hopefully they're getting better!

Edit My Images
Well first day back at work, and predictably we didn't turn a wheel:D. Sent home early so i thought i'd try a few more pics to see if i'm learning anything :bang:



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This is the site of the old Barony Colliery. On the left are the whorals, left as a monument to the men who lost their lives there. And to the right built on the site of the old wash and screening plant used to supplt the old and now not there powerstation is the Egger chipboard factory.


And for some odd reason i liked this picture here

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Lovely images, but could be improved by making sure the horizon is level, would take 2 seconds on a photoshop...
Thanks, I tried to take them as they appeared, i don't have photoshop :(
Can i buy it from pc world etc as i don't like buying then download the prog would pref to have a disc of it.
I also seem to always pick places that look good then when i put onto pc it looks crap! So i'm working on my location places as well.
Ahh ok, its worth buying. I believe you can get photoshop elements for a good price at the moment and pc world are very likely to stock it in store.

Looks like you are in a lovely area, just have a look around on this forum there is loads of inspiration.....
hi steve
try taking the shot in middle of road so that: the shot leads you some where !
just a thought i tried it and it seems better on the eye dont know if its the right thing to do but try it see what you think ?:shrug::thumbs
Helps if you number your pictures and leave some empty space in between them ;)

1 composition is fine as the disappearing point is on a third. maybe a touch less sky and its a bit under exposed. Needs a subject - like a car heading into the distance.

2 Nice but dissappearing point is too central. Lose some off the left. Again under exposed.

3 similar comment to 1 but this time crop the bottom and exposure is better but still under.

4 get up a bit higher and lose the road as it is a barrier to the image.
Ahh ok, its worth buying. I believe you can get photoshop elements for a good price at the moment and pc world are very likely to stock it in store.

Looks like you are in a lovely area, just have a look around on this forum there is loads of inspiration.....

I've been looking and i'm starting to see where i've benn going wrong mostly not to just shoot from where i'm stood but to walk about and actually look at the shot i'm trying to take. I'll visit pc world at the weekend (y)

hi steve
try taking the shot in middle of road so that: the shot leads you some where !
just a thought i tried it and it seems better on the eye dont know if its the right thing to do but try it see what you think ?:shrug::thumbs

Ok, see what your saying there and yep i agree i'm away to the side, was actually the lines of hedge and treeline coupled with the colouring on the right i was looking at :crying:
I'll try that tomorrow on the way home...if we're away early, which i'd think we might be..or hope, I should say!
Helps if you number your pictures and leave some empty space in between them ;)

1 composition is fine as the disappearing point is on a third. maybe a touch less sky and its a bit under exposed. Needs a subject - like a car heading into the distance.

2 Nice but dissappearing point is too central. Lose some off the left. Again under exposed.

3 similar comment to 1 but this time crop the bottom and exposure is better but still under.

4 get up a bit higher and lose the road as it is a barrier to the image.
Again, thanks (I'll edit the post now) Would i zoom in more to lose more sky, or crop the image? Sorry for all the dumb questions!
It is best done when pointing the camera :)

Have a read up on 'composition' - applies to art and photography. One day I'll get us a tutorial for TP. In the meantime google or a good book :)
It is best done when pointing the camera :)

Have a read up on 'composition' - applies to art and photography. One day I'll get us a tutorial for TP. In the meantime google or a good book :)

I'll keep trying and keep taking on board the much appreciated help, really is a good forum!
Maybe one day....before i retire hopefully i'll get some good pictures! :)
I'll try the same locus tomorrow if we're off site early. :)
Thank's that's a good explanation, and i think.....not bold enough to venture that i do get it! But i certainly have a better understanding of how to go about taking the picture now, whereas before i just 'pointed-looked-and clicked away'. I'll not get any daytime pics untill the weekend now, but they should be better (the locus will def be dramatic..The Cobbler! )