How Creative are you..............Really?

I suspect creativity to be driven by hardship and a desire to succeed/escape. Comfort and pleasing surroundings can distinctly take away the desire to strive for success, instead encouraging relaxation and leisure.
I suspect creativity to be driven by hardship and a desire to succeed/escape. Comfort and pleasing surroundings can distinctly take away the desire to strive for success, instead encouraging relaxation and leisure.

Sometimes, yes. Many people can flourish in a comfortable environment though, whereas they'd just be pushed beyond their ability to function adequately to be creative in a more punishing environment. I think people really need to throw the stereotypes out of the window in this discussion.

I wasn't joking.. often people don't even understand what it is they need because they believe the common myths about creativity, what nurtures it, and what inhibits it. You get people running off into the hills to seek solitude and peace in order to be creative, only to realise they're just bored, and nothing creative is forthcoming. This is the most common one. People visit certain places and think "If only I lived here... I'd be SO creative" because they feel energised and invigorated by the change. However... that change quickly becomes normal once you realise your "dream" and all of a sudden.. you realise that you still have the same pressures, debts, routine daily crap and all the other encumberments you had in location A, and you've just brought them all with you to location B. Nothing has changed except the view out of the window. If you thought a view out of a window was somehow going to increase your creativity, you were sadly mis-informed.

If it's a change of lifestyle you need... fine... but you usually have to do more than merely move location to enable that.
What else do you think we do?

on the whole i thought you taught photography to under graduates

That would be you transferring your own personal traits onto me then.

Not really I frequently give honest and objective crit - regardless of who i'm giving it to - and i meant what i said I would welcome your crit if you give it objectively (incidentally the reason most of my work isnt here is because i removed it when it became obvious that some people arent that intelectually honest and were trashing my threads and other threads where my work was displayed because they don't like me - not due to any objective judgement of my work)

but I don't work with you 5 days a week like I do my students. I DO know what motivates them.

Exactly - my point in a nutshell , you know what motivates your students (and i never said you didn't), but that doesnt give you a huge insight into what motivates other people who you don't work with 5 days a week... ergo the idea that you teaching for living gives your opinion on this more than equal weight is flawed,

In their own right, no, as many are actually associate colleges of other universities. If you gain a degree from Blackpool, it's actually from Lancaster university - we're merely a college of Lancaster. Lancaster are happy with what we do, as are QAA, and the AoP, and the RPS and the BIPP and industry in general. Just you... a bloke on the net... who actually has no experience of the subject being discussed seems to have a problem with any of this :) Just t put things into perspective for you.

For the record i have no problem with it either, many Ex Polys are excelent institutions - I mentioned that i went to crew and alsager (which wasnt even an ex poly until it merged with Manchester met in my third year). My only reason for mentioning it at all was your assertion that the majority of universities are ex polys - circa 33% not being a majority
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on the whole i thought you taught photography to under graduates

Correct... but why do you assume that has nothing to do with inspiring people to create wonderful things? You think we spend three years teaching them technical crap? With all due respect, I really don't think you have any idea of what I do at all actually.

Not really I frequently give honest and objective crit - regardless of who i'm giving it to - and i meant what i said I would welcome your crit if you give it objectively (incidentally the reason most of my work isnt here is because i removed it when it became obvious that some people arent that intelectually honest and were trashing my threads and other threads where my work was displayed because they don't like me - not due to any objective judgement of my work)

So why assume that I, someone who critiques work for a living (yes... that's part of what I do as well Pete) would give anything other than honest critique? What have you read, or seen of me in TP that would suggest otherwise?

Exactly - my point in a nutshell , you know what motivates your students (and i never said you didn't), but that doesnt give you a huge insight into what motivates other people who you don't work with 5 days a week... ergo the idea that you teaching for living gives your opinion on this more than equal weight is flawed,

Not flawed at all. Obviously I can't give any opinion about anyone, about anything unless I know them, and that goes for anyone else too. I'm not sure anyone in here has suggested they know what motivates people without actually knowing them Pete.

