Horror Photography

Can't see the problem with them really, but nor can I see the appeal. The PP is terribly clever I'm sure, but the images are cliched and show little imagination or flair, IMHO. Reminds me a little bit of Dave McKean's mixed media work, and also the animation of Jan Svankmajer, and although they're arguably more polished than either of those I think they lack the sheer creativity of both.

Some really good conceptual shots in there. I like them all.
Absolutely love it.
I might send them the number of my psychologist.
The couple of shots of a very young girl in just her knickers are a little bit wrong, but I can actually see why they're included, to give a feeling of vulnerability when you should feel safest. Personally I think there is some awesome photography in that gallery, with a lot of thought going into props, lighting and compostion etc. The one of the girl sat watching TV with the pair of arms coming over the back of the sofa is brilliant, properly creeps me out for some reason.
I loved most of the shots. I liked the lighting in the shot of the girl coming down the stairs with the torch especially.
The girl in her pants didn't even register until i read the comments in this thread. Probably because i have a daughter the same age, however i wouldn't take a photo of her semi-dressed and put it on the internet :wacky:
Don't understand the reason. A nightdress or PJ's would have had the same effect. Maybe it was done intentionally to provoke a reaction? :shrug: