
Edit My Images
Evening fellow photographers, I have started an Instagram account @PhotographyWales and just wondering is there an efficient way of watermarking my images for a bit of copyright protection? Being a mobile app only I have to transfer the images from my camera to to Samsung Galaxy Note 3 to then upload them.

Any tips welcome :)
Go on... what else would you suggest? I'm posting mainly for my own enjoyment and to see how people rate my work, but also to hopefully create a reputation for myself within Wales.
Perhaps easier to use Google Drive on Android but ^^ what Phil said ^^
I don't process images so that's not an issue, everything I shoot is all within camera. I've never watermarked before so was unsure how.
Honestly I don't have a clue what your shooting but I don't see the point watermarking for Instagram. Surely the files are compressed to hell once their uploaded anyway?

I follow 200 of the best photographers (amateur and professional) on Instagram and I don't think I've ever seen anyone watermark their images. I'd probably go as far to say that if they did I'd probably unfollow them :D