For the record i have no problem with it either, many Ex Polys are excelent institutions - I mentioned that i went to crew and alsager (which wasnt even an ex poly until it merged with Manchester met in my third year). My only reason for mentioning it at all was your assertion that the majority of universities are ex polys - circa 33% not being a majority

It's not 33% though... your "list" isn't exhasutive, and is only those institutions that have their own degree awarding powers. However, those that do not, are still not polytechnics. There's no such thing as a polytechnic, nor has there been for 23 years. So many colleges are now just part of larger universities that it's not as simple as saying 33%. Lancaster university comprises of many associate institutions that were previously polytechnics... but are not on that list at all.. either as ex polys, or otherwise.
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Fair enough I stand corrected on that point

No problem. Not just the gallery either... I post in threads... last time I posted an image in a thread was 09:43 today.
Correct... but why do you assume that has nothing to do with inspiring people to create wonderful things? You think we spend three years teaching them technical crap?

from the state of some of the photography graduates ive seen they definitely arent taught technical crap - however i didnt say it had nothing to do with it , i said "inspiring creatives" was a highly romantic description for teaching under graduates. It would be a bit like me claiming that i make my living "being at one with nature and standing as its proud guardian" - protecting nature is part of what i do but its a very small part... and btw both my parents are teachers and my sister is a doctoral fellow at perth ... so i do have a fair idea what lecturer does.

So why assume that I, someone who critiques work for a living (yes... that's part of what I do as well Pete) would give anything other than honest critique? What have you read, or seen of me in TP that would suggest otherwise?
Did i siuggest you would ? as i recall i said i'd value your critique if you wouldn't (suggesting in fact that you might have the intelectual honesty which some here lack when it comes to critique)

. I'm not sure anyone in here has suggested they know what motivates people without actually knowing them Pete.
ed said and you agreed that your opinion on what motivates people in general should carry more weight than someone who shovels s***... wheras now you say that you can't tell what motiates someine you don't know ?

It's not 33% though... your "list" isn't exhasutive, and is only those institutions that have their own degree awarding powers. However, those that do not, are still not polytechnics. There's no such thing as a polytechnic, nor has there been for 23 years. .
those that don't have their own degree awarding powers are not universities and thus don't belong on the list... and those that are now part of other universities only belong on the list under the names of the universities they are part of.

Fact remains though that the majority of universities in the UK are not ex polytechnics (not that theres anything wrong with ex polytechnics - this whole area of discussion is something of a sideshow)
No problem. Not just the gallery either... I post in threads... last time I posted an image in a thread was 09:43 today.

fair enough - although you don't seem to post much for critique (that shot today was on a discussion thread - and i can't find any crit threads going back several pages on your postings list). Note that thats an observation not a criticism - I hardly post anyytthing for critique either
I actually did use to shovel s*** for a living - I spent ten years jet washing on poultry farms. Why the f*** should that stop me enjoying Creativity. I mean - that's what is missing here. Enjoyment and Creativity in one sentence. It is possible, and isn't elitist. I started working at the age of 15, even left home then. That doesn't make me anymore special than anyone else - not even than a university photography or art student. Art should and does belong to the People, I mean all of us. Anyone can be creative, and out creativity has an equal value in our enjoyment of it.
I actually did use to shovel s*** for a living - I spent ten years jet washing on poultry farms. Why the f*** should that stop me enjoying Creativity. I mean - that's what is missing here. Enjoyment and Creativity in one sentence. It is possible, and isn't elitist. I started working at the age of 15, even left home then. That doesn't make me anymore special than anyone else - not even than a university photography or art student. Art should and does belong to the People, I mean all of us. Anyone can be creative, and out creativity has an equal value in our enjoyment of it.

to be fair I don't think anyone was saying it doesnt - Eds point was that someone like David's opinion about what inspires creativity was more valid than a s*** shoveler, not the creativity itself ( I don't agree with the point, but that was what he was saying)
Not that the OP was anything other than a troll post anyway... I mean.. fancy asking such a question in TP... I mean... what else did you expect?

