How did you get here?


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Just wondering how you all found TPF?

I spose its only fair that I start....

I was a member of another photography forum which shall remain nameless. I had quite a major bust-up with one of the moderators over the way the place was being run and I basically told him to shove his forum where the mice won't get it. I have this apparently nasty habit of saying exactly what I think to people...

Meanwhile I'd been told about TPF by my brother who had dealings with a car website at the time, and he knew one of the moderators on here, so I joined up and kinda never posted until after the altercation on the other site. Quite an unusual turn of events, really -he was always into photography for maybe 15 years or more but now I'm kinda more into it than he is.

Anyway, what you doing here? :)
mfwild13 said:
Good ole Google for me

Think it was the same for me, can't remember though, seems an eternity:thinking:
I was sent here as a punishment...:(
I was walking along a dimmly lit street a few years ago when three shifty looking dudes stepped out from behind a parked Transit van, they knocked me on the head with a metal bar and i've not been allowed out from behind this pc screen since.
It was Mr Matthew Moule.
He had a wonderful image of an eagle published in a photography mag and I picked up one of his threads at POTN about it.

I PM'd him over there and he pointed me here.

Been here ever since.
I was using AVF's photo section. It was growing slowly but full of what camera for £50 posts. The moderation (from the site owner not the forum mods) was OTT to say the least so I moved to a tiny forum in Mattys sig.

Think there was something like 3 or 4 posts a day then. Now it can be a struggle keeping up with everything at times :) . Go TPF!
I saw a link to TPF from the OCuK photography section and decided to be nosey :)
Got fed up reading the "whats the best camera for under £50" threads over on OcUK.
I blame CT (aka Tonky on S2KI forum). He made me come here....
I wandered over from OcUk after seeing TPF mentioned several times over there by Matty;)
me?? a pimp??? never i tell you!

Google is working well innit, regular results in the top 10 now, and a few #1 ratings too.
I think I was another one lured here by a link in Matty's sig on another forum - he gets all over the bloody place!
It's Digital Failure's fault I'm here. He and I used to post on the Civic Type-R Owners Board, where I used to get involved in the occasional photographic/Photoshop threads. Just after this board was started he pointed me over here, and in no time at all I was press-ganged into modding in a moment of temporary insanity. :shrug:
I can't remember how, I think I heard it on the forum, they have a great photography forum :)
P-E said:
I wandered over from OcUk after seeing TPF mentioned several thousand times over there by Matty;)
Amended for accuracy ;)
I can't remember how I found TPF.. I think there was a link to it on someone's site.
my sig got rumbled only recently too, not bad eh!
OT Matty, I've got you on as a link from my site, do the links actually do you any good?
This guy called CT came over to the Civic Type R forum and whored about the old TPF, so I came over and had a nose around. :)
minimeeze said:
I think I was another one lured here by a link in Matty's sig on another forum - he gets all over the bloody place!

Yes, just joined here and found it the same way - Matty's sig on dcmag forum.

Great forum here, just getting into it. Thanks!

Dod yes those links are useful, if everyone had one on their sites and those sites are googled then yes, very useful
I think it's fair to say that Matty is the pimp daddeh!!!!

Can there be anyone on the internet who he hasn't nudged :D
Link in someones sig on the OC.UK forum, was starting to get interested in the photography forum but to be honest it wasnt busy enough to feed my interest, once I stumbled in here that changed;)

Sat on the sidelines a bit to see what the place was like and when I realized that it was full of some good characters as opposed to some of those you get in other forums, I took the plunged and signed up - been happy ever since(y)

(Must get around to posting some pics @ some point though;))