Having trouble trying to access a website

Joe T

TPer Emeritus
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Im trying to access www.formula1.com . None of the computers on my netwrok can access it. It basically keeps timing out. Friends on msn seem to have no trouble, so I cant figure out what it is. I have reset the connection, and cleared cookies on this machine. I have also tried diabling my software firewall. However, as it affects all machines I dont think its related to this.

Anyone got any ideas. Thanks in advance for any help.
Banned by your ISP????

Banned by your router if you have one???

Need more info on what your using in techie terms before being able to respond with more.

My thoughts had been on the same lines as yours, neither of which really make much sense!!!

Specs are:

BT Broadband 2mb connection

D-Link DSL-604+

All the computers currently on the network are on a wireless connection. We did have one on a wired connection, but that pc has since died. IIRC, it didnt work on that machine either, but I cant be sure.

Does this help? Thanks muchly. :)
Keltic Ice Man said:
Joe - do you use anything like Norton Security or any other firewall? If so try disabling for a few mins and try the site again

Thanks for the reply. :)

Like I said in my first post, I have tried disabling the software firewall (ZoneAlarm), no difference.

I have also tried pinging the site. I had to allow this through my firewall, but it still timed out. :(

Appears its not a problem at my end. Anyone got a comment?
waity, Mc wait wait

unkown.level3.net is the last hop i get before it completes, so it's there end ding dong
Joe T said:
I have tried disabling the software firewall (ZoneAlarm), no difference.

Is this the only website you're having problems with? Are the pcs on the network linked to the net via one machine or directly via the router?

In case it's the one machine.....
I don't know how much you know about ZA but just right clicking and closing it down does not disable it. I used it for a long time and it's fine while it works but somehow it always goes wrong in the end.

Look for the background processes it also runs and close them too to make sure it's disabled properly, that or uninstall it and then try the web site.