Grrrr facebook people!

Dave; ignore the media, facebook isn't populated by 'facebook masses' it's populated by people.

So you get racist people, nasty people, religious people, nutcases of all shapes and sizes, and you also get great people, friendly people, lovely people, helpful people.

I can walk down the street and see only lager louts, foreigners without jobs, single parents not teaching their kids properly and homeless people. Or I could walk down the same street and notice the general good behaviour of people, politeness, happy people helping others and people just getting on with their lives. It's not Facebook, it's Outlook.

You know we always tell new photographers 'shoot what you love'! Well I'm a people photographer, take from that what you will.
There's no such thing as 'the facebook masses'

My 'friends' on FB include former customers, future customers relatives from 16-65, the unemployed, students, professionals in many walks of life as well as ordinary working folk. The things I have in common with them (obviously I don't share all of these with all my 'friends'):

The chat ranges from the banal to the illuminating. It's easy to ignore or block anything you don't want to see.

As someone else said earlier, you just need to spend a little time learning how to use it. It's put me in touch with mates from school I haven't spoken to in 20 odd years, but a couple of posts round a music video and the distance and time just disappears.


Thanks to facebook I have found old friends, made new friends, had so much encouragement to pursue my wildlife photography hobby, I run a UK Dragonflies group and am a member of other special interest groups, I have been invited to a party in Chelsea, an open invitation to a house in the South of France, and an invitation to drive on a road trip in the Highlands of Scotland next Spring. I even discovered this TP forum due to being on facebook.

What's not to like?
Phil, I like your diplomatic approach to discussion, it does you credit.

Facebook, and I guess 'Twitter too, although I've never looked at the latter, do get a lot of 'bad press', and some of it quite justified, when being poorly regulated, it has provided a ready platform for unsavoury goings on, that in some cases have had tragic consequences.

Apart from the media reports, I formed my opinion of Facebook, from what I have seen personally, and from people that once used Facebook but left because they found it too much like reading diaries of peoples everyday life. "I had a haircut today", "went to Tescos today", " the cat has been hiding in the Christmas Tree", "a pimple has appeared on my nose", "Has it?, that happened to me last week", etc, etc, etc. This is what I see being posted on Facebook, not by kids, but "Adults". The people on Facebook, and yes my daughter, and her multitude of Facebook "adult" friends, are doing just this on a daily basis.

Ok, they aren't doing any harm, but come on, get out a bit more!!.

Forums are, in a sense, 'social networking sites', but with a defined subject matter, in most cases, not all, they are reasonably well regulated.

I am not anti-social networking per se. If I was I wouldn't be using internet forums, and running and funding my own forum.

I have also been a Radio Amateur for almost 50 years, although I am no longer active in this hobby, as it declined in recent years to being little more than CB.

This was social networking on a world wide scale, and long before the internet ever materialised.

So, yes, I have been a 'social networker' for longer than I care to remember, but with many people I'm sure that the likes of Facebook and Twitter have become an obsession, that has taken over their life. A bit like my grandchildren and their X-Boxes, but at least they are children.

I can accept that if used sensibly, and in a closed group, that can be regulated (you choose who comes in), it can provide a means of keeping in contacting friends and family, but then if they can use Facebook, they have internet access, which means they can also use e-mail and Skype if they choose to.

An interesting discussion that became side-tracked from the 'thread' originator's theme, and for this I apologise to John (jryans10) for my part in doing so.

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know the feeling well there, I did some photos for a dog event, one of the dogs I did a few portrait shots of while it was resting.
The owner then went on to copy them all crop out the watermark and then as you say, says thankyou when people say nice shots etc...

Funny thing was the stupid woman had her facebook open to comment so I commented on saying "Thankyou, we are the actual photographers for the event and we also took these shots"

The woman then messaged me saying "very sorry I didnt realise you wouldnt like me to do that".... Oh yes love, I love people taking my images that I work for, cropping off the watermark then claiming they are yours.... begger off! haha
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know the feeling well there, I did some photos for a dog event, one of the dogs I did a few portrait shots of while it was resting.
The owner then went on to copy them all crop out the watermark and then as you say, says thankyou when people say nice shots etc...

Funny thing was the stupid woman had her facebook open to comment so I commented on saying "Thankyou, we are the actual photographers for the event and we also took these shots"

The woman then messaged me saying "very sorry I didnt realise you wouldnt like me to do that".... Oh yes love, I love people taking my images that I work for, cropping off the watermark then claiming they are yours.... begger off! haha

The thing is that if you asked the majority of the general public that have no knowledge of photography/copyright I'm pretty sure most would see no issue with taking a photo to use on Facebook...while people are all too aware of music/video piracy very few actually make the same connection with photos

And looking at the last bit, it's probably just her being polite and acknowledging nice comments on a photo on her wall, I doubt she was trying make out she had taken the photo to people
maybe, I was thankful that she said sorry, to be fair she offered to take them down but I said no just link them to my page and all is well.

Suppose she was more polite than some people would be like.

To be honest I never have a problem people using anything so long as they send people the correct way if anyone asks.
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Just tag yourself in the photo, and/or as someone suggested, post a comment on it with a link to your photo page and say "Cheers, you can see more of my images here .... *link*"

If she pulls you up on that, then there's an issue and I'd remind here that the image was your property and you've a right to link and tag it.