Horror Films

The original Nightmare in Elm Street is on now.
I still find it unnerving.
I like Japanese horror movies, not the toture porn ones specifically but ones like Dark Water, but then again I'm a big fan of East Asian cinema
I love Dark Water and also A Tale of Two Sisters and Audition.
Most disturbing film I've ever seen is Irreversible.
I like well written horror films with a tongue firmly in cheek (The Babadook, What We Do In The Shadows - both Antipodean, both on Netflix )

I also like Zombie movies more for the characterization than fear factor - although Pontypool was surreally brill. Got to love the Canadians. Not many movies where I actually use "WTF?" as a word in my head.

It's posession/religious movies that get me & the Mrs glancing nervously at each other. Other than the classic Omen series & Exorcist, we found the Atticus Institute & The Last Exorcism to be very well done. The Paranormal Activity/Insidious/Ring movies all seemed to have the same feel to them and follow the same pattern. Definitely had a skip-to-the-end vibe whilst watching. Anything that has people running around like idiots in the dark being chased at the end is something I find too formulaic to be fun. Apart from the Babadook. That film was superbly written.

That's my tuppence!
Heads up! The Exorcist is only £3.99 on iTunes today.

One of my all time favs! First saw it at 11, scared the bejaysis out of me! I have to laugh at those who say it's not scary, they must have no souls! :eek: It is one of very few movies that after gave me nightmares.

I haven't seen a good horror in quite a while, most recent one was Ghost Stories, which is a bit creepy, without being too OTT, could do worse if you're stuck for ideas.
We watched The Omen recently, the later ones in the series were less good and the last one after he was killed complete rubbish IMO.
Anyone mentioned 'Raw' yet? It's French, out last year I think, and very good.
JPEG is better... :p
My wife and I love a good horror and have an okish collection;

The Boy
The bye bye man
Chocolate, strawberry, vanilla
The lesson
Eden Lake
Halloween 1 & 2 (latest remakes)
Insidious 1-3
the invitation
Lights out
the ring
the woman in black 1 & 2
the others
10 cloverfield lane
Rec 1 & 2
paranormal activity 1-3
Freddie vs Jason
Nightmare on elm street
the witch
28 days later
28 weeks later

the list goes on a few more, obviously there is some rubbish in the list.

Cant believe someone is rating the blair witch as a great horror.... i got bored and waited for it to get good and then it ended
While I do enjoy horror films; I found The Exorcist to be quite a mundane film.

When it was first released; I really wanted to see it. The film was banned locally due to pressure from religious groups. I was fifteen and decided to skive off school and travel up to London to see it with a mate. He bottled out when we got to Leicester Square as thought he might be eternally damned for watching the film!

Matters were not helped by having a 'Looney Tunes' short before the start of the film - it didn't create the right atmosphere.

Just after the film started; I felt a hand on my knee. I should have jumped out of my skin but I didn't. In my young mind I fantasised that a beautiful woman was looking to seduce me. Alas; when I looked to my left I was met with the sight of a middle aged, bearded man grinning at me. After stamping on his foot and relocating to another seat. I carried on watching the film and was utterly underwhelmed.

Three years later; I went back to Leicester Square to watch Carrie - now that was a scary film!

I've watched The Exorcist a couple of times since; but my opinion of the film hasn't changed.
Cant believe someone is rating the blair witch as a great horror.... i got bored and waited for it to get good and then it ended

Agreed. Blair Witch is truly awful.

It's certainly the worst 'horror' film I've seen and possibly the worst film I've ever seen - though I've recently had the misfortune to watch Geostorm which gives Blair Witch a run for the money in the crap film stakes.
Not a fan of the slasher or torture porn films like Hostel and Saw but I do like a decent horror film. The original Exorcist still makes me feel a bit nervous.

