Humble Pie

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You can find more of them over at the forums (caution link may not be "work safe" but some of the photoshoppage is just hilarious)
kind of back on topic for a sec - I am happy for someone to say my photo is s*ite as long as they say why they think that and how I can improve on it.

I am not particluarly interested in fixing stuff in photoshop, although it is a skill I want to develop - I would much rather take a good photo out of the camera. The only way I will learn is to be told what I am doing wrong, and and as long the criticism is constructive then I'm happy to accept it.

If I'm just sharing then I will post in the sharing section, if I want to learn then I will post in critique - that's what it is for.

Arkady I have only ever seen you as helpful, if a little forthright, but given your knowledge and expertise I can accept blunt critique from you as long as I can learn from it.

To everybody else, the fact that Arkady is willing to take people out and help them with their street photography (as a recent example) shows that he is here to help, and the spirit in which his help is given is more important than a few misunderstandings over his chosen words - don't you agree?

This place is the best photography forum I have found, and Arkady is one of the people that makes it so, for me at least. Let's keep it that way.
Braeden speaks the truth :)
If my pics are bad I would certainly rather someone said so with reason rather than make me think I took something I didnt, after all thats what I'm here for, to learn what,how, and why a good photo should be.
Also I have always seen Arkadys responses has helpful and positive, he has experience of what he does and he does it well.
And its replies and responses from him and from the rest of you that make this forum what it is, a well of varying experience and opinion which can only be for the better in my opinion.
for those of you that really dont like the way Arkady posts, you could always use the Ignore user function, it serves as a marvelous tool, those of us that can put up with him do and those that dont want to dont have to.
As Mr Lowe said :whistle2:

You've gotta be
Cruel to be kind in the right measure,
Cruel to be kind it's a very good sign,
Cruel to be kind means that I love you,
Baby, you've gotta be cruel to be kind.

Group hug, more pictures, less bickering :thumb:
GfK said:
Suppose you posted a picture here, and everybody told you it needed improving and how that could be achieved.... then Arkady comes marching out of the fog and shouts "THATS F***ING S**TE!!!" in your face from 2 feet away - is that really going to encourage you in any way at all? I don't believe it is. Its more likely to make you wander off to a different forum where people are not so nasty. After all, it only takes one, in my opinion.

Arkady needs to get off his high-horse and understand this. In my opinion.

I'm sorry but I have to agree with GfK, I wouldn't be best pleased if I ask for some constructive criticism and someone came out with "THAT'S F***ING S**TE!!!", not that anyone has as far as I know.

I think Arkady needs to realize that most of us on here are not in the army and as such don't laugh when we see a tank roll over someone. I understand that's its the way he deals with it, but we are all different and I think most of us would rather a positive constructive criticism rather that a negative blunt one. Or maybe I'm wrong.
I must say, being a beginner I am expecting and wanting people to tell me my photos are ***te but then follow up with why, and how I could improve. So far however, I've only found positiveness flowing from peoples' keyboards!

Some people are very good at saying something is bad, in a good way. Constructive I suppose :)

Anyway what am i banging on about. I didn't see you'd upset anyone, but don't worry, that is how forums (fora so i keep being told) work :nunu:

Enjoy :woot:

Arkady said:
I think I may have trampled on some toes in the last couple of days.

Trouble with a forum like this is no-one wants to upset anyone, so we all say "ooh how lovely your photo is," when in reality it's ****e and we should all be saying - in the nicest possible way - get out and do it again (or even - "it's really ****e - why did you even bother?").
Forget trying to save it in Photoshop. Just do it again.
Two or three trips back outside and you soon learn to get it right, I can tell you.
Can I say my bit, from a :nut: canadian as you so nicely put it. I can't remember who said it in this thread but I agree, that it's just as easy to find another photography forum if you don't like the responses you get here. They are plentyful out there. I don't think anyone learns anything by harsh comments at all. You can be tactful about something and get your point across to someone without being harsh. Were all on different levels here, you should respect that and understand. I understand where your coming from Arkady trust me! I have been told I myself have a tough exterior with a "tell it like it is attitude" as well. I doubt that comes across the internet to all of you but yes that's moi. Probably why were always stepping on each others toes,lol. As far as you generalising us Canadians as "nut: I don't see that helping these forums too much if they wish to expand beyond the UK. Whether your joking or not you just don't say things like that about people you don't know. At least that's how it is over here. I know their aimed at me because I am the only darn Canadian on this site as far as I am aware?? Someone correct me if I'm wrong but that's my understanding. Anyhoo that's my bit. Take it or leave it!

Thanks for all your input folks. :)

It's New Years Eve!!!! There's nothing here that can't be sorted if everyone just takes a chill pill and we all try to do what everyone should do anyway, and just see things from the other guy's point of view.

I'm closing the thread so that we can all take a drink just now and let's go into the new year without being at each others throats. :wave4:
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