Inversion over Derwent Water (Revised crop added)

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Despite feeling really grotty with the end of the flu, I decided to risk a trip over to the Lakes on a favourable forecast.
The fresh air did me the world of good, and I'm sure that the hefty inversion perked me up a bit. It was very localised, and there was nothing in Newlands, or Ullswater as we drove over.
It was really good to feel the first signs of Autumn kicking in, with the cool air and the colour starting to take on a hint of Autumn

Catbells Inversion by Matty, on Flickr

Catbells Inversion by Matty, on Flickr

Thanks for looking
Both absolutely delightful and number 2 is positively magical. 5 stars (y)
Two lovely photos. My first preference was for #1 with that beautiful warm light but the more I have looked at #2 the more I have liked it. Such interesting light and shade in it. Both very well captured.
Both absolutely delightful and number 2 is positively magical. 5 stars (y)

Thank you Doug, it's certainly not my favourite location to shoot in the Lake District, but it was the one that seemed to work with the conditions yesterday morning. Still, I'm quite happy with the result.

Two lovely photos. My first preference was for #1 with that beautiful warm light but the more I have looked at #2 the more I have liked it. Such interesting light and shade in it. Both very well captured.

Thank you Steve, they're both a little different to each other, but both give me a good memory of how the conditions were. I'm hoping to produce more work in the vein of #2 over the coming months , so it's something I intend to try and refine.

Wow! Both are amazing. I like the light in the first one.

Thanks Robert, it was a thin window of light to get it to sit the way I wanted, but I'm happy to have got a half decent result. Much appreciated!

I think both photos are great but i love number 2. The streams of light through the trees and the inversion works really well!

Cheers Mike, I'm glad I got the kit out of that bag at that moment, because mere seconds later, the fog had dissipated, and my subsequent shots had nowhere near the impact. Much appreciated
Both rather beautiful Matty, but the second is magical.
"Cracking" two images Matty, liking both of these equally.(y)

What they say is quite often there is a great image within a good image. I think a tighter version of two would hit the spot. The embankment on the LHS is distracting me a little. Why not crop in a 2:1 aspect ratio from the top of the embankment giving a little room to the two tall trees atop. I think that would make a good image probably your finest image of the year.
Both rather beautiful Matty, but the second is magical.

Thanks very much Ruth, its a type of photography I intend to work on over the coming months, as I think there should be some great opportunities for this over the winter in Lapland!

"Cracking" two images Matty, liking both of these equally.(y)


Thank you George, glad they hit the mark for you. Appreciated!

What they say is quite often there is a great image within a good image. I think a tighter version of two would hit the spot. The embankment on the LHS is distracting me a little. Why not crop in a 2:1 aspect ratio from the top of the embankment giving a little room to the two tall trees atop. I think that would make a good image probably your finest image of the year.

You mean I've climbed all these damn mountains for nothing all year!!
I deliberately left in the hillside to anchor the image and give it some context, I didn't think about pushing it slightly more abstract with a crop like that.
I'm gonna give it a try this evening dude, and see how it sits for me. Really appreciate the insight though, I'll give it a try.....but please dont deride my mountain climbing and night time drive efforts EVER AGAIN :LOL:
You mean I've climbed all these damn mountains for nothing all year!!
I deliberately left in the hillside to anchor the image and give it some context, I didn't think about pushing it slightly more abstract with a crop like that.
I'm gonna give it a try this evening dude, and see how it sits for me. Really appreciate the insight though, I'll give it a try.....but please dont deride my mountain climbing and night time drive efforts EVER AGAIN :LOL:

Night time driving is ace dude, you get places so much better and as togs I suspect we appreciate the images where the hardest effort went into. I know I do but quite often the gem is staring you right in the face. I am doing the crop just scrolling the mouse and well, its on it.
Night time driving is ace dude, you get places so much better and as togs I suspect we appreciate the images where the hardest effort went into. I know I do but quite often the gem is staring you right in the face. I am doing the crop just scrolling the mouse and well, its on it.

