I got escorted off Canary Wharf by security...

no offence but that would be a gross over reaction. anyone taking that sort of action over a clearly tounge in cheek remark needs a new hobby..

the media likes to go on about the british spirit in dire times and are keen to show people carrying on as normal and brushing stuff off etc etc, but some people seem to have lost their sense of humour.

I don't consider it funny

Maybe it is because I have been on the receiving end & hospitalised as a result or terrorism and seen friends die as a result of terrorism that I don't find such comments humorous.
I don't consider it funny

Maybe it is because I have been on the receiving end & hospitalised as a result or terrorism and seen friends die as a result of terrorism that I don't find such comments humorous.

Sorry to hear that. Indeed as a result of your closeness to the subject, you will not be able to see the funny side.

I guess it's like any jokes - you can always upset someone, it's hard to know everyone's history and adjust your humour to suit.

Is this the "lady" that called him a liar and a smart arse?

As that hasn't been removed are we to assume that is acceptable?

Perhaps it would be best to close this thread as now its main purpose seems to be to complain about the OP when he is unable to answer back.

Jo is a lady,simple as that.She is of the female gender and a pleasant person to boot.

The OP comes across as a weapons grade bell end,he may be a top drawer ,super dooper geezer,I fear not.
I'm not thinking as clearly as I was earlier (half way through a 30 hour shift ATM) as I'm quite tired. But I thought I better say 'something'. So thank you to those who have said kind things about me. I haven't said or done anything in this this thread that was intended to wind anyone up or provoke them. So I apologise if I have. I honestly didn't mean to.
Maybe it is because I have been on the receiving end & hospitalised as a result or terrorism and seen friends die as a result of terrorism that I don't find such comments humorous.

im sorry to hear that, i appologise if ive offended.

however in this case that end result was clearly never going to come from the OP's situation.
Thats EXACTLY what I think, nothing else to do and see someone with a camera,might aswell question them. They should all be linked on radio though so once questioned they can be left alone.

Nah - Human nature isn't it. Either you're in a warm cozy place and comfortable and don't want to be disturbed, hence let some stuff go, or you're bored and look for anything to break the monotony. That and some security firms are safe havens for wannabe police.

It's been posted on here enough about Canary Wharf and the possible need to seek permission. I'm not surprised to get regularly stopped, although judging by the photos it was worth it.

1750 cameras and over 300 security staff yet he only got stopped by 4 - not bad odds :D
Same here - I always miss the mudslinging, gives my evenings a bit more interest ;)

Wish we could have an area where all the naughty posts get banished to....

A Naughty Corner? It's a dark dingy place filled with dusty posts.
I always have the same approach with this, and it allways works for me a treat. So far this has worked with the NT, many shopping centres, a palace in London, several galleries in london, the london eye (complete with a free ticket), several high profile locations in Paris, The metro centre, the BT tower etc. etc.. (im getting old I cant remember them all)

I call the day before (or on the day) and ask for the centre manager / security manager)
If I have time I write and then call

I explain who I am, when I want to come, what I want to do
I expalin I can produce my insurance certificates
I turn up in a decent suit, with a name badge and business card
I go to security, and explain I have arrived

I never get any problems. Even better, I often get access to areas the public are not allowed to (example - top of brunell building in swindon). Often security will make sure I /we are safe, and our gear is looked after

Only once I have been turned down, and that was because some other photographer was booked in with a high profile celeb, which is fair doos on my book

Moral of story - take a professional, communicative approach, and the door will open. Do exactly what you will said you would do, no more no less. Act professional. This has even bagged me 3 jobs, where the place has called me back in to shoot something for them
Don't be soft - freedom of speech is allowed, if frowned upon when certain comments are made, but nonetheless he is (was) allowed to say whatever he thinks. If the police (or whoever) deem that inappropriate and take what they feel as relevant action, then so be it, that's their prerogative in the interests of whatever law they choose to question and/or charge him under.

This kind of thing will continue, no doubt about that, and some people will feel aggrieved when it happens to them, but I wonder how many of us in reality would deal with a 'jobsworth' in any other way? We get wound up easily these days, I do anyway, and if some people can resist the urge to not bite back then fair play to them, but for the rest of us who can't do that then I see no harm in having a dig when someone challenges them in a way that's not exactly using common sense.

