How Can I Achieve These Results?

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Hello all,

I want to get some shots to give the impression of a busy high street, by this I'm wanting people walking around the high street to be a big blur, with a focal point (i.e. a shop or market stall) the main subject.

How can I achieve these results? I'd obviously need a tripod with a long shutter speed.

Will I need a filter? If so, what type?

10 stop filter for shooting through the day, try and get above the crowd to show movement. oh yeah make sure you shoot at a buisy time aswell
A 10 stop will be too much.

Either a 3 stop for during the day or try it an hour or so before dusk when the light is weak.

Use the lowest ISO possible a small aperture around F16-18.
Probably obvious, but ensure you have ISO at it's lowest setting
OK cheers guys, thanks for the help :)

I've been doing a lot of reading around filters etc, but they are mega expensive - especially the Lee filters.

Which brand are considered the next best from Lee Filters for a full frame camera? I'll probably be using my 24-105mm F4 L lens
If you use a shutter speed that is too long, you run the risk of your shoppers disappearing completely due to motion blur. If you set your camera to it's lowest ISO setting, shut the aperture right down, you might find that the resulting shutter speed will give you the results you are looking for without the need for a filter, unless it is a really bright day.

I'd say have a go like this first to determine whether or not you need to go to the expense of a filter.
I did this one years ago. Is this the kind of effect you are looking for? I think I did at an exposure of about 2 seconds at something like f11. It is darker in there that outside so you may well need a filter.
(Sorry about the border and title, I used to love doing them like that but I'm not a fan any more. :bonk:)

Watching Over Them by Andy N Solaini, on Flickr
OK cheers guys, thanks for the help :)

I've been doing a lot of reading around filters etc, but they are mega expensive - especially the Lee filters.

Which brand are considered the next best from Lee Filters for a full frame camera? I'll probably be using my 24-105mm F4 L lens

You may not need a filter, depending on the light, the speed of movement, and how much blur you want.

Have a go at f/22 ISO50 (ISO expansion on 5D2) and that will give you an idea of what you need. Hoya NDx8 (three stops) should be enough and not too expensive.
I did this one a few years ago with a similar idea. (it's only a link as I don't have a version anywhere else online) It depends on the how bright the day is as to whether you need filters. My pic was on a very dull day, and I don't think I used and an ND filter, but it was a while ago, and if I did, going to smaller apertures than what I used would negate the need for a ND filter in the same situation today. All the settings I used are in the link btw. :)

Playing around with the shutter speed will be key, as the situation (speed of pedestrians) will affect what shutter speed you use. Too slow, and as has been said, the moving people may disappear entirely. I was lucky in my pic linked above that someone stood still to add the human element to the scene. Mine is not the best pic, but I got the effect I was after, and I think something similar to what you have in mind.
I did this one a few years ago with a similar idea. (it's only a link as I don't have a version anywhere else online) It depends on the how bright the day is as to whether you need filters. My pic was on a very dull day, and I don't think I used and an ND filter, but it was a while ago, and if I did, going to smaller apertures than what I used would negate the need for a ND filter in the same situation today. All the settings I used are in the link btw. :)

Playing around with the shutter speed will be key, as the situation (speed of pedestrians) will affect what shutter speed you use. Too slow, and as has been said, the moving people may disappear entirely. I was lucky in my pic linked above that someone stood still to add the human element to the scene. Mine is not the best pic, but I got the effect I was after, and I think something similar to what you have in mind.

seems grandma just fell asleep :) nice picture BTW (y)