help with crashing on Mac- UPDATE

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hey folks i have encountered an issue with OS X and thought I'd check if anyone had a clue here before i spend a large portion of my life on the phone to apple support (via applecare).

Over the past few weeks I've noticed some instability on my mac the occasional crashing of chrome browser, sometimes itunes freezing, requiring restarts.

But the biggest issue reared its head last night when preview wouldn't open pdf's! if just quits unexpectedly for every pdf I've tried.
So far I've tested the error in a guest account and the same happened. but I don't know what to do. I used to be reasonably comfortable faffing around with Windows issues but the OS X has me really confused.
I'm running OSX 10.6.8 with a NAS networked keeping all time machine backups (which I had to redo on 7th Nov).

Itunes has also 'lost' the library files but I can sort that out.

Help!!! :bonk::bonk:

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I used the disk utility app and it shows two levels of hard disk.
The top level seemed to be called the HD type and the next level down macintosh HD.
I checked and repaired permissions on both these levels and the problem still remains.
I tried booting in safe mode and the problem still occurs.
I then ran the verify disk utility on the top level and it came back clear but the second level didn't and said I had to repair and create a OS boot disk. Seems that's tomorrow nights job then.
Will this erase all data on my HD?

Now safari is playing up and keeps getting stuck in a reloading loop even on apples own site.

Could a java or flash update cause this? I'm asking because when chrome became unstable it was running one of these type pages when it did.

If the hard drive has issues that may well be the problem.

I'd be inclined to get all your files backed up anyway in case the disk does just fail at some point (you have backups anyway?).

You need the boot disk to be able to repair the disk that is booted from, it *shouldn't* erase anything but again if the disk fails you should backup anyway.
Repaired disk and repaired all permissions while I was at it and preview still won't open pdf's without crashing.
I thought Mac's 'just worked' lol.

Adobe reader still opens them no problems. But I've uninstalled that anyway in case there was a conflict. There wasn't.

Apart from a full OS re-install any other options?

Thanks loads

It feels like admitting defeat but I think you're right.
Thanks for the help anyway.

You might want to try Onyx software. Does a good job of automating routine permissions and other maintenance tasks on a Mac.
How old is the machine? Have you got Istat menus? It's very useful for checking memory usage and temperatures etc. I'd be wondering about a dodgy memory stick. Also there is a recall on some iMacs with certain sea gate disk drives.
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I seem to remember that when 10.6.8 was first released, there were issues with Preview and iTunes crashing ( among other things)
The fix was to download all the latest updates and that appeared to fix the problem
Not sure if you are fully software updated but I would check.

First thing I would do if I was thinking of changing the drive or reinstalling ( or working on the drive) would be to clone the hard drive. I know you have Time Machine, but a cloned drive is very handy to keep around. Again, I dont know what machine you have so dont know how easy it would be to swap the hard drives over ( you can always startup from a cloned drive via USB)
I use Carbon Copy Cloner. Its a free download ( you can also get the paid version which I support as I use it a lot)
Copy the drive onto another similar drive or onto any drive for use as a backup or external startup drive

Once you have done that then you always have a working spare.

Then start doing your tests. This way, you can install a fresh copy of OSX without losing any data.

Cloning takes awhile but its well worth the wait.
Thanks for the advice everyone. The iMac is about 2 1/2 years old and hadn't faltered until recently.
As an update I took it to the Genus's this evening and happily everything I experienced was replicated!
Downside... They're suspecting a faulty logic board and/or harddrive even though diagnostics and verifications are showing fine, total cost £590!!!
Upside....I got my mates wife (an eternal student) to get it for me so I have 3 years AppleCare!! Phew!!

So it's in just now and we'll see how it goes.

Thanks again lads. I'll let you know if it that sorts it.

PS. Before getting to the Genius's I tried several times to install 10.8.2 and it would never install from any source at any stage. Eg via network/HD or from within OS or at boot.
It kept saying either a) parts cannot be downloaded or b) the installation file was corrupt.
The genius even tried this after reformatting the HD and it still threw up the same errors.

Well, well, well.

Apple called me this evening to say they've replaced the the MLB, HDD and all associated gubbins and it still ain't playing ball. The solution? Have a new iMac sir!!

The Apple store fella has assured me it will be a new one not refurb and will be an upgrade to mine. Here's hoping they're not pulling a fast one. The draw back is that I have to wait for it.

Mine was
Intro Date: October 20, 2009 Disc Date: July 27, 2010
Order No: MB950LL/A* Model No: A1311 (EMC 2308)
Subfamily: Late 2009 Model ID: iMac10,1
Std RAM: 4 GB Std VRAM: 256 MB
Std Storage: 500 GB, Std Optical: 8X DL "SuperDrive"
Complete iMac "Core 2 Duo" 3.06 21.5-Inch (Late 2009) Specs

I've been told the replacement will have a quad core processor, 8GB RAM and 1TB of HDD, which I think is a bit of a result! :)

That's a good result Joe - great customer service too! :D
To put this all to bed.
This evening I picked up a brand new 21.5" iMac.
Not too shabby really. Now to set it up!