Why thank you college teacher... I was going to let it pass but I wont.

I was excepted at Barking college, Westminster, Poole which had the best rep at the time.. I went to Longfields in Middlesbrough.


Because it was full of arse head students spending months on one exhibition photo of tree bark and the Teachers/lecturers did bugger all to teach. just let students self learn like some dosey Montessori school.
no direction/no guidence nowt. real world kicked their arse and over 90% went on to work in factories or drive a truck.... Inspiring stuff eh? Because real World Photography is about top quality work on budgets and tight deadlines... 3 month printing treebark under the title of 'Light and Texture!!!' FFS!

Longfields first years were the basics and history final year you had to shoot in every format 335mm, Medium, 5x4 and 10x8. you had to choose 3 jobs in each format. And treat it like a job. cost it shoot it bill it.
You to work to time table if you went past deadline you lost marks. if work was sub standard = you lost marks. If billed the job wrong you lost marks.

We were taught photography and taught to treat it as business... None the hippy treebark crap that most students did.

That's what I think of most tutors...

I do hope you are not one of those? Thanks for the Bear Poke Sir, Oh sorry students probably call you Dave. how Liberal.

Troll, me? ROFLMAO!
I need a bridge and some billy goats!
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i said "inspiring creatives" was a highly romantic description for teaching under graduates.

That's your interpretation of it, yes. I intended no romantic notion of what I do... it's bloody hard work.

It would be a bit like me claiming that i make my living "being at one with nature and standing as its proud guardian"

Not really.... I inspire creativity... hardly the same as saying "I inspire creativity by standing as a bastion of intellectual values in an ever more financially driven educational system".. I merely inspire creativity, as that is the main goal of what we do. We facilitate the development of critically thinking creatives.. there.. that better? I could say "I teach", but really.... that's like saying David Hockney "paints". Any job can be distilled into one word for the purpose of a form or survey, but it doesn't mean you should.

Did i siuggest you would ? as i recall i said i'd value your critique if you wouldn't (suggesting in fact that you might have the intelectual honesty which some here lack when it comes to critique)

big soft moose said:
i'd even welcome your critique if you are intellectually honest enough to give it objectively rather than deriding the work due to our personal differences.

It does kind of suggest you have misgivings about my impartiality :)

ed said and you agreed that your opinion on what motivates people in general should carry more weight than someone who shovels s***... wheras now you say that you can't tell what motiates someine you don't know ?

Not one specific person, no... especially if I've never met them, however, I have many years experience that gives me insight into the subject, especially the fact that people don't actually know what motivates their creativity as well as they think they do. Someone who shovels **** does not. They'd be guessing.. pure and simple. So in balance... it would be fair to say that my opinion carries more weight on this particular subject than most in this thread. After all, most people's opinions on the subject are drawn from their own beliefs that they always know what they're doing and why they're doing it - which is natural. I have a far more etic and practical experience that suggests this is often not the case. Mr **** Shoveller has no such insight. That is all.. nothing more, or less.

those that don't have their own degree awarding powers are not universities and thus don't belong on the list... and those that are now part of other universities only belong on the list under the names of the universities they are part of.

Yes... so by that list... we're a university... just listed as Lancaster. My point is Lancaster comprises of many associate colleges, as do many universities. The colleges haven't ceased to exist just because they're not on a list on that well known bastion of diamond hard research... Wikipedia :) They are ex-polys, that are now part of universities.

Fact remains though that the majority of universities in the UK are not ex polytechnics (not that theres anything wrong with ex polytechnics - this whole area of discussion is something of a sideshow)

If you read that list, no. That list seems to suggest that anything not on it is somehow in a weird limbo. Our students study a course written by us, and validated by Lancaster University. Their degree says Lancaster University on it. That is all. We're an ex polytechnic that now teaches honours degrees by Lancaster University. Fit that into any schema you choose :) Doesn't change anything,
over 90% went on to work in factories or drive a truck...