I would agree freedom of speech is allowed but an open admission to terrorist activity(whether tongue in cheek or not) surely opens you up to every part of the terrorist law, even if the papers got hold of it, the security guard says he claimed to be working with Bin Laden:shrug: sounds pretty fair to me to lock him up for a few hours and intterogate him along with whatever else they do.

As for the muslim student, he was stopped and showed a ID badge that the security guards thought to be suspisious and fake, then asked when the most people will be around... im sure there were other supporting factors, but that was two obvious ones picked from the story...
im sorry to hear that, i appologise if ive offended.

however in this case that end result was clearly never going to come from the OP's situation.

No worries Neil

In my mind there was no need for you to offer an apology but I just wanted you to know that I appreciate the fact that you did.

All the best.

Take care, Keith
Had to chuckle at this one. They must be bored out of their minds and seeing a target they can assert their little used powers on must be a speshul treat for them. Great photos but where are the security camera shots I asked for?!?
I always have the same approach with this, and it allways works for me a treat. So far this has worked with the NT, many shopping centres, a palace in London, several galleries in london, the london eye (complete with a free ticket), several high profile locations in Paris, The metro centre, the BT tower etc. etc.. (im getting old I cant remember them all)

I call the day before (or on the day) and ask for the centre manager / security manager)
If I have time I write and then call

I explain who I am, when I want to come, what I want to do
I expalin I can produce my insurance certificates
I turn up in a decent suit, with a name badge and business card
I go to security, and explain I have arrived

I never get any problems. Even better, I often get access to areas the public are not allowed to (example - top of brunell building in swindon). Often security will make sure I /we are safe, and our gear is looked after

Only once I have been turned down, and that was because some other photographer was booked in with a high profile celeb, which is fair doos on my book

Moral of story - take a professional, communicative approach, and the door will open. Do exactly what you will said you would do, no more no less. Act professional. This has even bagged me 3 jobs, where the place has called me back in to shoot something for them

Now that is one sensible and helpful post! (y)
Thank-you to those who defended me. You basically said what I would have said if I hadn't of been banned. I have taken various stick over the last few weeks/months on TP, and I've been called various names as well as receiving lots of digs (some subtle, some not) throughout threads. I respond to those (which I normally don't) and get banned. :bonk:

Oh well, it's not my forum... I am just a powerless end-user. ;) I have done my time and I am back! :LOL:
Canary Wharf was hit by terrorists - At 7.01pm on 9 February 1996, the IRA exploded a massive bomb at Canary Wharf which killed two men and caused at least £85m of damage.

It is as a direct result of this why security is taken so seriously at Canary Wharf now, what with an abundance of CCTV cameras and security guards popping up to ask you what you are doing - especially late at night which was when Kryptix was there
You're quite correct in what you say about security history, thinking and policy at Canary Wharf. The problem, however, is the briefings given to the security staff - or their interpretation of their instructions. Or their inability to correctly implement the wishes of their superiors.

I do wish I lived in London. I would love to see a properly organised meet of 'amateur' togs with some friendly journos in tow.

Thats illegal and nothing to brag about. You know full well you are required to hand in your id card in on discharge.

Don't tell me you still "pretend" to be a soldier? How sad is that!

So did I and keeping your MOD F90 after discharge is still illegal.
Sorry it's off topic somewhat but I must comment on this. You're WRONG! MOD90s are surrendered on discharge but are regularly returned to the, now ex, soldier. I have mine.
If you find yourself in customs at an airport and they ask if you are carrying drugs I suggest you don't use the same tactic... an answer like "up my arse" might prove a little interesting! LOL.

Totally OT but I gave a very similar answer to a nurse after a particullary painful knee operation. I asked for pain relief to which he answered, " the doctor will be around in about 3 hours wait until hes been." I tried and after a while called the same nurse back and asked again, with the same reply from him. I then answered, " I dont care what you do with the pain killers you can shove them up my arse for all I care, as long as they help the pain I am in." Well 2 days later I was really regretting that answer I was still having supository (sp) painkillers:bang: I have learnt my leason and do not give smart arsed answers anymore.