How easy is it to change work shifts?

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I am new to the world of work, being only 16 i started my first job at a supermarket last month.

Today i am applying for a photography course at a very local college. The only problem is, it is on one of the nights that i am working.

The course starts in august, so there is plenty of time to make changes.

But this is a small supermarket and im worried about changing my shift for that night. Is it usually easy to swap one day for another with this much notice? Would it be best to ask about changing a shift as early as possible?
Would it be best to ask about changing a shift as early as possible?

Most supermarkets are flexible, especially to employees that show their worth (eg. show them you work hard and are reliable and honest).

If they dig their heels in then you can impose other rights, speak to citizens advice bureau.
Would it be best to ask about changing a shift as early as possible?

Always give as much notice as you can, explain to them why you need to change the night/s, and say you are happy to change the shift not just take the time off. They should be fairly flexible if you are reasonable with them. Is always worth asking a colleague if they mind changing beforehand also, then you can go to the boss with an alternative ?

Be prepared for colleagues to do the same with you and all will be fine :) Is just a matter of being an adult about it :)
Thanks for the advice. Ill ask a few colleagues tonight and tomorrow, then i will go to the manager if i can't find someone to take my shift.
It will be easier to convince the manager if you have someone to swap with, ask around and then then approach your manager but do it as early as possible :)
As people have said, I can get away with murder, pretty much because they know if the ever need me i'll come in if i can, i work hard when i am there and i do all the shifts no one else wants! It's all about making sure they know you'll owe them a favour etc. Usually asking your department manger will be easier than approaching other members of staff. other members of staff are likely to just say no, your DM will be able to change someones shift

Are you on a set hours contract? if you are then this is the thing that could be your downfall.

otherwise it will just be a way to ask in the right way.