How do you hobbyists get your models?

I just opened a Purestorm account using some very old images - it would appear that an awful lot of models are willing to work for TFP/TFCD to gain some half-decent images for their portfolios.
Even those asking for paid work have had to drop their rates a lot.
I'm doing two seperate figure/art nude shoots at the weekend, one for £20ph and the other for TFCD...

That's less than I was paying ten years ago...
Just registered to Purestorm also. There are lots and lots of models in Sussex looking for TFCD. Seems like a no brainer to be honest. i'll be booking the services of one as soon as my profile gets approved.
I've been a member on purestorm and model mayhem for over about 2 years in total. I joined predominantly to gain the same experience that the OP is looking for. However, it's not as simple as just joining, logging on and being able to get a model and would highlight the following:

1. Virtually all the Models will look at your portfolio before they decide to give you their
time for free - if you can't demonstrate that you can create the quality images they
would like to have for their portfolio, they will not give you their time for free.

2. New models only shoot TFCD as they need quality images for their own portfolios - so
the above point applies again.

3. To get any sort of result, you need to shoot in a studio with the right equipment and
either with the right assistance or after having had the right training.

4. It is vital that you learn how to set up and meter the lights correctly - if you don't
know how, it is well worth sigining up to one of Chris Burfoots Courses to learn how.

5. It is highly advisable to pay an experienced model to work with you initially in order
that you can create some quality images to start your portfolio. It's not as expensive
as you may think. Alternatively, attend a couple of Group Shoots or a Model Day at a
local Studio.

6. Don't give up. If you look at any of the sites, purestorm, model mayhem etc, you'll find
hundreds of photographers seeking TFCD work so it can often be hard to get.

7. Why not halve the cost of a studio shoot with an experienced photographer? You
could get a 4 hour studio slot with a great model for £80 each. You'll get some great
images and learn by watching the photographer set up.

I built my initial portfolio by hiring models and studio time. Once I had a strong portfolio I attracted TFCD and gained more experience: now take on only paid work. I've had 2 offers today, 6 last week. unfortunately, you are going to have to invest some money if you wish to learn about about creating such images successfully.

I shoot mainly at the Adrian Pini Studio at Staples Corner, London. I regularly share studio time with those who wish to learn or just gain experience - if you'd like to share costs and shoot or even pop along just to assist me set up, drop me a line. I'd be happy to help. I shoot weekly.

If enough of you wish to get together with me, I can price up a full day in the studio with a number of models and take you through some basic lighting setups so you'll get some quality images. The only cost will be for the studio time and the models, which between say 4 photographers may be no more than £100 each for the day.
I've just recently bit the bullet and started using Purestorm. I was really surprised at he response i've got - i'm booked up for the next 6 weeks! TBH i was quite intimidated by all the models (even amateurs for some reason) but I needn't have been.

You can either make a post requesting models for a shoot (or in my case a series of shoots) and wait for them to reply or mail them directly if they say they'll do TFCD.

If you are not confident about your ability, don't worry - as long as you have a few example pics so the models can judge and you say that you are looking to develop your skills in your post...then everyone is happy.

So go for it! :)

why not try and team up with another inexperianced photographer and hire a model on a tfcd basis? im sure you'll probably get a few decent images between you at worst!

That's what I did when I started out. There were 3 of us and we'd get 2 or three models over the course of half a day. Even if each of us only ended up with a handful of decent shots (this wasn't the case in practice but was what we'd budgeted for) it would still be worthwhile for us and the models.

HAve a look at the photos of Ashely & Brenda on here They were the first 2 sessions we did like this, they look pretty poor now but both we and the models were happy with them at the time.
I've just recently bit the bullet and started using Purestorm. I was really surprised at he response i've got - i'm booked up for the next 6 weeks! TBH i was quite intimidated by all the models (even amateurs for some reason) but I needn't have been.

You can either make a post requesting models for a shoot (or in my case a series of shoots) and wait for them to reply or mail them directly if they say they'll do TFCD.

If you are not confident about your ability, don't worry - as long as you have a few example pics so the models can judge and you say that you are looking to develop your skills in your post...then everyone is happy.

So go for it! :)


Lol, whilst reading your post and bearing in mind i've only been approved on purestorm for about 1 hour, I've received 3 requests from models in my area wanting TFCD! Could be quite a busy few weeks ahead.
Well all the above is true to a point - however, I explained these initial shoots were for test-shots to ease me back into things after a ten-year time-out, that my portable studio lights were back in Germany and that she would only have the pick of the finished images, not all of the RAW images...
After one week, I have four models asking me for work, both paid and only problem is not having enough time to fit them in...
I can only dream of making money in photography, let alone turning work down!! :LOL: :razz: :D
Try to keep Optimistic Rob! Keep going and and the dream will become a reality :)

Just a tip but when you are at a family get together or on a day out with friends etc take random pics when people are not aware or expecting it. I get some of my best shots then.

I am optimistic geminip, I really enjoy photographing people.

I photograph my friends and family so often now, my camera is always with me its hard to be discreet with shots no. They kow I'll be close by with the camera raised!!
My problem is, my fiance/family/friends are either busy or unwilling to spend time posing for me - which I can understand, I hate having my picture taken!!

Sorry I was just going from your original thread above.

I know its hard to be discreet with the camera sometimes.

Good Luck :)
I know exactly what you mean.

I have been pleasantly surprised in this thread at how many people local to me are about, I think a meet is due after my wedding. There are plenty of studios around. Ihave found one only 10 min down the road from me too which is always good!
Im definitely up for that! Sounds a great idea.

I agree this Website is great for getting advice, asking questions, or just if your generally into photography.

Good Luck and Congrats for the big day :)

Hope your Wedding Pics are great :)

I have no doubt we'll be happy with our wedding photo's. The guy we have booked is fantastic, and I have also been on one of his portrait photography courses. That and later on in the evening he will be the caller in the Ceilidh band too!
get married to them

Far too expensive ..... :LOL:


I was in the same situation as you however ..... I found a local meetup group and after a few months was invited recently to a studio shoot using a paid model.

Some results of which can be seen Here.

The down side was I had to share the time (6 others) with the model but the pros of doing it this way you are able to get ideas from the other togs and the cost was £10. So all in all had a great evening working with a great model for very little outlay.

Hope this helps with your decision?
