If money was no problem... (my version)

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Somewhat different to the usual 'If money was no problem... what kit would you have?' sort of question I thought of this slight twist... so...

If money was no problem what sort of photographer would you want to be? :thinking:

i.e. if you are a Wedding, Portrait, Pet, Photojournalist... etc. and you suddenly didn't need to work for the money, would you continue to work in the same field anyway; would you perhaps move into some other field of photography, and if so what; or would you simply abandon photography completely and do something else different instead???

If you aspire to be a full-time photographer and you didn't need to for money, what field would you want to specialise in and why?

For my part - I actually think I'd like to continue to do Weddings, maybe as many as 20 pa but for charitable donations rather than income; but my real passion would be for Landscapes. So yes I'd remain a keen photographer, just a different sort of one :)

So how about you??? :shrug:

if money was no problem i would be a "big fat lazy Tog",:nuts: hang on i am:D

Air shows me all over the world.......:clap::clap: with as many lens and cameras as i could eat

if money was no problem i would be a "big fat lazy Tog",:nuts: hang on i am:D

Air shows me all over the world.......:clap::clap: with as many lens and cameras as i could eat



And what would you do with the images? Just keep them to yourself? Organise shows? Give them away? Sell for charity?

Would you feel the need to share or just keep it all to yourself?

Same stuff I do now, we love weddings so would carry on doing them as a couple.

But I could spend some serious money following the WRC round the world too.

Probably would want to cover the entire circus every 2 years - It'd take up too much time to follow it all in one year.

I'm currently trying to work towards a decent number of weddings a year and one WRC round - so the money would just mean I didn't have to work and could get it done quicker.

And what would you do with the images? Just keep them to yourself? Organise shows? Give them away? Sell for charity?

Would you feel the need to share or just keep it all to yourself?


show them in a free gallery and for every sold donate it to charity.

Ta Merc
Its a close call between traveling the world shooting aircraft, or, taking pictures of all the top bands on stage.
At a push, id go with concert togging, i love the buzz of it all. And as money wouldnt come into the equation, id be happy to do it for free, just for the love of it.
Grreeeeaaat thread btw.
If money were no object, I'd be doing more video than photography.
a canon 450D with standard lens
and a range rover to carry it around in and take me from my palace in uk to the one in the south of france

etc etc...see my version
mmmmmmm good question

it has to be a action type job

i probally would want to be a celeb photographer , with stake out's etc
driving / traveling in and around diffrent countries

the adrenaline when following and not gettig caught must be great
mmmmmmm good question

it has to be a action type job

i probally would want to be a celeb photographer , with stake out's etc
driving / traveling in and around diffrent countries

the adrenaline when following and not gettig caught must be great

But for every adrenaline high there must be days/weeks of nothing but boredom - not one high on my list :(

I am honestly surprised that everyone is still talking about photography and not something else they'd rather be doing :)

I am honestly surprised that everyone is still talking about photography and not something else they'd rather be doing :)
Well, you said "what sort of photographer would you want to be?" :)
I'd carry on shooting interiors as it's still a great buzz and mostly people are interesting. I would add in far more travel and teaching though. I really love working with people who have fresh passion and showing them the road that turns their visions into their photographs. :)
I'd carry on shooting interiors as it's still a great buzz and mostly people are interesting. I would add in far more travel and teaching though. I really love working with people who have fresh passion and showing them the road that turns their visions into their photographs. :)

Teaching - ooh yes I'd like to do more of that too :)

Many years ago we seriously looked into a B&B in the Lakes where the USP was going to be based on services for photographers - God I wish we'd done it :crying:

I've no aspiration of turning pro whatsoever but if the financial shackles were relieved I'd spend a lot of money on training.

No amount of training will make me a people person so weddings and portraits are out. I'm not a landscape photographer but I can appreciate a nice scene and a nice photo so maybe that's something that could be taught.

I think I'd really like to try more marine photography. I really enjoyed my time at sea with the world's most unsuitable equipment the other week and I'm blown away by some of Jonathan Critchley's boat photography (big sailing boat stuff).

