I Won...

Thanks very much all...

Stuart, it's a mono camera (it's more sensitive that way apparently, as the resolution isn't cut down by the bayer matrix, as I understand it), so was shot in B&W, there was no colour information captured.

Well done pal,
a truly awesome shot.

Thanks to you John, we all get to see what the moon is really like close up (y)

Many congrats mate ;)
superb shot, well done on the win (y)
Excellent work John and an excellent image ... really well done :clap:
Amazing effort and a great result, congrats :clap:
Sounds way more complicated than my ongoing attempt to build a rocket to get me closer to the moon, I only have a 50mm lens so need to get really close. ;)
A few more rolls of extra thick tin foil and my re-entry shield will be complete. :shake:
Well done you certainly put the hours and work in for it and it finally paid off.
Thanks guys...

Paul, let us know when you're ready for launch and we'll come along and take pictures of the event ;)...