Critique Ice Breaker 2. (mono conversion).


Bo Derek
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This was taken back on New Year's Eve, 2022. It was super early, pre dawn at my favourite Glencoe Mountain, (which I believe is called Stob Dubh but is part of the Buachaille Etive Beag ridge) and what light there was, was very blue. My default is colour images but sometimes, they work better converted to black and white.

I had a play with this one again this morning, I think it's better in mono but the jury is still out for me. It may be an image that will never work, so there is a very good excuse to go back and try again, although frost opportunities are getting fewer now.

Taken with my 17-40L, which I recently sold. It was bad for abberation and fringing and I've not checked this one for halos where the sky meets the hills. If I feel it has legs, I will take it further.

Ice Breaker 2 by Dale, on Flickr
It's a really nice image Dale. I know this mountain well - from this viewpoint it's very Matterhornish - if that's a word!. I really like the composition and the clouds make the image even better Love the way you have caught the mountain peak pointing up through the hole in the cloud formation.
Having only seen this B/Wimage I can't help wondering if the colour version would be even better!
Thank you Roger, it's a cracking spot, probably my favourite there, together with Buachaille Etive Mor and the reflection just up river from Lagarngabh Bothy. I also like the shot at the delapitated wooden bridge. I'm working on the shot near Saville's cottage but I've never had enough water for it.

I should maybe have posted the colour version of this, I think I'm leaning to the B+W at the moment. I did drag this one from being underexposed, as I over protected the whites.

That mono is very nice Dale
My advice is that if you what produce mono images and show them do not show the colour version unless it helps to make a point. This is because all people will talk about is the colour image.
That mono is very nice Dale
My advice is that if you what produce mono images and show them do not show the colour version unless it helps to make a point. This is because all people will talk about is the colour image.

Cheers Alf. (y)
Many thanks for posting the colour version. It's very difficult choose a favourite, they both have their merits. I think the B/W version just edges it for me -
(i'd be happy looking at that on my wall anytime)
I'm normally one for colour, but I think the B&W has a nice atmosphere to it.

Cheers Gav. A bit more detail and texture to the B+W I think.


Both work well for me, have you replaced the 17-40L yet.

Thank you David. Yes, I got the 16-35 f4L.

Many thanks for posting the colour version. It's very difficult choose a favourite, they both have their merits. I think the B/W version just edges it for me -
(i'd be happy looking at that on my wall anytime)

Thank you Roger.
I like both and am hard pushed to choose between the two! If they were mine, I'd have them both printed and in different rooms.