Help - A couple of questions about Facebook...

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Good evening,

Being a bit old and not social network savvy, can someone answer a couple of questions about Facebook please? I have not used it for a couple of years as I got fed up with seeing what people were eating for their lunch!! I want to go back on an I am joining a camera club and most of their notifications are done on there.

1) If I unfriend someone, will they get a notification

2) Can I hide my "online" status

Thank you
If you unfriendly them, I think they get a notification.
If you unfollow them, they don't.
Is it possible to close an old, inactive account and open a new one so any old "friends" get dropped?
If you unfriend someone they won't get a notification. They would have to proactively go through their friends list to find out your missing.

If you unfollow them then you remain friends but you don't get to see the garbage that they post.
Good evening,

Being a bit old

Are you senile? have you got a carer? your hands not work?.. has your sight gone? seriosuly what on earth has being old got to do with it ???

unfriend and they wont get notifications..

@Nod course ya can. :)
Is it possible to close an old, inactive account and open a new one so any old "friends" get dropped?
If your email address is the same, then I don't think FB will allow you to open another account.
If your email address is the same, then I don't think FB will allow you to open another account.

and who on earth only has one email account ?

(just signup for a gmail account, and get it to forward to your "main" account if you really only want to check one single account. )
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You can’t use the old email address to create a new account.

As as my right learned friend above said,who only has 1 email address,I think I have about 14 outlook ones :LOL:
and who on earth only has one email account ?
Quote a lot of people I would think. Certainly none of my friends have more than one - I do but it seems I am the exception in my group.
You can’t use the old email address to create a new account.

As as my right learned friend above said,who only has 1 email address,I think I have about 14 outlook ones :LOL:

Are they all 'live'???
Good evening,

Being a bit old and not social network savvy, can someone answer a couple of questions about Facebook please? I have not used it for a couple of years as I got fed up with seeing what people were eating for their lunch!! I want to go back on an I am joining a camera club and most of their notifications are done on there.

1) If I unfriend someone, will they get a notification

2) Can I hide my "online" status

Thank you

In any social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, anything like that, any social media), as a general rule of a thumb:

  • Follow them or add as a friend, they know.
  • Unfollow or unfriend them, they don't know.

However: Sometimes some have gone into their settings and turned off the notifications so sometimes when you follow or friend them, they don't get told because they don't want notifications about new followers.

Think of it in the real world...

You host a party, you open the door to let in more guests, then you will know you've got a new guests. (They follow you, you get notification.)

But you are busy hosting the party, one or two guests decided to slip out, you didn't notice. (They unfollow you, you don't get a notification.)

For anyone wondering what happens if you turn off the notification settings, then this would be like someone else open the door for you while you're busy hosting the party. Then you say "Where did all those extra people come from?! Who let them in?" :)
I'd probably better let your cat create a new profile. :) And never use their phone apps for privacy and security reasons.
Tell your cat to lie about his/her age though if under 13 — as my dog does ;) and her doggy friends :) .
Tell your cat to lie about his/her age though if under 13 — as my dog does ;) and her doggy friends :) .
My dog has her own account. You should see some of the rubbish she posts ...