help to straighten

Use the ruler tool to draw a line on the horiz/vert that you want
then go to rotation and select aribitary. The required rotation is autosmatically entered there for you. Just hit OK
in paint shop pro (well in V8 at least) there is a straighten tool. You have to click one of the little arrows beside a tool button to see that option.

It puts a line on the image. You move the line around to near something with and edge then click and drag an end to match the angle of the edge in your image. Double click and the picture rotates to straight. Then use the crop tool to cut off the wonky picture edges.
what I do is: (in photoshop 7.0)

Open Photoshop & your image

Go Views/Rulers

Click on ruler and drag down to create a straight line on the image. For yours I would create a level line for each shelf.

Go Edit/Transform/Distort - then drag the corners around until the shelves line up (make sure to keep the verticles straight too (can use lines from the left rule to do this).

I did that and ended up with: