I Fancy A Challenge, Anyone Else? The 'Monika the Konica' Results

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For those of you that are interested in the details, all these shots were taken with Monika the Konica C35, a rangefinder camera which looks like this


It was loaded with Ilford HP5+ and rated at 200, processed in Rodinal 1+50 for 10 minutes at 20 degrees and finally scanned on a Nikon Coolscan 9000 and minor tweaks in Lightroom 2.

I must apologise for the drying marks and how Andrew managed to get a double exposure I've no idea.

Jim (Menthel) was first up, his theme was 'Bloody Tourists'




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Dean (Strappy) was next up, his theme was 'Weather'




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Next was Justin (JCoquillon) who's theme was Journeys




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Simon (SimonUK) followed on with 'Movement'




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Andrew (HappyGoLucky) had to work with 'Up & Down' as a theme



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Extra post :bang:
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Penultimate shooter was Heather (Tigger.UFO), the theme was 'Documentary'




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Finally mine, Heather picked the dubious theme of 'Fun', which for a curmudgeon was a pretty tricky subject so I inevitabley bent the rules to find things that began with fun :LOL:





Yes, it's jam funnel!
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Well done to everyone involved! Really cool to see the images from this :)

Props to nick for putting the camera/film in and dev'ing and scanning! :)

This Rocks :)
Yeah, well done to all. Sure I took a shot of a car park staircase, did that not come out?

Edit: I think I can make out the handrails on the scaffolding shot :thinking:
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Yeah, well done to all. Sure I took a shot of a car park staircase, did that not come out?

Looks like a double exposure on the scaffolding as well?

How it happened i have no idea though! Crazy ol' camera.
Excellent stuff and well done to team Monika for producing such a splendid set of photos. Very varied and interesting. Hopefully Team Oly will have their shots up before too long.

Well done to everyone involved! Really cool to see the images from this :)

Props to nick for putting the camera/film in and dev'ing and scanning! :)

This Rocks :)

Great job nick, thanks for organising this!

Thanks guys :D

Yeah, well done to all. Sure I took a shot of a car park staircase, did that not come out?

Edit: I think I can make out the handrails on the scaffolding shot :thinking:

That's the third roll I've put through this lately and the first time it's missed a beat, I'll try another roll, it may have just a been a blip.

Double exposure? :LOL::LOL::LOL:

....at least yours were in focus.....


Not to worry Heather, it's not very keen on close focussing and sometimes it can be a little tricky to know how close you can get, particularly if you're not in great light.

Excellent stuff and well done to team Monika for producing such a splendid set of photos. Very varied and interesting. Hopefully Team Oly will have their shots up before too long.


Thanks Andy, it was a brilliant idea for a challenge and I really enjoyed it. I'm happy to give my old cameras an outing and if other folk can get to play with them too then that's brilliant (y)

Looking forward to team Trip's photos.
I must apologise for the drying marks and how Andrew managed to get a double exposure I've no idea. [/QUOTE said:
Could have sworn that said Simon had a double exposure when I first read it :D
No worries Nick. Thanks for organising it and I'm up for the next one already. I enjoyed that (y)

Edit: Sorry it's getting late, it was Andy who organised it. Well done Nick for all your input..
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What a fantastic thread! Great set of shots documenting the the travels of the Konca!

Long live film and all those who shoot with it!
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Great shots everyone and thanks to Nick for the dev & scan :)

I'm pleased mine came out ok, the first three shots were taken with a yellow filter held in front of the lens to try and boost the contrast a bit.

The first one of the steps outside my flat is quite telling though; all those lines and I still couldn't frame the shot straight ...
Just a quick refresh for this thread as the Oly picks will be up soon and it would be nice to have a quick comparison.

Well I'm not sure what this thread is/was about but here is a shot using a Konica C35...it's a crop as well so the original picture would be a bit sharper, it's a nice camera.

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Well I'm not sure what this thread is/was about but here is a shot using a Konica C35...it's a crop as well so the original picture would be a bit sharper, it's a nice camera.

Yeah, completely wrong place for this Brian, these are the results of the "I fancy a challenge" challenge started by Andysnap. 2 little point and shoot cameras that went round the country, each participant taking 4 shots each and then posting it on to the next person.

You must have been on your holidays or asleep when we were discussing it :LOL:
Damn good shot though.