help please .

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I am a carpet fitter by trade and have just finished a pub refurb the guy that owns the pub is a friend and as asked iff i can do some photographs for him before the opening . I usualy only do bird photography so not sure were to start any help and advise would be great thanks.
I'd suggest some nice wide angle shot's and some detail shots but I'd also like to see some with people in shot as well :thinking: but the thing is if your in to wild life then you may not have the gear to do this as a decent wide angle is what you need IMO also considering bracketed exposures to allow for getting the view out of windows nice and exposed while also exposing for the inside

MWHCVT said:
I'd suggest some nice wide angle shot's and some detail shots but I'd also like to see some with people in shot as well :thinking: but the thing is if your in to wild life then you may not have the gear to do this as a decent wide angle is what you need IMO also considering bracketed exposures to allow for getting the view out of windows nice and exposed while also exposing for the inside


Thanks matt the only lens i have thst could be ok is a sigma 17-70 2.8-4 i could possibly get away with this .
i'd also take some shots at night if poss, with the lights on in the pub.. may give it a more homely feel than harsh daylight streaming through the windows. Stick it on a tripod and remote shutter or self timer for the longer exposures. You may need to mess about with the white balance depending on the lighting in the pub so shoot RAW. (y)
Just a quick thought on white balance...

Sometimes I actually like the look when Auto WB gets it wrong so I wouldn't automatically discard anything that's wrong... as it may look right... :D as long as any people in shot don't have purple faces etc.
white balance can be sorted in RAW editing to get the feel that you want.

maybe take a few sample shots and post so people can suggest ideas?

When is the opening?
Hi Stephen

Depends on how big the pub is and how much room you have, you could probably get away with the 17-70 lens, but if you could borrow an UWA (say 10-20mm), then it really opens other possibilities up...

I'd use a tripod, shoot in RAW, so you can adjut the shots afterwards if needed.

For some possible ideas, the shots below (in Flickr) I took are for my friend who's a joiner, these were shot with an UWA lens - the door shots etc, could have used a 17-70 lens with no issue, but I wouldn't have been able to get the room shots without the UWA...

Hope this is of some help...
maybe you couldn't get the same room shots at 17mm as with the UWA, but that doesn't mean you can take multiple images and stitch them together ;)