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

Maybe they carried on making their arty photos and being happy with their lot instead of trying to make more and more money so they could move to bigger and better lighthouses? :D
I went on the course to better my photography and get the 'Bit of Paper' Had experience but applying for jobs got harder with out the paper.

Never wanted to do anything else other than be a photographer.
what's point of studying and following what you spend 3 years learning? Just get the qualifications and become cashier in Tescos or drive a dus cart? Makes no sense........ o
why thank college teacher... I was going to let it pass but I wont.

I was excepted at Barking college, Westminster, Poole which had the best rep at the time.. I went to Longfields in Middlesbrough.

What's any of that got to do with the fact that it was an inflammatory post designed to divide opinion and start a big barny? Your answer seems to suggest I questioned your standing or qualifications as a photographer. I'm confused. We all know what happens when you start an "art" or "creativity" thread on here... you included :) Why respond with your CV when all I said was that the post had a whiff of troll about it? :)


Because it was full of arse head students spending months on one exhibition photo of tree bark and the Teachers/lecturers did bugger all to teach. just let students self learn like some dosey Montessori school.
no direction/no guidence nowt. real world kicked their arse and over 90% went on to work in factories or drive a truck.... Inspiring stuff eh? Because real World Photography is about top quality work on budgets and tight deadlines... 3 month printing treebark under the title of 'Light and Texture!!!' FFS!

Wow.. thanks Daryil.. I had no idea what real photography was.

final year you had to shoot in every format 335mm, Medium, 5x4 and 10x8.

Dude.. we do that in the FIRST year... not 10x8 any more as the film costs are prohibitive (although we still have 10x8 cameras), but still 5x4. We're one of only 3 institutions that still have both B&W and colour darkrooms and on-site c41 processing.

you had to choose 3 jobs in each format. And treat it like a job. cost it shoot it bill it.

Sounds not dis-similar to our second year.

You to work to time table if you went past deadline you lost marks.

Go past deadline on a degree.. you fail and have to re-submit for a bare minimum 40%. All Unis will do this.

if work was sub standard = you lost marks.

Uhuh.. that's pretty normal Daryl.

We were taught photography and taught to treat it as business... None the hippy treebark crap that most students did.

Hmmm.. you mean like this ex-blackpool student was taught?

Incidentally I could keep posting up successful alumni all night long if anyone's interested... not that it would change some people's idea of what university lecturers do all day. Some peopel just want to take out their anger at their own crappy education on the entire system, not realising that higher education is not a one size fits all commodity... some are crap, some aren't. Your experience doesn't mean it's the same experience everyone else had.

That's what I think of most tutors...

I do hope you are not one of those?

I'm just left wondering why you would even suggest I was? What have you seen or heard from me in here that led you to believe this? I contribute to the technical forums and the more academic threads in this forum with equal facility and knowledge. My non-nonsense, suffer no crap from fools style should give you an indication what kind of tutor I am.

Too much anger and bitterness in this thread.
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what's point of studying and following what you spend 3 years learning? Just get the qualifications and become cashier in Tescos or drive a dus cart? Makes no sense........ o

Where the hell are you getting this from? LOL
Ok David, tell me what the point is?

some one spends 3 years doing HND in Photography. Then goe on to work as a fracking holiday rep? Or drive a bus?

Why bother doing the Photography course when there are so many easier, more mundane subjects that will give them a piece of paper?

If some one wants to drive a truck go take HGV. why spend 2 or 3 years learning photography?

Students don't spend 7 years study wanting to become a doctor only to say, 's***! I rather be a Frog machanic'!!!!!
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Just been catching up on this thread. Surely the idea that moving into an idyllic location will make you more creative is just an extension of an idea that appears to be prevalent among a lot of the members here. You know the one, "if only I had that (insert lens/camera/other item). I would be so much more creative".

