How often do you take your camera out with you?

I usually have a compact with me, if a location looks interesting, the compact is good for doing some reccie shots, get the lay of the land, before coming back with the big camera

Always have my D300/D700 with me 24/7. Has it ever been useful? No, but it's to hand.
I hardly ever take my camera gear out with me now. I dont know if its other pressures in my life or if I'm just getting frustrated by it but I dont seem to have an ounce of inspiration in me at the moment...

I've actually considered selling all my gear :crying: but I know I'll regret it if I do.

Been their,once it took me a couple of years to get back into it,sold of most of my gear,in a way it was good,gave me a chance to think where my photography was going.
Only time I don't take my kit with me is going to school. My books and the camera backpack would be far too much, especially in the carpool. Instead I take it all with me when I go someplace with friends or what not. The 50mm stays on the camera for the most part while the other two just sit in the bag :)
I take it everytime i go out with friends but it rarely gets used :( I really need to start using it more and get out and take some pictures!
I take it everytime i go out with friends but it rarely gets used :( I really need to start using it more and get out and take some pictures!

Do you always have the camera "ready to shoot"? I often see people carrying a camera but they do daft things like leave the lens cap on, so that if something crops up they are simply not ready and the moment is lost forever.
i always got my Iphone 4 with me with sooo many camera apps, im always taking snaps of anything and everything, but planning to get the x100 for some candids street photography, well i say x100 unless there is anything out there with the same price range and is capable of the same or better results, but that's a subject for another thread
So, reading some interesting websites tonight, often higlighting how important it is to take your camera with you wherever you go to catch 'that' shot that you would have missed if you left your kit at home.
But how practical is that really?

How often do you take out your camera? Do you go out planning where your going to take shots, or do you just go with the flow of whatever happens to you?

That and I'm nosey :D lol

Everywhere, every trip....supermarkets, garden centres, London wherever....if I see something I like I shoot it (photographically :)). The gear is always with me :)
Often, but sometimes not often enough.
I've just returned from walking the dog. Golden hour so it was beautiful light breaking through the trees, a buzzard resting on a post and then flying off just feet above my head and the largest fox I think I've ever seen. Sods law says if I had my camera I'd have had the wrong lens or not seen anything.
I hardly ever take my camera gear out with me now. I dont know if its other pressures in my life or if I'm just getting frustrated by it but I dont seem to have an ounce of inspiration in me at the moment...

I've actually considered selling all my gear :crying: but I know I'll regret it if I do.

:thinking: I know exactley how you feel/felt - I'm debating on selling my gear after our trip to the States in November.....
I would carry it with me every day but normally lug two bags full of books and a laptop back and forth each day, to add the SLR into the mix would just be another weight I dont need.

I tend to only have it when I go out to shoot specifically. I must find a way to have it with me more.
I always have my Caonon S95 in my pocket, but only carry my DSLR when I know there is a good chance I'll be taking some photo's.
I've started taking my Minolta Hi-matic out with me when I'm just popping down the road but the only camera I nearly always have is the one in my phone.

Once my new (to me) camera arrives from Japan though, I'll be taking that everywhere :D
:thinking: I know exactley how you feel/felt - I'm debating on selling my gear after our trip to the States in November.....

Can I have first dibs on your Nikon 70-200 VRII? ;)

Seriously, don't sell up - you'll regret it!

I don't carry my gear around with me half as much as I should... Note to self - get the bloody case in the car...
I bought a lowepro toploader for the very reason that I carry a camera, plus the 70-200 wherever I go and it was gathering a bit too much attention whilst just hanging there. The way I see it is if I am going to have it with me to get a shot whenever I want, Im not going to flash nearly £3.5k worth of kit to everyone and their uncle unless I want to...

But yeah, every day all day I have it with me. You never know...
I hardly ever take my camera gear out with me now. I dont know if its other pressures in my life or if I'm just getting frustrated by it but I dont seem to have an ounce of inspiration in me at the moment...

I've actually considered selling all my gear :crying: but I know I'll regret it if I do.

Dont!!! You are my guru!! :D
Work or down the supermarket then it's a no.
If I go into the city (Glasgow) or out and about in the car or for any other reason then yes.
I have managed to drag it on a few nights out too, this usually results in everyone assuming your the club photographer which has it's ups and downs.
I even take it hillwalking and camping although I have stopped dragging the 70-200 with me on these trips as even the camera on its own makes up a sizable chunk of my rucksack limit leaving less room for storing food, water, tent, clothes etc!
I take my camera two lens, a speed light, a tripod, a wired shutter release with timer/time laps, extra batteries, photo release forms, two flash lights, a gallon size ziplock bag, a light defuser, business cards, pens, note pad, change, extra sd cards, pain meds, a reflective vest, a hard hat, gloves, duct tape, my ID and cell phone (cell is android and has maps, and police scanner apps) Most of the stuff is in a duffel bag stays in my truck, but the camera bag goes everywhere with me.

I travel 30 miles each way to work thru different enviroments, I also work near a port, marinia, downtown, a millitary base, and an airport. So if something is worthy I'm there. Photography is my hobby first
I work on oil rigs so I hate not having it with me, I use it as much as I can when I'm home. I have no other option, I need to justify the price to the better half.

When I'm home I'll have all my gear with me at all times in my car. You never know when you might need it haha.

I also work at gas plants and I'm currently in hull working at 5am onwards, driving to work I've seen some beautiful sunrises and sunsets when I'm driving too and from work. I hate not having it.
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I take my camera bag with me every day I do take pics & shoot video for work as a promotion for it but its not photography related, unfortunately pleasure pics I don't have much time for at the moment
I have a Minox 35 in the car. See some lovely sunrises and scenery on the way to Evesham each day, but can't really stop anywhere :(
If I have clothes on then I have a camera in my pocket. I refer of course to my iphone and if anyone wants to argue it's not a real camera I'll point you in the direction of Damon Winter
Never. It's been stuck in it's box since March. Maybe if I get a proper camera I might be tempted to venture out a bit more :)
I have the joyous journey in and out of London on the rush hour central line so only bring in the 40d if I've got a project or job lined up after work. The iPhone has to do for the rest of the time :)