Hi from soon to be Belfast!

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Hi my name is James and I am 23, Have been lurking around here for a while but thought I would finally join. Currently at home near Cambridge having just finished a degree in Biomedical Science, will be moving over to Belfast late September to start a PhD!

My main photo interests are landscapes, architecture and night/astrophotography. Hopefully will have a crack at macro once I get going in the lab as there is so much to show! Currently using a Canon 500D with the kit lens, a 50mm 1.8 and a new Tokina II 11-16mm F/2.8 when it arrives.

Looking forward to learning as much as possible from these forums.
Hi James and welcome to the forums, good luck with the studies in September and look forward to seeing your work.
Hi James, And welcome aboard TP, looking forward to hearing from you and maybe seeing some of your images on the various forums. "Enjoy".
Hi James and welcome to the forum :wave: