How long to service lens?

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I was wondering if anyone else has had a problem with time taken for servicing - my lens went in early November and apparently they are still waiting for parts from Canon. Repeatedly chased up since Christmas and just get told "a few more weeks" - The manager has offered to lend me his Sigma 150-500mm if I'm stuck for any event (very kind) but am I wrong in thinking this is ridiculous service from Canon? :thinking:
It depends if its an obscure lens, or part that isn't often replaced and therefore stock isn't held.

I had my 70-200 2.8 serviced by Canon Elstree last summer and was delighted with the service I had. Just a standard service, internal clean and calibrate, it was back to me within 10 days and I received communication throughout. Not only that, but the cost was even less than the 'fixe price service' fee they quoted because it needed less work than usual (a very rarely used lens that is bought second hand). Really couldn't fault them.
Nearly 3 months is a ridiculous amount of time needed to get a few parts no matter how scarce they are. When you think how long it takes to actually put a lens together in the first place, even including the lens glass grinding. What lens is it and is it still under warranty. If it's within warranty I'd be asking for a new one by now, but as Paul says, if it's an old obscure lens you're really at their mercy. It's certainly not in Canons interest to take 3 months to fix a lens as it's not good for public relations.

As you've been offered the use of a Sigma 150-500, which is an excellent lens and one that I use regularly for wildlife and aviation, I'm guessing your lens isn't a small obscure fisheye or something similar. It might be a good idea to contact one of the other Canon service centres to see if they can help.
Who have you sent it to and what lens was it? I'd be asking for answers.

This is where cps membership comes in as I've had lenses back to me within 4 days. When my 24-105 went in and needed parts they didn't have to hand, they lent me a replacement lens.
Hi, the lens is a Canon 100-400mm IS so I wouldn't have thought rare, I don't know what part is the problem but the lens was working when I put it in so I was expecting just a service and clean. I've been quoted £260 for the work to be done.

They are very pleasant to talk to but unless I chase I've had no communication. Hmm they can have another week then time to go get it I think.
i dont know sounds a little iffy to me i would be asking what there going to replace and why
But who has it? A proper Canon approved service centre, or a random camera shop that service/fix lenses. That sounds expensive, if someone was telling me parts needed replacing beyond the service you asked for, I'd want to know very specifically what fault they had found, and how the cost breaks down.
Accept the offer of the loan lens - that might hurry them up. Plus you get a free trial.

Win win as the saying goes.
Or Lose Lose as the 'repair' may be overpriced/not required and 3 months have already been lost.