HELP!! Lens focusing problem+problem not fixed.

Luke I wish you the best of luck with getting sorted in time, and having a successful day tomorrow like you usually do.

For those that have commented about Luke's ability... Don't you think that's a bit naff to knock a persons confidence like that BEFORE the job is done? Help was what Luke asked for, as it is important, and he was clearly (and probably still is, looking for the lens) in a state. Making comments about his ability will just make things even worse for him. Surely the only thing people should be offering right now is the help he needs and not opinions about his ability?

Again, good Luke! I hope you track down a lens in time. Is there anyone who lives near you that has and would lend you full kit (camera and lenses) as a back up?
I was waiting for that very sort of post.

Luke is putting himself forward as a professional photographer. That means he should know this sort of thing and asking the sort of questions about his own camera that he did 2 days before a wedding he's being paid to shoot is questionable at best.

Getting into a state is not the sort of thing you want from a pro - you want a calm, cool response based on knowledge and an understanding of the tools being used. Being lent back-up is not good enough - you're being hired to do the job and that means you pony the money up to do it properly. Don't rely on others to lend you theirs for free.

This forum has GOT to get away from thinking that every answer has to be wrapped in fairy-dust and hand-delivered by kittens. Better to be given decent advice now than not having it and failing on the job as a result. 50 people cheerleading 'Go Luke, you'll be fine' are no help at all.

By the way, I saw no comments about his ability. They were comments about the kit and preparation. Very different things.
I was waiting for that very sort of post.

Luke is putting himself forward as a professional photographer. That means he should know this sort of thing and asking the sort of questions about his own camera that he did 2 days before a wedding he's being paid to shoot is questionable at best.

Getting into a state is not the sort of thing you want from a pro - you want a calm, cool response based on knowledge and an understanding of the tools being used. Being lent back-up is not good enough - you're being hired to do the job and that means you pony the money up to do it properly. Don't rely on others to lend you theirs for free.

This forum has GOT to get away from thinking that every answer has to be wrapped in fairy-dust and hand-delivered by kittens. Better to be given decent advice now than not having it and failing on the job as a result. 50 people cheerleading 'Go Luke, you'll be fine' are no help at all.

By the way, I saw no comments about his ability. They were comments about the kit and preparation. Very different things.

I agree with Guy here. You MUST have a back-up plan and know the kit you have ( including the backup kit ) pretty much inside out.

Before I shot my first wedding I'd probably already spent way over £8k on kit ( excluding several hundred on good brand [lexar] memory cards) I've since bought a few extra bits and still don't consider myself fully covered as I only have 3 flashguns and use them off camera a lot of the time and only 2 bodies.

I actually met a couple recently looking for a photographer and happened to mention the amount of kit I have, they were shocked at first, then booked me a few days later. They'd actually phoned every one of the togs they were interested in, and asked them about kit and insurance and what they'd do in the event that it all went pete tong. Needless to say my original point of " I always have a credit card available with enough credit on it to purchase *in full* my entire kit should I have a total loss" seemed to help too ;)

I agree with Guy here. You MUST have a back-up plan and know the kit you have ( including the backup kit ) pretty much inside out.

Before I shot my first wedding I'd probably already spent way over £8k on kit ( excluding several hundred on good brand [lexar] memory cards) I've since bought a few extra bits and still don't consider myself fully covered as I only have 3 flashguns and use them off camera a lot of the time and only 2 bodies.

I actually met a couple recently looking for a photographer and happened to mention the amount of kit I have, they were shocked at first, then booked me a few days later. They'd actually phoned every one of the togs they were interested in, and asked them about kit and insurance and what they'd do in the event that it all went pete tong. Needless to say my original point of " I always have a credit card available with enough credit on it to purchase *in full* my entire kit should I have a total loss" seemed to help too ;)

Edit: And on another point, I have a backup credit card too just in case :LOL: Although that's probably going too far on the safe side.

cannot see the fault with the posts myself:shrug:
it all seems helpful and more as, if you want to be pro, make sure you know how your kit works fully. im rather happy noone just wrote RTFM(read the F***ing manual)

Hope it is something small and silly rather than complicated and expensive(y)
Me either please lets not start this we have established I have learnt a lesson and I have said it myself. I don't agree with everything about how I reacted because theres more to it like why I went away in the first place but anyway lens is on its way to me now and I will buy backup kit.
cannot see the fault with the posts myself:shrug:
it all seems helpful and more as, if you want to be pro, make sure you know how your kit works fully. im rather happy noone just wrote RTFM(read the F***ing manual)

Hope it is something small and silly rather than complicated and expensive(y)

I couldn't read the manual because I was in Prague.
just got back, need sleep. Ill ring sigma first thing and go down jessops. What is strange now is one the plane on the way back instead of the 50mm going in stops of 1.4- 2.8 etc its doing 1.4- 1.6 to 1.8 etc. Maybe the x-ray messed it up!

Hi Luke. On the D700 and D3 custom Setting b2 allows you to change EV steps from 1/3 to 1/2 to 1 whole stop. Have you been playing about in the custom settings as that would explain the difference you are now seeing? (y)

Hope that helps and good luck with the gig.

