Help-making an image sqaure without cropping

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i am trying to make this image sqaure without cropping, losing any detail or distorting him.
Trying to use content aware scale to no avail.
Am i missing something does anyone know of any easy way? ha

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Well quite simply, you can't, its not square so has to be cropped to make it so, there is no other way unless you want him stretched vertically and ergo deformed. If you need it square for a specific frame or something, you could just add to canvas size top and bottom in a colour of choice so you have a border top and bottom, but the image will still be 'oblong'. Would that help?
Well I did this in about 30 seconds so it's a bit rough and ready, the only bit I had a problem with was the shoulders, so I simply used the original shoulders and a layer mask to hide the rest of the original layer.
Although personally I'd just crop the original.

What is wrong with cropping it, not sure what you are after?

What are you trying to achive, do you want to keep the shadows to the right or do you just want him offcentre?
Yes I thought it did too.
Basically I want the image to be square whilst keeping the composition ie yes him off centre.

Been messing about with content aware scaling but I can't get it right
I presume the image in the first post is the reduced size original? That image is not 3x2 format
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Yes sorry messed up posted the wrong image.

Maybe yes I am trying to achieve the impossible. Just read somewhere it was achievable through content aware scaling- but that one is easier said than done!

Thanks for all the replies
If you post the origninal image reduced to 1000px then it might be do-able
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dawnjuson said:
Yes I thought it did too.
Basically I want the image to be square whilst keeping the composition ie yes him off centre.

Been messing about with content aware scaling but I can't get it right

Still not sure why this can't be done with cropping. Why not just crop it off centre from his face, easy enough