It *might* allow you to do something to a higher level, but for the large majority it is extremely unlikely to make you more creative.
Ok David, tell me what the point is?

some one spends 3 years doing HND in Photography. Then goe on to work as a fracking holiday rep? Or drive a bus?

Why bother doing the Photography course when there are so many easier, more mundane subjects that will give them a piece of paper?

If some one wants to drive a truck go take HGV. why spend 2 or 3 years learning photography?

Daryl.. What a student makes of their education is up to them. Not us. We can't MAKE them have the drive, determination and tenacity needed to succeed in an industry that's fiercely competitive. If a student's motivation to spend three years in college is merely to get a piece of paper in order to get a job in an office, then there's your answer. How is that OUR fault? That's NOT what it's for at all, and those that engage well and work hard do extremely well.

Not once has anyone asked to see any of my degrees before commissioning me. They were however, very keen to see my portfolio, and that is what we concentrate on. Stop projecting your poor experiences onto everyone else please.
There's been no such thing as a polytechnic since 1992 Pete... do keep up dear chap.

I know. Imagine my surprise when my son recently told me he had to go for an interview at a university in Hatfield. That's a polytechnic isn't it?!!

I get fed up hearing both ex-student and lecturer, telling us what creativity is or isn't.

Then give your opinion as to what it is then... contribute to the debate so we can get away from all the whining.
David .
My last post this on this thread.

I have seen you have a go at Andrew and Pete. now me.

Other threads in the past you are an antagonistic F***k!

Are you like this on most threads?
Because the few I have read (very few) all you do is rub people up the wrong way all the time.

Well hope you are proud TEACHER. Because you won you got what you wanted.
Not one specific person, no... especially if I've never met them, however, I have many years experience that gives me insight into the subject, especially the fact that people don't actually know what motivates their creativity as well as they think they do. Someone who shovels **** does not. They'd be guessing.. pure and simple. So in balance... it would be fair to say that my opinion carries more weight on this particular subject than most in this thread. After all, most people's opinions on the subject are drawn from their own beliefs that they always know what they're doing and why they're doing it - which is natural. I have a far more etic and practical experience that suggests this is often not the case. Mr **** Shoveller has no such insight. That is all.. nothing more, or less.

so hang about are you now saying you know more about what stimulates somesone creativity than they do themselves ... really ? - does that not seem a bit arrogrant and condescending ? Especially as you also say you can't know what stimulates creativity without knowing the person.

I hate to break it to you , but your opinions are also subjective and drawn from your own beliefs and are no more (or less) valid than anyone else's on a general discussion like this
Incidentally I could keep posting up successful alumni all night long if anyone's interested... .

I'm fairly sure no one is

by the way I didnt have a crappy education - Ive got an MSc and i'm currently halfway through an MBA

The only thing that ticks me off about the education system is lecturers who because they are used to being the most educated person in the room (not hard when faced with a bunch of under grads 5 days a week) believe that they are always the most educated/erudite/inteligent person in any discussion and say/post things like " of course my opinion should bear more weight than the average person in this discussion"
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David .
My last post this on this thread.

I have seen you have a go at Andrew and Pete. now me.

Other threads in the past you are an antagonistic F***k!

Are you like this on most threads?
Because the few I have read (very few) all you do is rub people up the wrong way all the time.

Well hope you are proud TEACHER. Because you won you got what you wanted.

If by "have a go" you mean I challenged what they were saying... yes. So? I've been nothing but civil and sensible in the debate. As for Pete... well... he's always antagonistic towards me.

I'm fairly sure no one is

Like that.. fairly typical stuff. Doesn't bother me, so why should it bother you if I treat him the same way. I'm sure Pete's not actually bothered any way.

LOL@ Teacher...

There.... down to your level.

Just press the ignore button if I bother you Daryl... stop being a baby.

so hang about are you now saying you know more about what stimulates somesone creativity than they do themselves ... really ? - does that not seem a bit arrogrant and condescending ? Especially as you also say you can't know what stimulates creativity without knowing the person.