Leave it with me, I'll post a crop tomorrow to see how I can work my way around it on the back of that. Appreciated
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Lovely stuff Matty that would clear any cold/flu I had my proper dawn raid over the weekend and totally agree about the changing conditions, good times!
Two wonderful images, probably once in a lifetime shots for most of us. Shows what can be achieved by getting out there.
Wowsers Matty. 2 absolute A class shots. Especially love no1 and the shear depth and vastness it creates. I think your addition works a treat too as quite often a "self portrait" detracts a little from an otherwise good shot, but you got this spot on (y)

I was up around Ambleside and Windermere yesterday in the hope of some if this but not a hint of mist, the wind just didn't subside enough which also scuppered any reflection plans!!!
Excellent shots. (y)

Inversions are one of my favourites and that's a really good one.
Two absolute beauties, I wish they were on my memory card. Well done for getting out there and fighting off cob webs of flu. I'll be interested to see the crop which Steve suggested but would be happy with what you've got either way.
Lovely stuff Matty that would clear any cold/flu I had my proper dawn raid over the weekend and totally agree about the changing conditions, good times!

Thanks Kevin, its nice to see autumn on the way, I don't find summer the most productive season for my shots. A dash of mountain air helped tonnes though. Hope you're well mate

Two wonderful images, probably once in a lifetime shots for most of us. Shows what can be achieved by getting out there.

Haha, cheers Jack. It's all about being out there. I've caught maybe 5 inversions this year, and thats working around a 9-5, I'd have a lot more in the bag if I didn't have the office hustle. Its always inspiring to see the cloud sit below you though, and I'll keep on chasing them, as they're so good to see

Wowsers Matty. 2 absolute A class shots. Especially love no1 and the shear depth and vastness it creates. I think your addition works a treat too as quite often a "self portrait" detracts a little from an otherwise good shot, but you got this spot on (y)

I was up around Ambleside and Windermere yesterday in the hope of some if this but not a hint of mist, the wind just didn't subside enough which also scuppered any reflection plans!!!

Cheers Rich, it was super localised on Sunday, normally I play spot the mist as I drive over the 66 in the dark, but there was nothing about at all. I had a mate going up Helvellyn, which I was tempted by, if the inversion level was gonna be higher, but Ullswater barely got a thing.
It looks like the wind speeds are gonna stick a little higher for the next few days too, which is a pain, as I'd like to do some low level reflection work too, but it will have to wait a while. I'll take a look for your shots when I'm at work tomorrow.

Two stunning images. The second is my favourite...great effect

Thanks Rory, it was a class morning to be out, and I hope I can improve the second image with the recommended crop, as I quite like it myself.

2nd one is sooooooo good mate, not that I don't like the first, the 2nd is just sublime!

Thanks dude, its something I intend to work on, as there seems to be a lot of opportunity for this up in the forest of Lapland, so I need to get my eye in. Thanks as always buddy

Two absolute beauties, I wish they were on my memory card. Well done for getting out there and fighting off cob webs of flu. I'll be interested to see the crop which Steve suggested but would be happy with what you've got either way.

I can happily sell you a memory card haha! Thanks Andy, I didn't much feel like getting out of bed, but I know that it's almost always worth it. I'll try and get the crop done now. And thank you very much
Omg there fab.
The first as my vote. I think the red jacket/fleece with the bright highlight just takes the image up another notch.

Omg there fab.
The first as my vote. I think the red jacket/fleece with the bright highlight just takes the image up another notch.


Cheers Gaz, pleased it works for you, I do like to induce a little scale to the larger views by the inclusion of a person. Glad it works for you mate!
Had a quick tinker in LR last night with the trees shot as per @ST4 recommended. I kinda miss the streaky light at the bottom of frame, but I think the crop positively affects the impact of the shot.

Catbells Inversion by Matty, on Flickr

Also found this other one from Sunday morning, which I was quite partial to!

Catbells Inversion by Matty, on Flickr

These are crackers Matty! But that bloke has wandered into your shot again must be really annoying:LOL:
Terrific light in one, and love the inversion boiling at your feet
The Tree shots are just outstanding i cant make my mind up which i like best but i think the un-cropped is my pick, but its a close run thing. However the group of trees isolated by the inversion in the last is very nice(y)
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Ooooh that second one is really nice, also think I prefer the crop without the bank, but both are nice either way.

