Help with my Hibiscus!!

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This is a picture of my hibiscus plant that is just starting to flower. It's a real stunner. Anyway, as there will be a few opportunities coming up with the number of buds on the plant, I thought I'd ask for your help folks.

I love the yellow stamens on these, but wonder if there is a better shot in there. How would you take this shot? What would you try to emphasise?

Thanks for looking and I hope you can give me some ideas for pictures of a beautiful flower.

Hibiscus white red by swag72, on Flickr
Although I really like the DOF and how you've focused heavily on the stamen I'm wondering if there is scope for a more side on shot with more of the petals showing? Or front on with the red as the BG colour for the stamen.

I find composition with flowers very difficult so I'm probably not being much help! Sorry :thinking:
Thanks Fi - Appreciate your comments - Will have a play with what you suggest when the other flowers come out, they only last a day, but there's lots of them.
Hi Sara, that looks like "kona", we've got that chap too :)

As for composition advice, well, I find Hibs very difficult , I always want to nail the whole flower, but as you can have up to 15 cms of depth from the tip of the stamen back to the petals, it's damn difficult to do, so, depending on the flower shape, colour and BG I tend to do what you have done and accentuate one part of the flower :shrug:


PS, If you are bringing your hibs in for the winter, it's best to do it before the temps drop to far, that way you'll avoid leaf and particularly bud drop (which is gutting!) we bring ours in (28 at the last count) mid October, but I guess you may not need to worry about frost and such like?
Thanks Tara - They are tricky aren't they due to their massive size.

Mine are all out and planted in the garden. I've got the one you've identified as well as two really well established red ones. I have also planted a yellow one and I think it's a pink one as I just love the flowers. We do have frosts out here, even snow! They just take a while to come back if the winter is colder!