Those comments weren't aimed at you there Luke - they were a response to why other comments had been made.
Hi Luke. On the D700 and D3 custom Setting b2 allows you to change EV steps from 1/3 to 1/2 to 1 whole stop. Have you been playing about in the custom settings as that would explain the difference you are now seeing? (y)

Hope that helps and good luck with the gig.


I havnt messes about with them but maybe the buttons got pressed. Its wierd though because I was using the camera 2 minutes before the x-ray, then switched it on on the plane and it was like that. Not that I mind I just found it strange.
glad you got it sorted, and wasnt implying you should(y)
Have we actually established that it is the lens and not the body/settings now? ...I'm afraid I scan-read some of the posts in the middle ...and has the body been reset to default settings now?

BTW could you not have looked at the 'recent settings' list to see if/when the f-stop increment was changed? And any focus settings that could contribute to the apparent focus issue?
You have my apologies guys.

I wasn't meaning it to sound like I was imply anyone was being mean. Just that timing is a bit naff for pointing out the obvious. Not a lot could be done about it in such a short time iykwim.

By ability I meant ... 'Having the ability to use a camera, or lens correctly/efficiently'.

*Removes foot from mouth then sits back with mouth firmly zipped :LOL:*
I was waiting for that very sort of post.

Luke is putting himself forward as a professional photographer. That means he should know this sort of thing and asking the sort of questions about his own camera that he did 2 days before a wedding he's being paid to shoot is questionable at best.

Getting into a state is not the sort of thing you want from a pro - you want a calm, cool response based on knowledge and an understanding of the tools being used. Being lent back-up is not good enough - you're being hired to do the job and that means you pony the money up to do it properly. Don't rely on others to lend you theirs for free.

This forum has GOT to get away from thinking that every answer has to be wrapped in fairy-dust and hand-delivered by kittens. Better to be given decent advice now than not having it and failing on the job as a result. 50 people cheerleading 'Go Luke, you'll be fine' are no help at all.

By the way, I saw no comments about his ability. They were comments about the kit and preparation. Very different things.

Yep - I third that. We just talked about it behind the bike shed and agree :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

Luke, hope you got sorted either way dude.

And everyone is happy.

Yep - I third that. We just talked about it behind the bike shed and agree :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

Luke, hope you got sorted either way dude.

And everyone is happy.


Yeah and ive ordered backup D300 which will come next week. It was bad of me to not have a backup but I do think I know alot about my camera or what I need to know for the work I do. I did panik I admit that but I was in another country, by myself (which is a first) I could hardly stand, I had pulled a muscle, my eyes were blurry and my body was shaking from pure exaustion and thats the truth. Also it didn't help that the computers were letting me view the thread properly and I couldn't type properly. The exaustion was kind of self enduced but I was exausted none the less. I would of handled the situation alot better if I was my usual self, at the end of the day though I should of had backup which I now have invested in and will get next week.
I was waiting for that very sort of post.

Luke is putting himself forward as a professional photographer. That means he should know this sort of thing and asking the sort of questions about his own camera that he did 2 days before a wedding he's being paid to shoot is questionable at best.

Getting into a state is not the sort of thing you want from a pro - you want a calm, cool response based on knowledge and an understanding of the tools being used. Being lent back-up is not good enough - you're being hired to do the job and that means you pony the money up to do it properly. Don't rely on others to lend you theirs for free.

This forum has GOT to get away from thinking that every answer has to be wrapped in fairy-dust and hand-delivered by kittens. Better to be given decent advice now than not having it and failing on the job as a result. 50 people cheerleading 'Go Luke, you'll be fine' are no help at all.

By the way, I saw no comments about his ability. They were comments about the kit and preparation. Very different things.

Argree totally. Wayne
Yeah and ive ordered backup D300 which will come next week. It was bad of me to not have a backup but I do think I know alot about my camera or what I need to know for the work I do. I did panik I admit that but I was in another country, by myself (which is a first) I could hardly stand, I had pulled a muscle, my eyes were blurry and my body was shaking from pure exaustion and thats the truth. Also it didn't help that the computers were letting me view the thread properly and I couldn't type properly. The exaustion was kind of self enduced but I was exausted none the less. I would of handled the situation alot better if I was my usual self, at the end of the day though I should of had backup which I now have invested in and will get next week.

Cool mate. Nice one, next time I am in Eastbourne looking at the retirement home I have pencilled for myself I will buy you a brew and catch up. I still think you are the most naturally gifted photographer who has arrived on TP for a long time. Keep shooting! (y)

Cool mate. Nice one, next time I am in Eastbourne looking at the retirement home I have pencilled for myself I will buy you a brew and catch up. I still think you are the most naturally gifted photographer who has arrived on TP for a long time. Keep shooting! (y)


Cheers mate and im the first to admit im not perfect and make mistakes. :)
Cheers mate and im the first to admit im not perfect and make mistakes. :)

Dude, my life is a series of mistakes, but it is how you recover from em that counts. Good luck tomorrow.

I am off to bed as have a shoot in Southamton and need to be on the road for 6.00am......

Pix to follow, assuming I dont drown as it is out to sea :(
Dude, my life is a series of mistakes, but it is how you recover from em that counts. Good luck tomorrow.

I am off to bed as have a shoot in Southamton and need to be on the road for 6.00am......

Pix to follow, assuming I dont drown as it is out to sea :(

If you don't post anything my midnight ill send a search party ;)