Instagram Help

Edit My Images
I'm not on any social media platforms. Apart from Flickr which I seldom use these days. I just got out of the habit of posting.

That said last night I was wanting to view some images on Instagram. I could only view a few and was then told to join to see more.

So I joined and went to bed.

I logged on earlier for the first time. It says that 2 people were following me ! One I know well he's a mate and we WhatsApp on a regular basis.

The other I do know but not that well I plasterered there home a good few years back.

My question is: Are these picked up automatically off my phone e.g.: WhatsApp?

My other question is. I have set my stream to private so I assume anything I post or comment on will only be seen by those whom I allow to follow?

Does this mean that the two that are already following me can also see my content. If so how do I stop this from happening.

Sorry for the waffle. I hope you get the drift of what I mean.

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Thanks for your reply.

I get what you are saying. Apart from they are not requests the app says they are followers ? I have not had to accept anything?

Well it is now but I didn't get the option when I signed up.

Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.
