Here we go, another thread, need some help about driving

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Right when my driving instructor asked me to read a number plate i could read it with a struggle and only got like 2 charaters wrong. Could someone stop me worrying and tell me if specsavers can give me some other glasses that will help me see it better?

I am going to specsavers tomorrow in the morning but don't want to make myself look stupid, if you get what i mean.

Tony (y)
You need to read a number plate at 23ft (I think...or thereabouts). If you can't then you do need better glasses TBH.
i just about passed it myself but thought it was time for glasses when i could'nt read road sign's at night!

Just found that site and it says "The distance requirement for the eyesight test using old style number plates is 20.5 metres or 20 meters if the new-style number plate is used. New-style number plates were introduced on 1 September 2001 and are easily identifiable, they start with two letters ie AB51 ABC."

Marcel is there glasses that can help me see it?
its 20.5 metres for the old style plate and 20 meters for the new type ,,,,
as far as i know you should be able to get glasses specifically for you are going to specsavers tomorrow just tell them what you want the glasses for and they should be able to sort you out. Don't feel stupid asking!
Maybe i wrote it wrong, I can see it but is there anything that will make me see like 30 metres? just so i know i am safe?

I see there is like different like coloured things (tints) which you wear when your driving but not sure if that does anything..
Do you think they will notice if i stick a pair of 500mm on the glasses? :LOL:

I think i am thinking 20.5 metres is more than it actully is.... lol
I am glad you are in Norfolk, have enough ****wits on the road without another, sorry, not going to be polite on this one.

Go to the optician, get your bins sorted then get back out on the road, I am VERY surprised if your instructor carried on with the lesson to be honest.

Glasses, get it sorted.
ok, dseered don't post in here if you are only going to state what other have said and to add some crap about me living in Norfolk, yeah i live here now but was born a bred in London............

Stop trying to pick an argument..........


My dad just said from where my driving instructor to read to was about 50 metres away, and we just mesured it in the garden and i could read it :D
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ok, dseered don't post in here if you are only going to state what other have said and to add some crap about me living in Norfolk, yeah i live here now but was born a bred in London............

Stop trying to pick an argument..........


My dad just said from where my driving instructor to read to was about 50 metres away, and we just mesured it in the garden and i could read it :D

Glad you are in Norfolk because you are a long way from me in Cumbria.

Peoples lives are at stake because you can't see properly yet seek advice on an internet forum - go to the optician, simple really !

As for an argument, there really isn't one, as an ex-biker an acronym comes to mind SMIDNSY, to many funerals buddy.


Don't reply to this anymore please, you are not helping infact no one is.

Cumbria?? You're from there? and you have the cheek to say that Norfolk people can't drive? pfft
Glad you are in Norfolk because you are a long way from me in Cumbria.

Peoples lives are at stake because you can't see properly yet seek advice on an internet forum - go to the optician, simple really !

As for an argument, there really isn't one, as an ex-biker an acronym comes to mind SMIDNSY, to many funerals buddy.

You said that once already.........................................

AND you can't say anything about my dad, i think he know's what he is talking about, Lorry driver for about 10 years and driving for about 30 years..
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btw my ^^^:LOL: was mean to be below DF post not yours TG
I think we've established that the correct course of action would be for you to visit an optician, from there a correctly prescribed pair of glasses should ensure your eyes meet the standards laid down by the driver standards agency.

Now thats been established I'm closing the thread.

Mind the doors
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