In search of Excalibur2

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Has anyone heard from Brian? (Excalibur2)
Hes not been seen on the forum since June and that’s not like him.

If anyone has a contact number for him and could check that would be great.
Yes, it is a little worrying.
Well tagging @excalibur2 should send him an email, although his registered email on here looks like one specifically for this forum.
Well tagging @excalibur2 should send him an email, although his registered email on here looks like one specifically for this forum.
It’s just a little worrying Chris, as far as I know Brian has isn’t the type to go off in a huff and we miss him, his ability to go off on a tangent that only he can see and his inappropriate comments
I hope he’s ok.:oops: :$

Is there now a 24/7 bootie in operation in the south of England ? ….. that would be a reason for his absence :p as would having blinded himself whilst checking the brightness of his nuclear powered flashgun….. no one can see to type after experiencing that! :ROFLMAO:
I have heard from Brian, he is OK but has some very difficult personal circumstances and does not feel like posting at the moment. I'm sure all our thoughts are with him and his family.
Glad to hear he's ok. Thoughts are indeed with him and family.
I'm sure he knows that whenever he feels up to posting again we'll all welcome him with open film backs
Thanks Chris, I look forward to welcoming him and his off topic musings back.
His account is still active although he hasn't been seen on here for about a year
Hidehi guys I’m back to annoy and bore you all, I’ve being occupying my mind with everything even including ordering a new Honda cb500x, mind you the shortest delivery time is next March and said to the sales guy “it’s a last fling before I’m pushing up daisies”..well I’m 82. :(

Can’t fully get my excitement back for photography and forcing myself to take pictures and hope it will fully come back, and still have film to be developed taken over a year ago. But at the bootie yesterday saw a Pentax KX with 50mm f1.4 lens (for a fiver) with missing winder, shutter speeds worked ok and mirror return was intermittent, using the Pentax forum got it working perfectly except exposure meter, I had a spare winder that fitted (probably an Olympus?). Also AAMOI the way to get the back open is to poke a small rod with a hook, just catch and lift.

Well I’ll get my shots developed and post a few now and then piccies that might be interesting.
Welcome back Brian, great to have you back. Hope everything with you and yours is all good, we’ll have to try and arrange a meet up so we can catch up properly.
Best news of the year, welcome home Bri.
Wonderful to see you back.
So good to see you back Brian.:hug:
Hidehi guys I’m back to annoy and bore you all, I’ve being occupying my mind with everything even including ordering a new Honda cb500x, mind you the shortest delivery time is next March and said to the sales guy “it’s a last fling before I’m pushing up daisies”..well I’m 82. :(

Can’t fully get my excitement back for photography and forcing myself to take pictures and hope it will fully come back, and still have film to be developed taken over a year ago. But at the bootie yesterday saw a Pentax KX with 50mm f1.4 lens (for a fiver) with missing winder, shutter speeds worked ok and mirror return was intermittent, using the Pentax forum got it working perfectly except exposure meter, I had a spare winder that fitted (probably an Olympus?). Also AAMOI the way to get the back open is to poke a small rod with a hook, just catch and lift.

Well I’ll get my shots developed and post a few now and then piccies that might be interesting.
Great news, glad to see you here, Brian!
Thanks guys......My wife passed away last Sept, before then and after, lost interest in everything and I suppose have to wait till it all comes back (esp Photography), and gardening was first back and have plenty of tomatoes, leeks grapes etc which gave me an excuse to take shots :).
Now to look at the posts to see what I've missed esp "the where to get film developed as the prices for Filmdev have shot up....well I suppose there is nothing cheap anymore....erm well Tesco's Stockwell cola @ 17p for 2l :oops: :$ side tracking again :naughty:
Sorry to hear that Brian. Please accept my condolences.
Thanks guys......My wife passed away last Sept, before then and after, lost interest in everything and I suppose have to wait till it all comes back (esp Photography), and gardening was first back and have plenty of tomatoes, leeks grapes etc which gave me an excuse to take shots :).
Now to look at the posts to see what I've missed esp "the where to get film developed as the prices for Filmdev have shot up....well I suppose there is nothing cheap anymore....erm well Tesco's Stockwell cola @ 17p for 2l :oops: :$ side tracking again :naughty:
Yesssss …..side tracking!….., Go for it Bri, you know that I’ll back you up and actively encourage it :naughty::LOL::LOL::LOL:

It is soooooo good to have you return. (y):love:

So sorry to hear about your good lady , and realise that some experiences in life can drain our interest in certain things but hey, you’re back here with all the other aging crones that you know in f&c …. How cool is that!(y):)(y)

Now to choose or even start a thread that we can rapidly derail ….:exit::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Same as mine Brian. Excellent choice. Not too big and heavy but still enough get up n go to be interesting.

Great to hear from you again.
Tried the older Honda with smaller front wheel and couldn't cock my legover to get on it without using my hand to help :eek:, well ordered one with a stand so no problem, but at least I can touch the ground (sitting on it) with my toes with basket ball shoes...gotta get some thick ankle motorbike boots or maybe hiking boots.
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Get yourself back here Bri, I’ve only just recently returned but struggle to keep threads off topic without my sidekick ;):p:ROFLMAO:
Huh you are back in the UK? what permanently or just a holiday?
Huh you are back in the UK? what permanently or just a holiday?
No no , I’m still out here , surrounded by frogs , cheese and strings of onions lol:LOL:

My mention of return was a return to TP after an absence of several months.

If I ever get back to Blighty I’ll make a special effort to see you ;)
:help:know what you mean as I have my Wife's Puegeot 107 Envy car, at least it has a Japanese engine :cool:
Yeah French cars can be like some French people……flipping useless! :exit::LOL::LOL:

Édit : tbh I think I could do to rephrase that to French drivers!

Only today I watched a guy trying to reverse park into a space almost twice the length of his car….. it took him four attempts!!:oops: :$

My assessment of driving abilities out here:

Straight line, no obstacles then the goings good.:rolleyes:

Curvature in the road sets in a mild panic and disorientation , sometimes so extreme as to travers the bend on the wrong side of the road!o_O

Reverse ….. if you’re a pedestrian move out of the way if vehicle heading in your direction!’:help:

Reverse parking: sit with popcorn and watch the spectacle

@RaglanSurf , sorry Nick for taking the theead off topic but seeing as Brian @excalibur2 is back…….. :exit:
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At my last place of employment, we used the phrase "French cars" as a euphemism for CV, courtesy of Citroen.