Interest in a possible CJNicolai workshop in Spain next spring ?

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Following on from the success that was CJ's workshop in Brighton, I am wondering if many of you would be interested in coming out to southern Spain next spring (not over easter, as flights are expensive) for a 3 day workshop..?
If there are enough of you prepared to commit early, we might be able to tempt CJ out of retirement again (not that she is old, you understand..) and flights booked early enough are very cheap - same with hotels.
So, let me know - at this stage, I am keen to find out what sort of numbers, and any thoughts or ideas you might have.
I would guess at some place close to the beach, so there are a choice of bars and places to eat and drink, so that CJ can escape from our incessant questions for a meal, and we can all mutter darkly about her whilst huddled in a distant bar..
Close to me is a place called Mojacar, which has several hotels of different sizes and prices, so some of you might like to do some googling.
I gather that CJ prefers to keep the numbers down to around 10-15, so don't miss out on this one....
That's not far from my Mum's place in Somontin, near Olula del Rio, so I might combine the workshop with a visit to the mad parent.
Pencil me in as Winter in Germany this year promises to be rotten and I'll need some sun...
Arkady - can't promise that - we have had a lousy summer, autumn, and winter is not looking good either I am told...
Still, with CJ around, the sun always seems to smile (can you tell I am going for a discount here..)
me me me me
SWMBO has a place just up the coast, might even be close enough to commute
be good to meet up with the Brighton 10 again
(discount for repeat business?!?!?!)
mmcp42 - tell me again where your place in Spain is - all I remember is someplace near Cartagena...
La Manga! it's on the La Manga Club golf complex
nearest airport is Murcia
Oh well, a short drive then - my brother in law lives in Alcazarez, so we have made the trip to and fro a few times - about 1 and a half hours I think..
gotta be done then

so get yer back into sorting it out then! :)
depending upon when it is, I may be up for this. If you can give plenty of notice it'll mena people can get cheap(ish) flights.
The whole idea of posting this now is to get some idea of numbers and any ideas anyone has so that we can book up flights and hotels way in advance - I intend to keep on bumping this up so that it gets seen, and you lot have time to talk it over and confirm a 'Possible Interest' - I am sure CJ will be booked up if we leave it too long!
why don't you just pick a date that suits you
far enough in the future so people have no excuse
and let CJ know

you can spend for ever trying to get a committee decision!
I might just do that - I'll contact CJ and find out when she can do it, and take it from there..

The Committee
Time this was bought back up to the top...
I have PM'ed CJ, byt am still keen to hear what any of you feel might be worth thinking about...
We will need 10-15 people to make it work, and to get CJ to commit to coming over has to be worth her while, so please let me know if you MIGHT be interested...
i might be interested... what would the itenery be??? (a week with 3 days shooting or just a long weekend)
You know this sounds verrrry interesting. Put me down as 'interested' depending on several things. Just a few ....

Have you any idea on approx total cost ?
What do you mean by Spring? Feb, March, April ?
Are you thinking long weekend or a full week ?
OK, at this stage, I have no idea, just trying to see if there might be enough people who think it sounds a possible...
Having attended CJ's last workshop, I would like it to be a 3 days event, but maybe spread out over say 5-6 days, to allow some time for it all to sink in, and also to make it into a short holiday - after all, most of you will be flying in to Spain, so it would be a shame not to enjoy some time here. As for time, I guess March/April, but NOT close to easter, as flights and hotels are not cheap then.
Hello, all -- finally back home and getting caught up. Of course I arrived home from my Arkansas shoot to find three sick kids awaiting me. Oh, the joy!

I would say March or early April would be the right time for this workshop. I'm quite open to the 5 - 6 day event with three teaching days, provided people are up for being away that long. Traditionally I've taught three days straight to allow people to minimize the amount of time they're away from home. It's all the same to me, though, as I always stretch the UK/Europe trip to two weeks, anyway. ;) If attendees are willing and able to spend the extra few days, I'll design the workshop to take advantage of that schedule.

The cost, of course, will depend on the costs to produce the workshop, most importantly the venue cost. The lower that cost, the more affordable the tuition will be.

- CJ
If I can talk my contracts manager into giving me another week off after the 6 weeks off at xmas and the week off in February for my 50th then yes I am very interested. I love Mojacar, it's a fantastic place to photograph :)
Steve, for the sake of organization, I'm going to build a pre-registration page on my workshop site so people can basically register interest and be assured of receiving info as it becomes available. I'll let you know when it's up -- should be shortly.
Glo, I typically to one workshop in the UK / Europe each spring, so yes, I would anticipate that a Spain workshop would pre-empt a Brighton workshop.

- CJ
Count Beverley and I in please Steve. I'm pretty sure we'll be up for this. My whip burns from CJ should have healed sufficiently by then ;)
Grendel, LOL!

Glo, you never know -- maybe with sufficient advance planning it could work out more inexpensively than you think. I'm always happy to help pair up people who want to share accomodations, too.

I should add that typically when I do a UK / Europe workshop, I put a posting about it in Black & White Magazine (UK). I didn't do so with the most recent Brighton workshop because 1) it was specifically for TP, 2) it was already fairly full as it was, and 3) the workshop wasn't planned as much in advance as usual. I will plan to advertize the Spain workshop (assuming it isn't already filled with TP members) which will help with numbers. I've met some really amazing people via B&W -- in fact the first UK workshop I did was entirely filled with people who found me via the magazine. That workshop brought in people from Hong Kong, Spain, Poland, the Phillipines, the US, and all over the UK. It was fabulous. Diversity is wonderful.

- CJ
OK, I've put up a page on my site to register interest for a Spain workshop. Please note that it is a no-obligation show of interest only. I won't be fishing for your credit card. ;)

If you are at all interested in attending, please don't be shy about submitting the form. It will simply help me to keep track of those who would like additional information and to judge whether the event will be feasible.

The link is
You didn't say we'd be doing glamour/nude shots. :LOL:

This from a hotel finder web page.

.......If your looking for holiday rental accommodation in Almeria with a naturist beach nearby, then look no further, as you can easily find the perfect situation to suit your requirements when you rent a holiday apartment in Garrucha.

Seriously, I'm now trying to work out how much this is going to cost me. 'Shoe string' is the term I'm looking at.
Richmond, yeah, this is a no-clothes-allowed workshop.


Just kidding, of course. Steve, put your pants back on.

- CJ