Has Ian Kerso (Flash Camera) ceased trading?

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I would suggest that Ian might, in the words of Alan Clark (RIP) have been "economical with the actualité" of his tax affairs.
I'm sure you must be wrong about that. I made the very same suggestion a while ago, and Ian told me in no uncertain terms that his business affairs were 100% legitimate. Apparently he had identified a loophole which allowed him to import gear from the USA without being required to pay UK VAT or US sales tax. Understandably he wasn't inclined to provide details of the loophole, but it must have been impressive if even the likes of Amazon hadn't worked it out.
I have never used Stewart but I did buy a few things from Ian as I wanted the cheapest price. Ian had a god reputation.

Stewart runs a legitimate a business that pays taxes in to our economy. He therefore wants a level playing field to do business.

It is legitimate for him to question if he sees something that looks like it may be avoiding the taxes that he has to pay.

It is by no means a poor show for him to voice those concerns.

Have a look in the Buy/Sell section for the ex-member on here who was trying to con people out of money. Whilst it may be different the principles are the same.

Would you suggest that it was a poor show for people to notify the mods that they thought something dodgy was going on.

I suggest not.
When you are in a hole stop digging! Do I need to explain this to you like you are a two year old?

Rob, it has clearly been stated on his website 'Due to Family circumstances, the site will be closed indefinitely'!

And Tony Blair took us to war saying that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

I have said that it may be the case - i.e. a death in the family or it may be that Ian himself is not well.

If that is the case, it is truly awful.
Would you suggest that it was a poor show for people to notify the mods that they thought something dodgy was going on.

Of course not, but that's a different matter. Plus, that's not what Stewart is doing, is it? Or at least not all he's doing.

It's looking more and more like a witch hunt on Stewart's part. He doesn't know the truth any more than the rest of us so filling in blanks with negatives makes him look bitter. Like I said, a poor show.
Stewart was questioning long before the site closed down.

As I said as a legitimate business tax payer he has every right to do so.

Look at the mess Greece got in to, partly because everyone was avoiding paying tax.

It may off course just be a coincidence that his site closed shortly after George Osborne closed this supposed loophole.
It's looking more and more like a witch hunt on Stewart's part. He doesn't know the truth any more than the rest of us so filling in blanks with negatives makes him look bitter. Like I said, a poor show.
Witch hunt? I'm sorry, you've completely lost me there. Perhaps you should read what I actually wrote? As I explained quite clearly, in the past I had questioned Ian's business practices, and he had assured me categorically that it was all above board. I have said nothing here which contradicts that or implies otherwise. One of the other contributors made such a suggestion and I think you'll find I said he was mistaken to do so.
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I have said nothing here which contradicts that or implies otherwise.

Surely you aren't suggesting that his business might not have been entirely above board?

I notice you've the removed the winky smiley from your comment above.

Don't play stupid, Stewart.
I notice you've the removed the winky smiley from your comment above.

Don't play stupid, Stewart.
Have you also noticed that I remove a lot of errors and typos from my edit posts? I'm not playing stupid. I'm typing on a phone keyboard which is too small for my fingers and which thinks it knows what I want to write.
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