Hey, need a critique of my stuff :)

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ok, i posted it here because my style actually doesnt fit anywhere, i like to take photos of everything, and everywhere.. ok check it out and tell me what u think

my portfolio so far... filipster.tumblr.com

and one more question, do u think its a good or bad thing to be into every style possible?

If you want crit then I suggest you post some of your pics on the forum, they will surely fit in somewhere.
yeah, but i really dont wont to put them all around the forum, pic by pic, i just want people to see them as one persons work, but still totally different..
There are many sections here and for those that don't fit there is other.

You will get a better response here and others just browsing will find the thread more readable with both images and answers in the same place.
yeah, but i really dont wont to put them all around the forum, pic by pic, i just want people to see them as one persons work, but still totally different..

So do you mean you can't be bothered but want people to go off to your tumblr account? :)
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ok, its true what you're saying, but what do u suggest for me to do if i want to share my whole portfolio, not only few photos?
okey okey :) when in rome.. :) ill do it that way , thanks

(y) this forum is a community, and you will get out of it what you put into it :D There are a number of sections for covering most aspects of photography so pick a couple of photo's and post them in the relevant sections (y) and the incredibly talented members will come along and provide a bit of C&C on them (y)

thanks, ill do that, trying to do it now, but i dont know how to put a photo in a post. any suggestions?
I had a quick look at your tumblr, and from what I saw there's quite a few street style, lots of film, some good creative shots and some portrait stuff.

We have sections for all of those.

Post a few up, you'll get a much better response than just posting a link.

Here is the post to help you put pics in your posts...

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thanks people, i posted my first photos in nature and wild :)
it was pretty easy to post it actually :)
As there are no pictures getting posted in this thread, I'll move it into the "Talk..." section I reckon...

Welcome aboard flipster, and I look forward to seeing some shots from you in the various critique sections. For the best level of crit. please post one or two images maximum in a thread, as its a big ask to properly critique a dozen images.
I checked them out.
Some interesting photos on there.
Some are hit and miss for me, some too soft or lacking focus, others are nice ideas and compositions.
If i was you i would remove some of them (i need to do this too on my flickr) as they dont add anything, but there are definately some neat pictures on there, one or two really stand out for me.
Have looked at them....

Like Stratocaster says, it's a varied, eclectic set portfolio.

I wouldn't go so far as to say you should remove some - whether they're good or bad is subjective to the individual viewer - although as a full body of work it could do with possibly being slimmed down as you find your preferred style(s).

I really like the 'foggynesslessfess' images and the 'Job' images - they have something about them that I cxan't quite put my finger on but they are intriguing and the type of work that's far removed from what I shoot.

Good luck, it seems you like shooting what's around you (which is great) and immerse yourself in the talkphotography community because it's a great place to learn, grow and socialise :)