How do you address a royal?

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I'm going to an event where I'm going to be in a position to photograph Harry and Wills. I presume "Oi this way geezer" won't cut it. Anybody know the correct protocol?
When I met the Duke of Edinburgh, I probably didn't use the correct terms and did not call him your highness, unlike everyone else, I simply said hello sir and that it was good to meet him...

In other words, I am not the best person to answer :LOL:

But I think just asking politely, would be ok to stand her and look at me, sir. I suspect they are pros at it
Your highness would be the correct way of addressing a prince or princess; Your majesty being reserved for kings and queens. I suspect 'sir' will probably be enough to get their attention......depends on how formal the occasion is i guess.

"Wassup dude!" for Harry.. :)
If you go with the 'Oi Geeza!' option, I reckon you'd get some pretty good facial expressions! :D
One could always play it safe and just shout...

Oi.... Free Loading Kraut........

That might work..
'Oi - coke & dubious fancy dress costumes this way" would work

What about just "Harry!" and "Will(s)(iam)!"

They are royalty but I think I'd appreciate being called by my normal name, if I was in their position. But it does depend on the time of event.
You address both as your Highness, also when you bow watch for them extending there hand to shake your's, you do not extend your's, you wait for them to extend theirs.
ziggy©;2649927 said:
"Wassup dude!" for Harry.. :)

One could always play it safe and just shout...

Oi.... Free Loading Kraut........

That might work..

Oi! Hewitt! (Pretty sure that side of the family isn't German, so should be OK for Harry. Wills looks more like Charles than he does JH, so your Highness is probably correct in that case).
When they were younger it used to be "Oy Boys" usually followed with "quieten down or else", then Sir and Maam for the parents.

Sir would do now.
Hello Jim :shrug:
Its Your Royal Highness initially and Sir thereafter.

At least thats how I like to be addressed when on a Royal Progress. :notworthy:
I would go with "Oi this way geezer".
I'm not a fan of the Royal family (I do agree with Charles when it comes to architecture), I would go with 'Sir', I just couldn't do the 'your highness' carp.
Two loaded kids just cos of their family name doesn't cut it for me.
You address both as your Highness, also when you bow watch for them extending there hand to shake your's, you do not extend your's, you wait for them to extend theirs.

O' please !!!!!!!!
For the love of god dont follow the above advice.
As they are both known to like pop music, I'd go with 'Yo! Wazzup homie'.
Maybe try, "Fancy a pint? Its on me if you let me take your photo!"

Sir is your best bet though ;)
I would go with "Oi this way geezer".
I'm not a fan of the Royal family (I do agree with Charles when it comes to architecture), I would go with 'Sir', I just couldn't do the 'your highness' carp.
Two loaded kids just cos of their family name doesn't cut it for me.

Take a tip from Trigger (Only Fools & Horses) and say...

"Alright, Dave ?!"
When I shot Prince Andrew at the International Festival of Falconry, we were to address him as "Your Royal Highness", and afterwards "Sir". I believe it's only the British royal family that are referred to as "Royal Highness".


The fella on the left is "His Highness Sheikh Sultan Bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan" of Abu Dhabi, to whom we were to address simply as "Your Highness".

We were all (exhibitors and press) presented with a list of the official terms with which to address different levels of people (as there various other "ranks" floating around over the weekend).
I've covered quite a few Royal visits for my newspaper and everytime we were told that we couldn't talk to them at all. The had their protection officers with them who were always moving us back so we couldn't get to close.
You don't talk to them at all!

Says who? If you need to get their attention to look at the camera, you need to address them appropriately.

I've covered quite a few Royal visits for my newspaper and everytime we were told that we couldn't talk to them at all.

I was side by side with several togs from the BBC and various newspapers while he was there, and they had no problem calling his attention (using the appropriate title) at various moments throughout his tour around the event.
The visiting royals press officer. We couldn't talk to them and neither could radio or television.
You mess with them/try talking to them - and you'll be removed. I've done loads of royal shoots - you don't talk to them!