intuos, fantastic bit of kit in every respect, has improved my workflow no end with the additional assignable buttons.
Wacom 4 "Medium" size here, but I've never used the assignable buttons once - my left hand sits on the keyboard whilst editing so I've never had a need for them. Top notch hardware, never had a complaint with it. Not sure what people are on about regarding driver issues / better/worse drivers. Installed the driver, installed the tablet, that's pretty much all I've done with it :D
Wacom 4 large (for me) and Wacom 4 medium (son) users here. Never had an issue, just don't lose the pen. £80 replacement!
Invested in a Huion 610 Pro here on the recommendation of this thread. Love it! Great quality tracking on the pen, couple of minor niggles setting up drivers and pen pressure, but nothing that 2 minutes googling couldn't fix. Great table for the price :)
Huion for the past 12 months. No issues and not even had to change the nib yet after regular use.
I have been thinking about a graphics tablet for a long time and couldn't decide between Wacom and Huion. I managed to get a used Wacom Bamboo from Ebay for £13 which sees to work (to my very limited ability) perfectly and will surely serve me for a long time until I need to upgrade. Next acquisition will be trial version of Corel Painter Essentials 5 download from

Been using Wacom since the first, have a few from ten years back that still work 100%, have the latest large Intuos Pro and love it. However the Huion looks a deal!
I would hate to buy a cheaper version and then regret
I'm the opposite I would hate to find that the cheaper version works just as well and is just as reliable. I'd be thinking about the wasted money.
All the ones I have used feel much the same and feature wise they all seem to be again much the same. i.e tilt, sens levels and so on. The only time they seem to differ is over time, driver development and support for example, for that I would have to say Wacom have always been good, updating drivers etc, also some companies write in support for well known tablets etc, IF your app has direct support for tablets then often some get left out, not so much the case now as support/drivers is often done through the OS.
I got a cheaper Wacom free with a 3880 printer last year, worked well just no tilt :( Talking of other features if you want to buy spray pens etc again Wacom seem to have a good number of options, not saying I feel any of the Wacom gear is value for money as IMO it does seem overpriced, but I feel the same about my DSLR gear. For basic pen editing any tablet will do, for drawing and painting...another matter.
I would hate to buy a cheaper version and then regret
I'm the opposite I would hate to find that the cheaper version works just as well and is just as reliable. I'd be thinking about the wasted money.

Hey I love bargains, I don't waste money, I'm too tight for that,;);)
Never liked the smaller tablets, I've always used a large Wacom. Tried the medium but it didn't suit me, you have so much more control with a larger tablet.
Yes I has one of these as well as a Wacom before that. As much as I tried I could not get to like this. In my experience the surface of both the Huion and the Wacom is too slippery to get accurate control and in the end I gave up and resorted to a gaming mouse. Apart from not being able to increase the pressure and thereby brush thickness I find the gaming mouse far more sensitive and accurate to use. That's just me I know many others love their tablets. Different strokes for different folks.
Agree gaming mouse is a great option, I have a Logitech mouse and a Logitech trackball, both also great to edit with.
Wacom is the only piece of technology I've ever bought that I consider flawless. I'd have this tablet even if it was twice the price, it's literally never caused me a single issue in the years I've owned them. Definitely worth the money - especially the Intuos 4 range - can be got quite cheaply used now
Lucky you. The touch on my intuos pen + touch does not work properly. Next time I'll not pay Wacom prices.
Hu ion is brilliant no problems at all with it and if it breaks its relatively cheap.

I have used Wacom and I wouldn't pay for the brand again
Same here, Wacom been the most solid lump of hardware I have ever had, been using PC's and Wacom tablets since the start, i.e since the 8088 @ 4.7Mhz :D
I had Huion 610 before, it's stopped working (guess cos i left mobile phone on it and part of it's area stopped working). Now i have another UGEE M708 and cannot fault anything really.... also used to have wacom 3 long time ago