The Rock Star Formally Known As Dawson
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get your camera and your longest lens out!
get in a shaded area away from all the street lights and take not of how bright and clear the moon is,,, and apparently to the right is Mars.

and I don't mean a man dangling chocolate from a fishing rod.

whether you photograph it of not I find at 200mm its enough to make out plenty of detail (y)(y):exit:
Its a bit crap but it is mars! 300% crop

get your camera and your longest lens out!
get in a shaded area away from all the street lights and take not of how bright and clear the moon is,,, and apparently to the right is Mars.

and I don't mean a man dangling chocolate from a fishing rod.

whether you photograph it of not I find at 200mm its enough to make out plenty of detail (y)(y):exit:

Hi, I wasn't going to bother untill I saw your post so outside I went with my only lens 18-200 on max zoom and took this, I was well pleased. Hand held as well :)

Can you see mars tonight? IF so, I might have to give this a try after midnight when I finish work!
Wow, that was cold out there tonight - the neighbours probably wondered what on Earth I was doing with a hair dryer in the middle of the garden (trying to get the condensation/ice off the lens)....anyway a couple of moons which are nearly there:

And from the above image a 100% crop

Taken at 1/800 sec
2350mm SCT at about f10

They could do with some better processing but I underestimated the brightness of the moon tonight so they were a bit overexposed.
First go at the moon for me tonight, but no Mars. Taken with my 50D and the cheap and cheerful Sigma 70-300, tripod, manual focus, mirror lockup, 2 sec timer.

With 85mm being my longest lens I got no hope. Heres my effort, its Mars believe it or not.

Here's my effort of the moon, eos 450d with the sigma 70-300mm apo attached.

First go at the moon for me tonight, but no Mars. Taken with my 50D and the cheap and cheerful Sigma 70-300, tripod, manual focus, mirror lockup, 2 sec timer.


I've tried all sorts of settings tonight, and just can't get that level of detail. Using a Tamron 70 - 300 it still comes out a little whitewashed :(
I've tried all sorts of settings tonight, and just can't get that level of detail. Using a Tamron 70 - 300 it still comes out a little whitewashed :(

Then its not your settings its your focus, try manual focus on live view.
okidoke, will do, not got live view though, I'm using a D60 :)

EDIT: No luck on Manual either :(
This is my lame attempt, camera held in my hand, pic taken from my bedroom.

Exposure:0.02 sec (1/50), Aperture:f/5.6, Focal Length:200 mm, ISO Speed:100
what were your settings?
I had it on manual, zoomed to 300m and took several attempts with various settings. This particular photo was taken with aperture f/13, speed 1/400s and ISO 200.
Maybe I should have tweaked the levels in photoshop a bit to increase the contrast but I quite like the natural look.
I've tried all sorts of settings tonight, and just can't get that level of detail. Using a Tamron 70 - 300 it still comes out a little whitewashed :(

f/8, 1/125sec at ISO200 for mine. Live view helps when trying to nail the focus, unlike the less than precise focusing ring on the Sigma 70-300 :(
i chickened out... i tried (to no avail) to take one thru the patio doors with a sigma 50-500mm. i've not got the images to hand (i'm at work) but i was getting about a 300-400 shutter speed at around f7. now i'm just going to have to stop being a big girl and get outside tonight instead of faffing with blurred edges through glass doors!! :baby: