I have been attacked - and left with damage

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Lunch time I went for coffee with a friend at a local fish farm and wildfowl lakes, and then went up to watch the swans - all started well


2. Then, looking though the lens I noticed an evil and determined look it its eye

I was lying down on my stomach photographing it and at this point and decided it was time to move - fast.

Unfortunately I was not fast enough and it reached me before I could get out of range and clobbered my 100-400 which promptly became a 180-400. I scrambled to my feet and grabbed my bag which I kept between us while it continued to peck at anything it could reach, and beat at me with its wings, once I had backed off far enough it calmed down and did a victory dance with its mate


We had checked they were not nesting but were not aware at that time that they had been and their eggs had been removed to put in an incubator a day or so earlier as they are usually quite friendly.

After ringing the insurance company and finding that the quotes for repair did not have to be from a Canon repair service I took it to a (reasonably) local shop for an estimate. After taking it apart he showed me the dent in the inner bit and said it looked as if it had been hit with a hammer or dropped from a great height - fortunately they has a spare part in stock and if no more problems are found during the repair and service I should hopefully get it back fairly soon.

Not an experience I would like to go though again
Crickey Christine, I'm glad you were'nt too badly hurt and your gear is repairable. Well done on the shots mind (y)
am I the only one that found this ammusing lol. They are absolutely brilliant photos that accompany it too
A Tena Ladies moment? :LOL:
I don't even remember taking this one - certainly didn't focus or anything -
It was terrifying, especially for Christine who started on the ground. I take so long getting back up again that I was standing and to the left of her when he swan straight for her.

Wow that sounds like a scary experience! I'm glad to hear you're ok. They are surprisingly big when you get close to them.

I can't believe I got this close to a whole load of them last summer. I could have got gang swaned :eek:

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Just back from taking pictures of swans and read this thread....wow frightening.....think I'll stay in the car next time

I like the 2nd last close up, a mate of mine out fishing was bitten on the finger by one.
Thanks for looking and commenting everyone

Dan, not really funny at the time, or afterwards with the repair bill for the lens unless you would like to offer - that would cheer me up no end :D

Sally, I did not realise you were taking pictures as it attacked me - just very glad I could use my rucksack for defence, not bad for an impulse picture :)
A set of great shots..............and I'm really impressed you kept shooting given the circumstances:clap::clap:

However, I'm (slightly) ashamed to say I did have a little :LOL::LOL::LOL: at your story.

Glad you weren't hurt though....and that the lens is repairable:)
Blimey Christine sounds as though you were well and truly Goosed swanned :D
Sorry to hear about the lens
But I am glad that no real harm was done though!
and well done for getting the shots in the face of adversity (y)