
Edit My Images
Adele's latest album has been blaring out of the stereo since Christmas and I thought I would try to take a portrait of my daughter in the style of the Album cover (which was, as far as I can tell, taken by Alasdair McLellan). I rarely use studio lights so this was a case of trial and error until I got a shot close enough to put through Lightroom and Silver Efex Pro:

1601_Soph_010-Edit-2 by Ian, on Flickr

Though to be honest, I think I prefer this one:

1601_Soph_027 by Ian, on Flickr
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No being a portrait photographer I can only say in my naivety the first one is IMHO superb, it is full of intrigue and soft beauty, and I do like the PP treatment, For me its an excellent picture Ian,

No being a portrait photographer I can only say in my naivety the first one is IMHO superb, it is full of intrigue and soft beauty, and I do like the PP treatment, For me its an excellent picture Ian,


I'm the other way round; the second is superb - beautifully lit and composed. It reminds me of a famous image but I can't remember which one. I'm not a fan of the processing or framing of the first - but then I haven't seen the image you're trying to reproduce.
I'm the other way round; the second is superb - beautifully lit and composed. It reminds me of a famous image but I can't remember which one.

It wasn't at all intentional but it does remind me of the Portrait of Madame X by John Singer Sargent, though she is turned the other way round. I think it is the pointy nose that does it (please don't let my daughter read that bit...)
I quite like the PP - it does in fact resemble the Album cover you spoke of


Thank you. I'll have a wee look through the forum an get a bit of an idea how it all works etc. I just joined this morning an sort of jumped straight in with my photos without realy reading through everything first.

That's the one. If I was better at Photoshop I could have added a "12" next to my daughter

what like this lol

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I quite like the second one... actually, I love the second one.. reminds me of something too...can't put my finger on it... and the conversion is wonderful!
It reminds me of a famous image but I can't remember which one.

I quite like the second one... actually, I love the second one.. reminds me of something too...can't put my finger on it... and the conversion is wonderful!

The Girl with the Pearl Earring has been suggested...?

The conversion for the second shot is just a David DuChemin preset in Lr (plus a bit of dodging and burning, and a vignette)
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The album you tried to replicate is called 25 lol

here you go

Les ;)
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Both well composed and nice pp. The first is very close to the Adele cover it's inspired by but for me the second is a more interesting portrait.