I simple trick

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This is something that i discovered taking pictures in dark venues, with strange lighting.

For Darkish rooms (little natural light)

Set your aperture to a low number, (usually around 5-6 for my 18-55 lens), and your iso to 1600, shutter speed 1-50/60 or 70.

When you take your shot, the speed will be slow, so as the mechanism turns, turn your lens to zoom from in to out. The shot will come out weird colours and sometimes crap, but if you get it right the focus stays in, but around the focus weird lights and strobes fly off. The shots are good for flyers etc.

Optionaly you could switch your settings opposite, (F22 0"3), and take the shot in the same way but at something with alot of natural light.

Anyway, it was just something i use to get some "different" shots.

Cheers Inkblots.
Well, im unable to upload images yet, but i can give you some links to some of my shots.

Ok the first one, if you look closely at the centre of the image you can see the guitarists face, see how his face is sort of focused, and the rest of the shot is wild??

Image 1

Ok second image. Works well with drummers! You can see the focus is on his face, and the rest is wild.

Image 2

Let me know what you think


Turn the camera too :)
that technique was mentioned in mr petersons "understanding exposure"

aparently it was an oft used trick years ago that fell out of fashion. maybe it will come back.

not had a go at it myself yet. but i will lol
It's called zoom blur. Quite effective in some instances, and especially with gig photography.
I keep meaning to try a similar shot buy using the Push/pull technique (or whatever name you know it by) Where you Zoom out and walk forwards, and Send the backdrop crazy but keeping the foreground as normal. I can imagine it wont be easy. If you aint got a clue what I am on about its this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolly_zoom
I had a bash at zoom burst a month or so back, photographing a gig. I like it (as did the band!)

here's an example of one
