ICC print profile question

Edit My Images
Having just installed DSCL's fuji lustre print profile, I've exported some photos from Lightroom to disk, and compared the standard sRGB to the custom print profile.

Is it normal that some of the colours look wrong or washed out on my monitor? The sRGB looks quite punchy, but the custom profile makes greens and reds look very subdued...

Original sRGB

Profiled fuji 570 lustre paper

You can't compare them like that. The idea is that when it prints, the file with the profile will look like the sRGB one on your monitor.
Lightrooms great failing is that you can't softproof your image for this you have to use photoshop.

As you've noticed when applying a custom/print profile to your image, when printed it won't look like it does on your screen and the only way to correct it is by trial and error.

Within Photoshop you can load your finished image and then create a duplicate, using the custom proof condition you can then simulate what the print will look like with your paper profile. Alter the proofed image to look like your edited image usually by a curves layer and some contrast and saturation and then the print will look like your edited image depending on the gamut of the paper.
Thanks Pete, Mark.

What you've written is how I understood it, I just didn't expect it to be so different, or rather the final printed version to change so much so that it resembles the srgb version on screen. I guess the profile is tagged in the jpeg so that when the printers receive it, they see it's been saved with their custom profile so it gets printed using it?
Or if you are OS X you can soft proof in Preview ;)