I also love the old 60s and 70s Hammer and Amicus films, even though they’re incredibly cheesy and not at all scary. I remember being scared rigid by The Devil Rides Out when I watched it when I was 14 (sneaked into the cinema :D). It was on the tv at lunchtime today, shows his times have changed.
I remember being scared rigid by The Devil Rides Out
I remember that from my early teens too, great at the time,
I was quite young when I first saw Quatermass and the pit ( similar era) ...
The hive cleaning was a bit scary funny now though ;) .

I saw "IT" the modern version recently ... Seriously ? WTF?
They don't make em like they used to, its all these damned Zombie films these days.

The legend of Hell house ( 1973) is worth a watch if you like the "older" proper horrors.
Three years later; I went back to Leicester Square to watch Carrie - now that was a scary film!

I've watched The Exorcist a couple of times since; but my opinion of the film hasn't changed.

Complete opposite here, I thought Carrie sucked, and I'm a King fan! but then I also think the Shining is over-rated :exit:
King books are hugely overrated.
Take away the 60% waffle and you'd still have a good book.
My wife and I love a good horror and have an okish collection;

28 days later


I kinda found that Will Smith zombie flick, forgot what its called, to be a bit of a pulse raiser too but 28 days proper scared the living **** out of me.

must be a zombie thing cos I can take or leave most other story lines.

actually, I don't think that's true, 28 days is just beautifully crafted, it would have worked with virtually anything......probably
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Complete opposite here, I thought Carrie sucked, and I'm a King fan! but then I also think the Shining is over-rated :exit:

Shame on you! :eek:


The Shining is that rare beast. A horror film that actually makes you think.

I kinda found that Will Smith zombie flick, forgot what its called, to be a bit of a pulse raiser too but 28 days proper scared the living **** out of me.

must be a zombie thing cos I can take or leave most other story lines.

actually, I don't think that's true, 28 days is just beautifully crafted, it would have worked with virtually anything......probably

I thought I Am Legend was poor, much preferred The Omega Man. Agree very much on 28 Days Later though. Also enjoyed World War Z.
I'm not a huge fan of Zombie films; but recently enjoyed both Train to Busan and The Girl with All the Gifts.


I kinda found that Will Smith zombie flick, forgot what its called, to be a bit of a pulse raiser too but 28 days proper scared the living **** out of me.

must be a zombie thing cos I can take or leave most other story lines.

actually, I don't think that's true, 28 days is just beautifully crafted, it would have worked with virtually anything......probably
the name of the movie is I am Legend, yea... it was ok
I've never got on with King's books, much prefer Den Koontz although King's books seem to have been better adapted to films
I like Stephen King’s books, although he seems to write one so-so one to every good one nowadays. There are some decent film adaptations but most are nowhere near as good as the book. There are some exceptions: The Shining, Misery and the original Carrie were good, Shawshank Redemption and Green Mile are both superb.
I like Stephen King’s books, although he seems to write one so-so one to every good one nowadays. There are some decent film adaptations but most are nowhere near as good as the book. There are some exceptions: The Shining, Misery and the original Carrie were good, Shawshank Redemption and Green Mile are both superb.

Some exceptional films there. Films are rarely as good as the books they're adapted from but those are the better ones.
The books can be much more intense I find, often the films cheese it up too much, and can be more laughable than scary. Sometimes they do work extremely well though, like the ones mentioned above. Which reminds me, I haven't seen Misery in many years! Must sort that.
T... Which reminds me, I haven't seen Misery in many years! Must sort that.

I see Misery about twice a week, although the wife told me to stop calling her mother that.

Not a huge fan of horror movies, I prefer reading either Stephen King or M.R. James (the BBC usually adapt one of his stories for Christmas and very spooky they are too). When it comes to movies I love The Shining, The Thing and the original version of The Haunting - a great example of less is more and letting the audience use their imaginations. The remake was awful and jam-packed with CGI ghosts that looked like rejects from a Harry Potter movie.

The novel The Haunting was based on has been adapted for Netflix using the original title of The Haunting of Hill House. It's been getting good reviews but I gave up after the third episode, it's more like a family drama with spooky bits and a lot of padding and jumping back and forth through time.