I'm talking about knowing them Pete. Why are you insisting I know what motivates people I didn't even know... better than they know themselves. I'm not psychic. I can only say it as I see it. I see this time and time again (after spending time with people.. just for clarity): People externalise their motivations and assume they need to obtain something in order to be inspired... a better location... more money... a better lens or camera... Peace and quiet.... a great view from my window... it could be anything. if only they had those things they'd be far more motivated and creative. They fail to realise it pretty much mostly comes from inside.

I hate to break it to you , but your opinions are also subjective and drawn from your own beliefs and are no more (or less) valid than anyone else's on a general discussion like this

Experience... not belief.

The inspiration you need is already inside of you... you don't need to spend money, or move, or build a dodecahedron shaped house... rejoice.

I'm fairly sure no one is

As I assumed.

by the way I didnt have a crappy education - Ive got an MSc and i'm currently halfway through an MBA

So.. despite the fact that you have nothing but bad things to say about education.. you did OK from it it would seem. Coudl that be because you were a good student, and the crappy ones you talked about were not? So the crappy students were because you had crap lecturers, and your success has nothing to do with those lecturers. I see. A bit like when people fail their driving test, it's because they had a crap instructor, and when they pass it's because they're a brilliant student. OK... I et it now :)

The only thing that ticks me off about the education system is lecturers who because they are used to being the most educated person in the room (not hard when faced with a bunch of under grads 5 days a week) believe that they are always the most educated/erudite/inteligent person in any discussion and say/post things like " of course my opinion should bear more weight than the average person in this discussion"

I never said my opinion is more worthy than the average person's. I said, on THIS subject, it's probably more valid than the opinion of someone who shovel's **** for a living... and it wasn't even me that made that comparison to begin with anyway.. it was Ed Sutton.
So.. despite the fact that you have nothing but bad things to say about education.. you did OK from it it would seem. Coudl that be because you were a good student, and the crappy ones you talked about were not? So the crappy students were because you had crap lecturers, and your success has nothing to do with those lecturers. I see. A bit like when people fail their driving test, it's because they had a crap instructor, and when they pass it's because they're a brilliant student. OK... I et it now :)

Actually I never saiud i had nothing good to say about education - we had some brilliant lecturers on my masters degree , and my MBA (by distance learning) is very well structured - this could be because my masters was at university of london, while the masters is at EBS both of which are much better universities than crewe and alsager. In my undergrad degree we had some so so lecturers and some who were great, and a couple who were really not....

II said, on THIS subject, it's probably more valid than the opinion of someone who shovel's **** for a living... .

and i said that theres no reason why that should be so - given that your experirence is limited to students and this subject is significantly broader than 'what inspires students to creativity.
and i said that theres no reason why that should be so - given that your experirence is limited to students and this subject is significantly broader than 'what inspires students to creativity.

Students are people too Pete... and they come in all ages and all levels of life experience... plus, you're assuming it's solely based on students. I'm 47.. I've lived a life that's been comprised of a hole lot more than being a photography lecturer. I've "only" been doing that for around 8 years. Peopel have a tendancy to think that "if only I had this...." they'd be more inspired to be something other than they are. It's a coping mechanism that absolves them from any responsibility. We all do it... including you and I.
Students are people too Pete... and they come in all ages and all levels of life experience... plus, you're assuming it's solely based on students. I'm 47.. I've lived a life that's been comprised of a hole lot more than being a photography lecturer. I've "only" been doing that for around 8 years. Peopel have a tendancy to think that "if only I had this...." they'd be more inspired to be something other than they are. It's a coping mechanism that absolves them from any responsibility. We all do it... including you and I.

really ? - according to the profile i saw you had one job in photography then went back to the same university you graduated from as a lecturer

also you were resting your enhanced insight on the point that you were a lecturer - if we are talking about life experience, at 42 Ive had a fairly interesting life but i'd bet that daryl has more 'creative' life experience than either of us
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Wow! David if you like me to post my resume I will fella! I've do

And working for Venture is not on my list....