Cheers Neil, I quite like the other image that I posted too, but it didn't jump out at me on first look. Thanks dude

The latter two images are really really nice :)

Thanks very much indeed Gareth, it was a more productive morning than I expected it seems!

That crop is so much better its unreal. Send it to the printers now :D

What! Do you think I am made of money?! Thanks for the crit ref the crop Steve, hopefully it's helped to refine the shot into something a little stronger. Though I am kinda drawn to the bottom image now - appreciated mate!

These are crackers Matty! But that bloke has wandered into your shot again must be really annoying:LOL:
Terrific light in one, and love the inversion boiling at your feet
The Tree shots are just outstanding i cant make my mind up which i like best but i think the un-cropped is my pick, but its a close run thing. However the group of trees isolated by the inversion in the last is very nice(y)

Thanks Steve, yeah, I think I get followed on these mountains, and all my shots photobombed! Thanks for the crit, I think the last one works really well, the texture of the clouds gives it a little something,
As always, it was a great trip to the Lakes, and I'm hoping to catch a couple more of these inversions before I move in a couple weeks time!

What great images, I love the light and the mood in these, makes me want to grab my boots and get out there. (y)(y)

Thats just what I hope my shots encourage people to do! Thanks very much Matt, I'm glad you enjoyed them and get yourself out there and up a hill!

Superb work.

Much appreciated Dex, thanks buddy!
Matty, #1 is a bit special. Wonderful, warm light and you look very contemplative stood there. Never seen an inversion, but I've tried.

Thanks for posting (y)

Very nice stuff Matty
I should gone there this morning instead of Latrigg the clouds and light were in the wrong place for me.
Really like the 1st one
Personally I prefer the first one. It could easily appear in a walking magazine.

Haha, thanks Wayne, if only I could convince the walking magazines to feel the same. Much appreciated!

Smashing stuff Matty, crop is the one for me aswell, superb.

Thanks Stuart, it isn't often that I'd go for the Catcalls option, but it all seemed to fit into place that morning. Sorry you weren't able to get out for it!

Matty, #1 is a bit special. Wonderful, warm light and you look very contemplative stood there. Never seen an inversion, but I've tried.

Thanks for posting (y)


Much appreciated Andy, it's always a pleasure to witness an inversion, something I'll never tire of. It's the right time of year for them right now, so you are entering the zone to get one captured if you get chance. Glad you enjoyed the shots mate!

Very nice stuff Matty
I should gone there this morning instead of Latrigg the clouds and light were in the wrong place for me.

Cheers Alf, they're hard buggers to predict for shooting, so much depends on the level of the inversion. I shot one from Latrigg last year, where there was some high cloud about too, and it worked out amazingly, but shooting from Latrigg earlier in the year, the cloud level was too high to make anything interesting from there, so I had to boost up Skiddaw to get above it enough to compose.
I find Latrigg works well with a lower cloud level, and when the inversion spreads all the way over towards Penrith, I try and make the call whilst travelling across the A66, but its never easy to predict.

Really like the 1st one

Thanks very much Matt, I've got a thing for shots like this, though they're not everyones cup of tea, this one worked out OK though I think
Superb, a perfect example of someone with the time and dedication/effort to put in gets the best results. I love the first image and the light/shadows through the trees are a real bonus too.
The first 2 shots are belters. Love them both .

Thank you very much Gary, it was a great morning to be out, and it's always great to sit watching the views above the cloud.

Superb, a perfect example of someone with the time and dedication/effort to put in gets the best results. I love the first image and the light/shadows through the trees are a real bonus too.

Much appreciated buddy. It's amazing how much time goes into putting these shots into place, really I just wanted something like the first shot, which takes a good 7 hour slice out of the day, and thats before processing. I'd do it over and over again, but man, I would kill for some 36 hour days sometimes.
The tree shots were a real bonus, and I was glad to be able to capture a couple of other shots that I liked from the morning!