If you had just ONE lens - which ones would you have?

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Season Greetings

This lens dilema is driving me nuts :bang:

So in 2010 I am going to go back to basics, selling the Canon 17-85, Sigma 10-20 & the Nifty Fifty and have just ONE lens on my 7D.

I spend more time researching new gear to buy than actually using the stuff - this way I can focus (get it) on my photography and also spend some money on other stuff instead of photography gear.

What ONE lens would you have & why?
Well, as much as I love my Nikon 18-200VR as a do-it-all walkabout lens, I always smile at the shots I get with my Sigma 18-50 f2.8 as the quality and sharpness @ f4 is noticeably better than the Nikon, which is best @f8, especially indoors and in low light.

If it were me, I value the wider end of 17/18mm more than the extra 20mm a 24-70mm would give me on the long end (I can crop if needed but I can't always move back to get it in).

The difference between 17/18mm and 24mm is more useful than I imagined it to be. With all those pixels on a 7D you can crop quite big chunks I would think.

Happy Xmas!!
Great question. For me it is the 50mm 1.4. I need to be able to shoot in low light, that's the overriding reason. I could use it for portraits, landscapes and as a walk about. in fact I owe you a debt of thanks, I'm going to use nothing else this festive season and see how I get on. (Assuming I'm allowed to get my camera out)!!
I'm going to use nothing else this festive season

Great idea :D I hardly ever use mine, I'm going to stick it on the camera now for a complete change and not take it off until new year - should be fun!!
I think if this question had been raised a couple of months ago my answer would probably be different, but currently on my 1DMkIII I would have my 24L TSE MkII.
Canon 50mm f/1.4 for me. Though if funds allowed, I'd like to try a 1.2L!
My 2009 treat - Canon 70-200mm f2.8 IS - Gooooooooooooooooooorgeous :)
+1 - I dont have one, but have used Marcel's on occasion. If I just had one lens that would have to be it.

+ another 1, it hardly ever leaves the camera, in fact the fact I use it 99% of the time is the reason I got rid of the 70-200mm
I'm into wildlife photography so for me it would be my Canon 55-250mm IS zoom. No cute little furry animal is safe from me when I have it plugged into my Canon 450D.
wildlife for me...so probably a 70-300 or *I wish* 200-400. Can always make do with my mobile for wider shots.
For me, it would have to be my 24-70 2.8, closely followed by nifty fifty 1.4
That's a tough call, but out of the lenses I've owned, probably the 70-200 f/2.8 VR.
24-70 F2.8N :D
I just got a 35-350 and that would be a nice lens to carry around.

failing that I would use the old faithful 24-70 f2.8L
Well I tend to have my Sigma 18-50mm f2.8 on my 40D most of the time, so I would say that would be the lens of choice. Although, if I had the money it would be a Canon 17-55mm f2.8 IS for crop sensor, or 24-70mm f2.8L for full frame. You can't go wrong with a standard walkaround zoom!
I sold all of my lenses to get the 24-70 L, haven't regreted once... yet.

I now seem to buy flashes instead of lenses though....
nothing too fussy. Just the 100-400 L canon :love:

I have a basic 75-300 and feel 300 dont do me justice in wild life
On a FF or 35mm film body, a 24-70 f/2.8 and on a crop body, a close equivalent, so 18-50 or so, ideally f/2.8. f/1.something is nice for the extra speed but the high ISO capabilities of my body reduce the necessity.
I do weddings, where there are a lot more extreme conditions and I promise you that the 24-105L will not cut it.

Last sunday's wedding I had to resort to primes in the evening at times as the venue was way too dark. Even 2.8 wasn't fast enough, I needed another stop at F/2 and shot entirely on 3200ISO. F/4 just too slow, IS is pointless as people moves.

But then...that's me.
If I just had 1 lens, it'd be my Tamron 17-50 f/2.8. For wider stuff, take a few steps back, for tele move closer. Add a set of kenko tubes for 1:1 macro. Sorted (y)

I like my Tamron :)
My 70-200mm 2.8 IS, great lens:)
70-200 2.8 VR for me... my most used lens.
Nikon 200-400 f4 VR - great for wildlife on a crop body (I have the D300s) and good for sport. shame about the price though...
Great idea :D I hardly ever use mine, I'm going to stick it on the camera now for a complete change and not take it off until new year - should be fun!!

Well, I tried to manage yesterday round the M-In-Laws with just my Nifty50 but unfortunately on the 7D it was just too close.

Reverted to the 17-85 for the rest of the day and will use it again today.

Some great feedback/suggestions here guys - really appreciate it

I reckon the 17-85 IS USM, whilst only managing f4-f5.6, is a good all round lens - I may just keep it and flog the 10-20 and the 50.

Whilst it's not amazingly sharp or fast, I am generally pleased with the results - having said that may end up selling them all for the f2.8 17-50 tamron or the f2.8 17-55 canon.

One decsions made for sure though - I am most definately going to have just 1 lens in 2010 and also carry less gear around with me - I am more likely to take the camera out and about wherever I go for a start!

Happy Boxing Day
Great question. For me it is the 50mm 1.4. I need to be able to shoot in low light, that's the overriding reason. I could use it for portraits, landscapes and as a walk about. in fact I owe you a debt of thanks, I'm going to use nothing else this festive season and see how I get on. (Assuming I'm allowed to get my camera out)!!

Ah, but do you have the lens attached to the FF or the crop body?