'nowt wrong with that.. got me out of a hole when I relocated back up north without a penny to my name.

You mean the wedding and the commercial ones? No.. not forgotten those. Just demonstrating how annoying it is when someone degenerates what you do in order to score cheap points in a forum. Seems like it bothered you a little. Perhaps you shouldn't dish out what you can't handle.

Oh... thought you;'d already made your last post in this thread?
according to not every student on the blackpool photography courses is feeling creatively inspired (and i am not saying that this relates to David personally - much as he isnt my favourite person I believe he's better than what is described here). This an excerpt from a review of the extended diploma art and design (photography) course

The teaching can barely be called that; they gave us a piece of work to do, never even marked it or checked it, and didnt even tell us the basic information/needs we needed for a pass, merit or distinction. The tutors tend to have problems with keeping their personal opinions to themselves and often blurted out random insults and criticism that wasn't even course-related.

That kind of thing is exactly what i was talking about in my earlier post , but which i'm assured is out dated and doesnt happen any more (except in 2012 and 2009 it appears)
really ? - according to the profile i saw you had one job in photography then went back to the same university you graduated from as a lecturer

also you were resting your enhanced insight on the point that you were a lecturer - if we are talking about life experience, at 42 Ive had a fairly interesting life but i'd bet that daryl has more 'creative' life experience than either of us

I've got nothing against Daryl, nor have a said anything derogatory about him.. except the comment a few posts up, which was just to demonstrate how petty he was being... at least he earns a living with a camera, which is more than most do on here... and no, that wasn't a dig at you.

No idea what profile you've read. Yes, I gained my BA from Blackpool... and yes I teach there now.. ten years later. I've also taught at Mid Cheshire and UCLAN. I didn't even GO to uni to study photography until I was 30 and the primary motivation for me was only partly photographic - it was mainly academic. I've been working as a freelance commercial photographer pretty much since I was around 20, so I'm well aware that a degree isn't NECESSARY to earn a living with a camera. Something I've actually said many times, in many threads. I've had several periods of doing other things to supplement income in lean times - from Club DJ to Driving instructor. I also ran a fine art B&W printing course at the Emily Carr centre in Vancouver when I lived there for 2 years, and ran a company that modified and customised mobile phones in the late 90s and early noughties. Done loads of stuff... Oh.. and Venture too... done pretty much every role there... from photographer, to sales, to studio manager, and eventually art director running internal courses for new photographers at head office over a period of around 3 and a half years. Only job I haven't done there was in the labs... a guy called Paul Fox used to run that, and he was adamant that photographers knew nothing about printing for some reason :)

Brilliant! All I can say.

No one is dishing anything. But I'm up for the 'Pepsi Challenge'

Nowt wrong with Venture. 2003 I nearly bought into the Franchise...... I liked what Brian Glover started.

And what would the Pepsi Challenge consist of? :)

You had a lucky-ish escape. That was just before the downturn. They had over 90 studios around 2003/4, including the US and Hong Kong... by 2006 that was slashed to 60ish.. now they're struggling to survive against competition who essentially do the same thing for less. Even one of the founders, Howard Lipman who was the second studio to open after Glover-Smith opened Shipley has since bought OUT of the franchise and is now running independent... making more money by selling cheaper products... that are basically the same.. but one third the price.
Aye, Is tough times for folk who run Studios......
Not easy.....

A friend of mine runs a studio called Essensi in St Annes... he's making a killing. If social portraiture was what I still did I'd be buying him a great many drinks to find out what he's doing.
A friend of mine runs a studio called Essensi in St Annes... he's making a killing. If social portraiture was what I still did I'd be buying him a great many drinks to find out what he's doing.

Probably talking to people politely and professionally , understanding his clients and marketplace and realizing the potential in situations rather than taking opposing sides. You know David all the qualities of a successful business person still running their own business. If he wasn't like that or things got the better maybe he could take up lecturing though.