What would I do with the images? Keep them, print them and give them away if non-commercial people wanted them. I have a fear that if people wanted to pay me (up-front commission rather than after a project) then the pressure to deliver would remove some/alot of the enjoyment. Luckily I don't think that's going to be a problem in this lifetime;)

I'd also go on some darkroom printing courses, my print success is still quite haphazard and equal parts luck & judgement.
I'd have my own studio at home and just shoot people I wanted to shoot. :)

But first I'd have a holiday, a blooming long holiday.
I think I’d pretty much carry one with the same kind of photography I’m doing now but if money wasn’t a problem and I didn’t have my regular day job getting in the way then I’d be able to devote more of my time to photography.

At the moment I shoot about 5 weddings a year, if money was no object then I could afford the time and expense of putting myself about a bit more so I’d maybe up this to 1 or 2 weddings a month and I’d do them fairly cheaply to offer good value for money for the bride and groom. I’d also offer the chance for a second shooter to tag along with me to gain some experience and to help me out to make it less stressful for me. The last thing I need when money is no object is a stressful wedding.

I also do some model shoots both in the studio and on location. I’d certainly do more of that with better, more experienced models to help me improve and also with new and up and coming models to help them put a portfolio together.

Finally I’d do more shoots for family and friends of them and their kids and I’d get them the prints they want done at cost. I get asked quite a lot at the moment if I can do family portraits or shots of people’s kids and I usually turn them down because I don’t have the time to do it. I suppose if I didn’t have a full time job to worry about then I’d never have to say no to people’s requests.

When’s the next lottery draw? I’m off to buy a ticket!!
If I had that much money, I'd have someone else shoot the people I want to shoot. Much less messy. ;)
Having said I'm not a people person I could be tempted by one of the Yerbury courses. Their stuff is awesome and having seen some of Ali's results the course looks pretty good too.
Just do it Kev, I found it really liberating.

One camera, one lens and all about constructing the shot. THAT's why I'd have my studio, to do the kind of things Trevor and Faye do!
Probably travel and do the wildlife & landscape thing, but then I'd also like to explore the urban jungle too.

If I had that much money I guess I'd do whatever took my fancy!
After improving my kit - I'd just spend my endless money on accomodation around the Scottish Highlands.
I think I'd still be doing similar to now actually, I know such a boring reply! I may do more on the side of wildlife photography, but honestly there's commitments elsewhere I'd like to make more - helping out animal charities actually.

However money absolutely no object, I'd buy a private plane and take my dog around the world with me (wouldn't want him in luggage on normal flights!) first and do wildlife along the way. Think Steve Irwin without the camera men! :D
If money was no problem what sort of photographer would you want to be? :thinking:

Quite a simple answer from me - a Happy one.

To elaborate on this (for anyone bothered), I want to live a life where I don't have to photograph under pressure that the occasion isn't forcing upon me to pay bills. I love to shoot anything and everything and really do feel that people who limit there photography to one field are really not doing themselves justice.
I would love to be able to do what I want and when I wanted to do it as all genres of photography could blend into each other... Take a cross the world trip, you could fit in: Portraits, landscapes, automotive, night long exposures, wildlife and the list just carry's on.
Quite a simple answer from me - a Happy one.

To elaborate on this (for anyone bothered), I want to live a life where I don't have to photograph under pressure that the occasion isn't forcing upon me to pay bills. I love to shoot anything and everything and really do feel that people who limit there photography to one field are really not doing themselves justice.
I would love to be able to do what I want and when I wanted to do it as all genres of photography could blend into each other... Take a cross the world trip, you could fit in: Portraits, landscapes, automotive, night long exposures, wildlife and the list just carry's on.

I see where you're coming from, but having been into photography so long I've pretty much had a go at most types - and while a competent photographer can indeed get a decent result on pretty much anything it's hard to bring the passion and artistic style (for me anyway) to those areas you're just not WoW'd by

I'd rather try to 'master' a couple of genres than do a bit of everything :)
