How many film camera's do you own







Nice list you have there pepper.

Hi I am new on the forum, and stumbled across this post last night. Its nice to know I'm not the only one with this addiction, but more scary it made me stop and have a count up on the cameras I have accumulated. These are all working with new light seals, here goes...

Canon AE-1
Canon Canonet 28
Canon rapid demi 1.7
Canon FTb
2 x Olympus Trips, (silver button with custom skins and a black button with original skins).
Olympus Pen EE
Olympus Pen EES
Olympus Pen EES-2
Olympus Pen EE2
Olympus Pen EE3
Olympus 35-SP
Olympus 35-RD
Olympus OM-1 MD
Olympus OM-10
Yashica ME-1 (custom skins)
Yashica Mat 124
Yashica Mat 44
Praktica FX-2 (one of my favourites, its great fun to use)
Praktica MTL3
Rollei XF 35 (custom skins)
Rollei B35
Gaf Memo 35 ET (custom skins)
Vivitar 35ES
Chinon 35EE (custom skins)
Rollop TLR (most of the knobs have fallen off this but it still works and I have to use a tooth pick to open back door)
Contax IIa
Zorki 4 (my first camera and where it all started)
Krasnogorsk FT-2 (I still have to use this camera and will soon)
Minolta Hi-Matic G
Minolta Hi-Matic F
Ricoh GR1s

Without digging too deep into boxes, cupboards, and the shed there must be in the region of about 50 more cameras that need attention before either being sold or entering my collection, most of these are range finders and a couple of slr's. These are currently on my shelf to be refurbished next, all of which will enter my collection:
Konica C35
Konica C35 V
Konica C 35 Automatic
Ricoh 500G
Ricoh 500GX
Olympus 35-RC
Olympus 35-EC (There is a question mark over this one due to missing parts, I do have 2 x 35-ECR's so I am hoping to be able to salvage parts from one of them for this camera)
Olympus 35-ECR

Then there is a list as long as my arm of the cameras I have owned and sold, because I didn't like them or because they were horrible to use like the Hasselblad 500CM, it's not quite ideal for the type of photography I like to do so I sold this recently to fund more camera buying! :bonk:

I think it is safe to say I have the 'compulsive camera buying disorder'.

To see the kind of work I do to my cameras I will attempt to add some images below.


Scarily close to my list, if I had the nerve to make one - but I do have a few for sale now in my defence :D

I think it is safe to say I have the 'compulsive camera buying disorder'.

Ah - you mean you're a CCP (compulsive camera purchaser)

Or, those that buy Russian cameras - a CCCP (compulsive communist camera purchaser) :cool:
Just one film system these days, but it is a very good one.

Rollei 6008AF with 40, 50, 80 150 and 140-280 lenses.

Even that will go digital shortly when the new back arrives.
Scarily close to my list, if I had the nerve to make one - but I do have a few for sale now in my defence :D

Ah - you mean you're a CCP (compulsive camera purchaser)

Or, those that buy Russian cameras - a CCCP (compulsive communist camera purchaser) :cool:

CCCP LOL Very good! :)

Thanks for the welcome Ujjwal, i didn't realise this forum was here so I am just familiarising myself with the different areas. Thank again! :)
CCCP LOL Very good! :)

Thanks for the welcome Ujjwal, i didn't realise this forum was here so I am just familiarising myself with the different areas. Thank again! :)

I have a feeling Daz, you will be spending a lot of time here.

Oh, and whats your ebay address - will keep my eyes on it :D
TheBigYin, I would not call it trading - it would be daylight robbery !
What, stumbled upon the F+C section you mean?
Ahem... my Dynax 7 is gorgeous *with* the screen :D
When I saw this in the email I thought a mod had got lost :LOL:

Whoaaaaa. When did this bit open??? :D

Only got four old filmies and I'm only sure of one of them working :(
he should have stopped at sleeping ;)
From memory, there was a short story which began thus :

In a land far away, once upon a time, lived a very angry giant.

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Ah yes, but still, it's a film camera with a big screen :D Just not as damned sexy as the D9 :nuts:

There is no saying the sense of beauty some folks have. Some are even willing to marry Katie Price. Ah well, it takes all kind to make the world go around :LOL::LOL:
3 at the moment, though I've no doubt more will be added :)
I use them regularly, though the C33 is getting more favour. The C33 hefts in at around 2kg, the C330 just a little slimmer but my original (20yr-ish) Benbo copes!
Mamiya C33
Mamiya C330
Zenith 122
Some nice bits of film kit around. I have a couple of machines as well:

Bronica SQ-Ai
Fuji GSW690
Yashica 124G
Nikon F4s, F3,FA,FM2n
Canon Canonnet, T90, EOS1nRS
Olympus OM4
Contax IIIa
Leica R5
Hasselblad X-Pan
Ilford Sportmatic
Pentax ME Super

Sure I have something else just can't remember